The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 This is a sequel to Life Father, Like... ![]() by Dakota "Mom, how did you know you were in love?" B'Elanna looked up as Miral entered her office where she was cleaning up some paperwork before meeting the captain for dinner. "I'm not sure. What I do remember is thinking for over a year that I was just another girlfriend to him. Sometime during that year I put the label 'love' on what I felt." "When did you know Dad loved you?" B'Elanna laughed. "Not for a long time after we began dating." She sighed. "We had been working a lot of long hours and we were both stressed pretty badly. I was really starting to feel hurt because I was unsure of your dad's feelings. We had a few problems with the Delta Flyer and it turned into a personal fight. "Your dad isn't one to express his strongest feelings very often, but he knew somehow that this fight was serious. He literally shut down every system on the Flyer and turned to talk to me." B'Elanna smiled. "He can be very romantic when he tries. We were married a few weeks later." B'Elanna studied her daughter for a moment. Her youngest child was nearly twenty years old and well into her first year of Academy level coursework with most of Voyager's young adults. Her older brothers were more like their father, enjoying life when they could but working when it was necessary. Miral took her studies and responsibilities seriously and she had remarkable self-discipline but when it was time to have fun, she was definitely her father's daughter. No one on the ship had a better sense of timing and keeping just behind the line that marked the limit of tolerable pranks. For the last seven months, Miral had been dating Kyle. B'Elanna admired their ability to fit personal time into their busy course schedule and duties around the ship. "Are you asking about me or you?" B'Elanna suspected idle curiosity was not the motive for Miral's questions. "Me." Miral admitted. "I know how I feel about him but I can't tell how he feels about me." "What's so special about Kyle?" "Special?" Miral seemed confused. "I don't understand." "Why do you like Kyle and not Cody and Chad?" "His brothers?" Miral's voice went up an octave. "Everyone knows Cody only hangs around a girl if he wants something – like help passing an exam or… well something." Miral flushed. "Kyle studies hard. Sure he asks for help but he'll spend more time helping me if I ask. Chad thinks the universe revolves around sports, especially Parrises Squares, and he brags about it. Kyle manages to beat me once in a while but he doesn't even tell anyone else." "So why do you think Kyle spends so much time with you?" "He says he just likes being with me, but that's no answer. Sometimes I feel like a piece of the furniture or just someone to talk to after we finish a duty shift. I want to know if that's all I am." "Kyle is nothing like your father so I don't think using us as a guide is going to help you much, honey." "Who else can I ask?" Miral raised her voice again. "You might try his mother. I've always thought he was a lot like his father. Maybe she could give you some insight on what's bothering you." "Uh, uh. No." Miral shook her head. "I couldn't ask the captain something like that." "You wouldn't be asking the captain. You'd be asking Kyle's mother." "Don't remind me who his mother is. I try not to think about the fact that I'm dating the captain's son." "You didn't think about her like that when you were younger." "I didn’t realize how important she is." "You know, I think she'd be very hurt if she heard you say that. You called her 'Aunt Kathryn' for a lot of years and I don't think she's stopped caring about the little girl who used to climb on her lap asking questions about nebulas and pulsars." B'Elanna tried to be gentle while making her point. "She is important to everyone on this ship, but you're just as important to her." "I didn't mean it like that, Mom. I'm a cadet now. I can't just take my personal problems to the captain." "Why not?" A voice interrupted the two. "Captain!" Miral didn't know what else to say. "You were late, B'Elanna, so I came looking for you." The captain turned to Miral. "What sort of problems am I too important to be consulted about?" "It's not a problem… exactly, ma'am," Miral responded. "I'm just trying to sort out a few things and asked Mom a few questions." "I told her to ask you because you'd have more insight into the issue than I do." The captain looked at Miral who flushed. "Well?" "I asked Mom how she knew she was in love and how she knew Dad loved her. That's all." "And you think I'm too important to be concerned with the personal lives of my crew?" "Oh, no, Captain. I didn't mean it like that." Miral rushed to correct the captain. "It's more like you have enough other things to deal with that are more important than me figuring out how Kyle feels about me." "Oh," the captain's tone spoke volumes that her word did not say. "You're trying to put labels on your feelings for Kyle and his for you, and your mom thinks I'd have more insight to Kyle." "Yes, ma'am." Miral admitted. "She thinks Kyle is a lot like the commander so since you know the commander sp well, you might be able to help me understand Kyle better." "That might be true… if I had known Chakotay when he was twenty years old. But I didn't. I only know the man he had become years later. The years in Starfleet and the Maquis changed him and are part of who he is today. Your parents were older when they met, too." The captain paused thinking. "Instead of asking us what we remember, you might find it more useful to read the logs from our first years in the Delta Quadrant. Everyone on the ship had to adapt to our circumstances and it wasn't always a smooth or easy transition. Those are the years when we all really got to know each other and they are the same years that brought us all together as families. Very few of us had easy paths. "I'll make the ship's log available to all of you taking Academy level courses. I'm sure your mother has told you something about the years before she and your father married. I'll go through my personal logs and see if I can find anything that might help you. I'll ask a few others if they'll do the same." "I'll go through my logs, too, honey. I'm sure your dad will do the same," B'Elanna volunteered. "Thanks, Captain. You too, Mom." Miral had relaxed when she realized they were both taking her questions seriously and were not angry at her for asking. "Come in, Miral." The captain leaned back in her chair. "Sit down. Now, what can I do for you?" "I wanted to let you know that I finished reading the ship's logs and the excerpts from your personal logs." Miral answered as she sat down opposite the captain. "Did any of it help you?" "It did. Not in coming up with any answers but just knowing how much you and the others struggled with the same questions makes me feel better. You all make it look so easy now but it wasn't, was it?" The captain shook her head. "No, it wasn't. I probably struggled with those questions more than anyone, but for a very different reason. It took me a long time to decide that I could allow myself to have a personal life." She smiled reflectively. "It seems silly now that I struggled with that and actually considered denying myself a husband and family." "I'm glad you didn't, Captain." Miral offered shyly. "So am I." The captain looked back at Miral. "Any more questions?" "Just one. You knew you loved the commander, but how did you know?" "It's not knowledge from logic or your head; it's knowledge from your heart. I can't explain it other than to say I just knew." "So I need to listen to my heart." "And to Kyle's." The captain reminded Miral that there were two people involved. "Do you remember what I said about the circumstances being different and us being older? You have time, lots of time, to make the right decision. Don't rush things." Miral flushed and warning bells went off for the captain. "Is Kyle putting pressure on you to move forward faster than you're comfortable?" "No, ma'am. I'd know how to handle that." Her flush deepened. "No, I'm pushing him and he keeps saying he doesn't want us to move too fast." The captain laughed. "He's right." "But it's because he thinks I need more time." Miral's voice conveyed her frustration to the captain. "He won't even kiss me properly and still holds me at arm's length when we dance. It's almost like dating my dad." "You seem certain of your feelings. Are you trying to figure out his feelings?" "I suppose so." "Well, I can't promise it will turn out the way you want, but take him up on taking it slower with each other. Tell him you want to spend time with other young men, like Chad or Cody, and that he should get to know some of the other young women better. See what he says." "I don't think so. He'd never believe that I wanted to go out with one of his brothers." "No one else would, but he will. I sincerely doubt he wants either of them alone with you on a date." "You really think so?" "That's what I think. If I'm wrong and he agrees to your suggestion, then you'll know he isn't ready to move your relationship forward. If he refuses, then ask him to explain his refusal. It sounds to me like you'd both benefit from that conversation." "I'll think about it." The captain thought Miral had finished but something in her expression told her otherwise. "What?" "Could I ask you something that really is none of my business?" "As long as you'll accept it if I refuse to answer." Miral nodded. "Why aren't you pushing Kyle to consider command track?" "You think he belongs in command track?" "Yes." "Why?" "For one, I can't imagine him being happy working in one of the science labs for years and years. I can't imagine him anywhere but on the bridge." "What about Chad and Cody?" "Don't take this the wrong way, Captain, but they're too much like you, but not enough like you, for me to be comfortable with them in command." "What about Kyle makes you feel he'd be any better?" "He reminds me of Commander Chakotay. I've always felt safe when I heard the commander's voice. I think Kyle could be like that when he's older." "I think you should be telling Kyle all this. Your opinion will give him something to think about." "I'll do that, Captain." Miral started to leave but the captain motioned her to stay seated. "Miral, I want you to think about what I'm about to ask you. I don't expect you to answer me now or later. I just want you to think about it." "Ok." "You said the commander's voice always made you feel safe and Kyle could be like him. Are you certain you're not confusing your childhood feelings for Commander Chakotay with your feelings for Kyle today?" The captain watched the expressions chase across the younger woman's face as she considered the question. "Captain, I know you said you don't expect an answer but I don't think I'm confusing them. But I might be wrong. I promise, I'll think about it – a lot." The captain stared at the door for a long time after the young woman left considering the conversation. "Why did you want to come down here?" Kyle pushed aside some ivy that was brushing his head. "I just didn't want us interrupted." Miral's answer wasn't all that informative. Kyle looked at her questioningly. "Don't overload your circuits. I just want to talk to you about a few things and I didn't want to waste our holodeck time." "What do you want to talk about that's so important?" "For starters, why aren't you taking command track courses?" "Me? In command track?" Kyle's face conveyed more surprise than his voice. "Yes. Why aren't you?" Miral prodded. "You must be kidding." Kyle was still not ready to consider the possibility. "No, I'm serious. I think you should consider it." "I don't have any of the character traits that make a good captain. Besides, I'm nothing like my mother. I'd never be any good at command." "You might not be like your mother, but you are like your father and he's the first officer. He commanded his own ship and he could command this one if he had to." Miral was almost angry as she finished. "Hey, calm down." Miral took a deep breath and counted to five. "I'm sorry." She turned to look at him. "I care about you – a lot and I think you belong in command track. I also don't think you'd be happy in a science lab and everyone on the ship knows you hate engineering." She laughed softly. "You and a hyperspanner go together like matter and antimatter." "Hey! I'm not that bad." "No, you're good at engineering. You just dislike it with the intensity of a nova." "Maybe. But that doesn't mean I'd be any good on the command track." "I think you would be a good commanding officer. Haven't you ever thought about it?" "For a while." Kyle admitted. "But I just don't think I'd be a good leader." "I think you would." Miral insisted. "Besides, isn't that one of the things taking the classes is supposed to do?" "What do you mean?" "The classes let you find out whether you'd be any good at it, and let your instructors and other officers know whether to redirect your energies to some other specialty." "I don’t know." "Take a few courses. What can it hurt? It's not like it will have any impact on your initial assignments when you finish the Academy. We're all going to be rotating through the departments for years." "You won't. You'll do the minimum they'll allow before you end up in engineering." "Maybe." "Come on, Miral. Admit it." Kyle wasn’t going to back down on this point. "You're a natural. You already know as much about the ship as your mom." "Not even close." "Well, enough to be assigned a station and trusted to work on your own." "Maybe." Miral conceded but immediately changed the subject back. "So, you'll sign up to take command track courses?" "I'll sign up but I'm not going to argue with my folks if they tell me to forget it." "Promise?" "I promise." "Great!" Miral reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him. Kyle relaxed, glad that the conversation was over. When his arm pulled her closer, Miral tried to deepen the kiss. Kyle immediately straightened and leaned away. Miral slumped in frustration and disappointment but said nothing. Kyle took that as acceptance. "I think Dad was running Sandrine's tonight. Maybe we can get in a couple games of pool if we hurry." "No, there's something else we need to talk about." "What?" "What just happened." Miral looked up sadly. "You pulled away from me again." "You know I want to take things slowly." "I know." Miral turned away from him and walked over to finger the leaves on a plant. She could feel his eyes on her but he didn't follow. "I've given that a lot of thought lately. I guess I'm ready to believe you mean it, that you're right. We should slow down, take our time." Kyle's relief was short-lived as Miral continued. "You need to date some of the other girls." "If that's what you want." Kyle was confused. "And I'll date some of the other boys." That got his attention. "Who?" "I don't know. Chad or Cody maybe. There aren't that many of us, you know." "Chad and Cody?" "Sure. Why not?" Miral tried to sound like she was looking forward to the prospect. "They're my brothers!" "So?" Miral challenged him. "It's not like we're exclusive or anything is it? "Chad? You want to date Chad? Or Cody? Are you kidding?" Kyle was clearly upset. "You don't want to get serious with me. Am I supposed to wait around and hope you change your mind someday?" "I just don't want us to rush into anything we both might regret." "Kyle, we're not rushing. We're not even moving. The only thing that's changed since we took that first walk on the beach is that you kiss me good night. Most of the time, I feel more like your sister than your girlfriend." "Well, if that's not enough maybe we should see other people." Kyle retorted. He stood up and started to walk away. Miral grabbed his hand to stop him. "Kyle, I don't want us to walk away angry. I care about you." "Oh, yeah, you care but you want to date both my brothers. Which one will you date first?" "I won't fight with you over this." "Then what?" "I care about you, Kyle, but I’m not sure that you feel the same way I do. Time apart might help." "Yeah, right. That sounds like a good idea. If I were Cody it would be a great idea." "Ok. For the next month, we're not dating each other." "Nobody. Neither of us is dating anybody. You’re not going out with my brothers.” “And you won’t go out with Marissa, even if she asks you to.” Miral wasn’t going to let Kyle set limits only on her. "Or Laurie." "Fine. I'm going to Sandrine's for a while." As he was walking away, Miral called after him. "Don't forget. One month." Kyle stopped walking and turned to look at her before nodding and leaving. After he was gone, Miral allowed a few tears to run down her cheeks as she whispered. "I hope your mom was right because I know now that I really love you." "You sure you don't want to come?" "I'm sure. I have some studying to do." Kyle answered his mother from the couch where he was sprawled staring at the ceiling. Kathryn exchanged looks with Chakotay. "All right. We'll make your apologies to Tom and B'Elanna." "Thanks, Mom." The words bounced off the closing door. "How long has this been going on?" Kathryn asked Chakotay. "Two weeks?" "Three." Chakotay responded. "You missed the first one, remember?" "What should we do about it?" "Well, it's not affecting their studies so I'd say we do nothing." "They're both miserable." The wisdom of the first officer did not suit the concerned mother. "From the little Kyle that has said, they seem to have agreed to stop seeing each other." Chakotay stopped walking and turned Kathryn to face him. "They have to work this out on their own. Until they tell us what's going on, the best thing we can do is to leave them alone." "Easier said than done. I'm the one who told her to try this." Kathryn grumbled. "No one ever said being a parent was easy." They were admitted almost immediately to the quiet Paris quarters. "Come in." Tom met them at the door. "I see your family isn't as big as it was a few years ago either." Kathryn looked around the room, noticing consciously for the first time the lack of toys shoved into odd corners, and the engineering manuals piled next to a chessboard with a game in progress that now adorned the Paris living room. "No, they're all off doing something." "Hi, Captain, Commander." Miral spoke as she came out of her room. "I'm studying with Julie tonight. She's having trouble with warp core theory." "I wish you'd at least stay for dinner, honey." B'Elanna commented. "I promised Julie, Mom. You know she needs the help." "I know. Make sure you eat something more than snacks while you're studying." "I will." "And no dreaming up any pranks." Tom added his own instructions. "Would I do that?" Miral grinned at her father. "Yes!" The four adults laughed at their common response. "I love all of you, too. See you later." Miral turned to the captain and first officer. "Bye. I'm sorry I can't stay." "Study hard." Tom kissed his daughter good-bye. "We will." With that comment, Miral was out the door. "Go sit down while I get us all something to drink." Tom was an informal host. "Wine all right with both of you?" "Sounds fine." Chakotay answered for himself and Kathryn as they made their way to the living area. B'Elanna joined them with a plate of cheese and fresh fruit. "We can eat whenever you want but I thought it would be nice to just sit and chat for a while. It's been a long time since we didn't have at least one of the kids hanging around." "How long has it been?" Kathryn asked. "The night before Robbie was born. You asked us over to keep me from killing Tom." "It didn't hurt my life expectancy either." Chakotay commented. "Kathryn was about six months pregnant with the twins and not handling it at all well." "Speaking of babies, what's going on with our youngest?" Tom asked. "Kyle hasn't said much." Chakotay offered. "What about Miral?" "Nothing. She was really moody for a few days then settled into her studying. She seems determined to finish this session's work in a month." Tom commented. "At the rate she's going, she might just do that." B'Elanna added. "She has finished the engineering assignments. The only reason she hasn't taken the exams is the entire group has to take them together." "Kyle isn't much better." Kathryn added. "We left him home studying… the ceiling over the couch." Tom chuckled. "I've been monitoring some of the classes and he's ahead of the schedule in all of them and doing well." "You think we should do something?" B'Elanna asked. Chakotay shook his head. "I think the best thing we can do is let them work it out on their own." "Their biggest problem is that Kyle is patient and overly cautious while Miral is impatient and impulsive." Kathryn sighed. "Sound like anyone you know?" Chakotay asked Tom as he glanced pointedly at the women. Kathryn ignored the men. "I can't fault either of them for being who they are but they sure are making life difficult for themselves and for us." "I hate seeing Miral so miserable." B'Elanna lamented. "Do you realize that it's more than three weeks since she played a trick on her brothers?" "Kyle is the same way. He's done nothing but study and stand his duty shifts for the last three weeks." Kathryn responded. "But I have to agree that he's right about them not rushing into things." "But if they're both certain about their feelings, why delay? We've had some close calls over the years and I'm sure we're going to have more in the years to come. Why not grab your happiness while you can?" B'Elanna countered then sighed. "I just want them happy." "I can understand a little of what Miral is going through. When you know how you feel and that person just says to take it slow, it's hard." Chakotay sympathy was on his face and in his voice. "I bet you do." Paris commented earning himself a look from the captain. "I can feel for Kyle. It's not easy getting involved with an impulsive woman." "I know it was worth it though." Chakotay added. "That's why I think we need to let them work this out in their own time." "Well, if they get past this, maybe Miral will have learned a little patience and Kyle won't be dragging his feet so much." Tom was optimistic. "I certainly hope so." Kathryn smiled. "It isn't easy when you're older and it's even harder when you're young." "Those were good days." B'Elanna commented. "I wouldn’t go back, but they were good days." "They sure were." Chakotay smiled. "I remember Tom vowing to beat Kathryn at pool." "He never did." Kathryn claimed. "You know what I think?" Tom asked. "I'm sure you'll tell us." B'Elanna commented as Tom took a breath. "I think we should run Sandrine's once in a while for the 'first generation' only. I still think I can beat you, Kathryn." "You're on, Tom," Kathryn agreed, "if you can get the first officer to authorize it." "Don't put me in the middle of this." Chakotay objected. "I've beaten you both at pool so I don't care if the kids are watching." "If you're all going to argue, I'm going to put dinner on the table." B'Elanna stood and effectively removed herself from the discussion. "I'll help you." Chakotay offered leaving Kathryn and Tom to make the plans for a pool tournament. "Come in." Chakotay looked up from his work as his door opened to admit Kyle. "Good morning, sir." Kyle's formal words alerted Chakotay that this visit was something to do with ship's business. "Good morning, Cadet. What can I do for you?" "I would like to request… " Kyle took a deep breath. "Could you set up the duty roster to give me and Miral the same time off one day next week?" "I take it this is for personal reasons?" Chakotay studied the face of the younger man. "Yes, sir." Kyle stood straight and tall but wouldn't look at his father. Chakotay considered the request glancing at the schedule he was working on. "You care to tell me what those personal reasons are?" "No, sir." "I see." Chakotay paused as he considered his options. "You expect me to change the roster to suit your purposes but you won't tell me what those purposes are. Correct?" "Yes, sir." "Sit down." "Aye, sir." "And knock off the formality. If you want my help, you'd better start explaining what's going on." "Dad, it's personal." Kyle sat down and leaned forward in his chair. "I know that. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong." "I just need time to talk to Miral when we aren't rushing off to class or duty assignments." "Why?" "Dad…" Kyle dragged out the word. "Just the basic facts." "You wouldn't treat anyone else like this." "I would if they tried what you just tried." "All right." Kyle gave in ungraciously. "Miral and I had a… disagreement. Anyway, we agreed we wouldn’t see each other for a month while we thought about things. It's been six weeks and we haven't had more than a meal break at the same time for over a month." "You both took extra classes. You're lucky you get time to sleep." "I know, Dad. That's why I asked you to give us the same time off." "How important is this to you?" "It's important." Kyle watched his father and knew that wasn't enough of an answer. "I don't know how else to explain it. I miss her, Dad. Even if we never go out again, I need to talk to her." "I'll see what I can do but it might not show up on the roster for a week or two." "Thanks." Kyle stood quickly. "Permission to be dismissed?" "Granted." "Thank you, sir." Kyle turned and walked rapidly toward the door. As he stepped into the hall, he nearly collided with the captain. "Excuse me, ma'am." Kathryn stepped through the door looking over her shoulder at the disappearing back of her youngest son. She turned toward Chakotay. "Did he finally ask you to put them on the same schedule?" "Finally. It was like pulling teeth to get an explanation out of him." "Really? We finally know what's going on?" "I know." Chakotay grinned at Kathryn. "But you don't." Kathryn walked over to the replicator. "Coffee, black." While it sparkled into existence she responded to his comment, "Just tell me." "Evidently he and Miral more or less agreed not to see each other for a month. It's been six weeks and he hasn't had a chance to talk to her yet. Chakotay shook his head. "They're both too much like their mothers. Too proud and too stubborn for their own good sometimes." His comment earned him a mock glare. "I'll tell B'Elanna what you said and let her deal with you." Kathryn moved over to the couch and patted the space next. "Why don't those two just eat lunch together or something?" "They probably think they need a longer uninterrupted break with a bit more privacy. Can't say I blame them for that." Chakotay stood and carried his cup with him toward the couch. "They're both miserable as it stands. What did you tell him?" "I told him I'd see what I could do but it might be a week or so before their schedules matched." "And here I thought you were better at juggling the schedules than that." Kathryn teased. "I am. I guess I'm hoping Miral will make a similar request." "Tom told me at breakfast this morning that she was hinting quite strongly for him to ask you to change the roster a bit. He told her to ask you herself." Chakotay laughed. "Poor Miral. You think she'll come see me?" "I don't know." The door chime cut off Kathryn's answer. "Come in." Chakotay instructed. Miral walked in headed for the desk but hesitated when she realized Chakotay was at the couch. She stopped as soon as she saw the captain. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll come back when you're not busy." "No. I was finished anyway." The captain held up her empty cup. "We can finish this discussion later, Commander." "Captain, please don't leave on my account. I only have a request. It won't take a minute." Miral turned to Chakotay. "Sir, I wanted to request a day off from my studies and duty shifts, for personal reasons." "Care to explain those reasons, Cadet?" "No, sir." "It have anything to do with why you added an extra course to your schedule a month or so ago?" "It does, sir." "I'll consider your request. You'll have my decision when the next roster is posted." "Thank you, sir." Miral turned to the captain. "If you'll excuse me, ma'am, sir." After the door closed behind Miral, Kathryn turned to Chakotay. "That wasn’t very kind." "I was a lot rougher on Kyle. Besides, she'll get over it once she sees the roster." "What are you going to do?" "Truthfully?" Chakotay put his arm around Kathryn's shoulders. "There's an M-class planet on our long range scans that might have some plants we could add to our collection. Fancy a walk on a moonlit beach with a tall, dark man?" "It's barely nine months since the last time we landed the ship. What are you thinking?" "I'm thinking that the cadets and instructors could use a break and I haven't had much time lately to spend with you." "We'll never get to the AQ like this." "It's been twenty-five years now and our best estimate is we have another twenty before we reach Earth. One week here and there isn't going to make much difference in the time but it will make a difference in our lives." Chakotay pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck. "Remember that hot springs we found about ten years ago? Or that waterfall in the forest with the cave?" Kathryn closed her eyes and allowed herself to remember their excursions on various planets. "All right." She turned her head to kiss him and relaxed in his embrace. Suddenly she pulled away. "Damn! You did it again!" She stood up and walked toward the door. "You don't play fair!" Chakotay followed her across the room. "All's fair in love and war." "Since when are we at war?" Kathryn turned to confront him. Chakotay smiled and pulled her back into his arms. He kissed her lightly, murmuring against her lips, "We aren't at war. We're in love." A few weeks later, Miral scanned the duty roster as soon as it was posted for the cadets. She sighed as she saw her name show up day after day. She jumped when a hand touched her shoulder. "Miral," Kyle's voice was warm and familiar, "we're both off tomorrow evening. Will you meet me in hydroponics after dinner?" "I'll meet you in the mess hall for dinner." Miral smiled at him. "We can go to hydroponics to talk after we eat." "All right." Kyle started to walk away but turned back. "I've missed you, Miral." "I've missed you, too." Kyle had been delayed in the biology labs so that by the time he reached the mess hall, Miral had been surrounded by a group of cadets. He joined the group and ate quickly while the others talked. He and Miral were surprised when the rest of the cadets all left to report for duty. "What's going on?" Miral was confused. "I think they all had the afternoon off and have short duty shifts tonight." "That was nice of your dad. I'll have to thank him." "You asked him to do that?" "Not exactly. I asked him for a day off." Miral flushed guiltily. "I asked him to give us a few hours off at the same time." Kyle admitted. "Sounds like we both wanted to talk." Miral stood up. "I'd rather talk in hydroponics than here. Too many parents, if you know what I mean" Kyle glanced at the table where his parents were eating. "Yeah. Let's go." Five minutes later, when they were in hydroponics, Miral found a bench but Kyle paced restlessly. "Sit down. I won't bite." "I know. But you have a mean right hook." Kyle laughed but sat down on the bench. "That's better." Miral sounded pleased. "I don't like fighting with you." "That thirty day idea was lousy." "Yes." Miral studied her clasped hands. "When did you figure out what you want?" "I already knew what I want but it took me about a week to figure out that you were right about not moving at all." Kyle touched her hands with his fingers then stood up. "Tell me what you want." "I want you. I want to be with you. I knew that before but I realized that if it meant waiting for you… letting you set the pace… then I'd let you." Miral watched Kyle's face as she spoke. "I love you." Kyle was serious. "I don't want to mess this up. I want us to be together when we get back to the AQ." Miral was on her feet in a flash so she could stretch her arms around his neck. For a moment Kyle responded to her kiss, then he lifted his head away although he kept his arms around her waist. Miral dropped her arms to her sides. "Then could you please explain why you won't do more than barely kiss me?" "I want to enjoy getting to know you. I want to anticipate all the things we haven't yet shared." "Well, at the rate you're going, we'll be in the AQ before we have our first baby." "And at the rate you want to go, we'll have three kids before we finished the Academy." Kyle was only partly teasing. "We have time, Miral, lots of time. Let's use it. We can cut back our course load next term and spend more time together. Once we finish our Academy classes, we'll be working duty shifts at all hours. We might not have more than a few hours a week together." 'You know that your dad doesn’t work like that. Families get time off together all the time." "Other families, maybe. Being in command is different, Miral. You probably can't count the number of times your folks took the three of you on shore leave. I can. Once. Only one time in my life can I remember having both my parents on shore leave with me and my brothers and it was for all of twenty minutes. We spent the morning with dad and the afternoon with mom. The twenty minutes were while we all ate a quick lunch. Being part of a command family is just not the same as being in an engineering family. "If I end up in command, that's what our life will be like. Now is when we have time to get to know each other, to enjoy just being together." Miral opened her mouth to answer, but found she couldn’t. She knew what he was saying was true. "I want to enjoy just being with you for a while. I want the kind of life my parents have but I'm not ready to be them yet." Kyle paused. "About the only time my folks have more than an hour or two together is when we land the ship." "Why did we land again so soon?" "The official reason was to stock up on more plants. Look around this place. Do you think we really need more plants right now?" Kyle motioned to the surrounding area filled with plants. "Dad talked Mom into it. Getting more plants was the excuse." "Why does she listen to him?" "Believe it or not, as much as he loves her, I think she loves him more." "That I do believe." Miral stretched her head up to kiss Kyle. He eagerly returned the kiss and she responded. As her hands started wandering over his body, he pushed her back ever so gently. "We're supposed to be taking our time and enjoying just being together." "I was enjoying being together." Kyle kissed her gently. "Did you enjoy that?" "Yes." Miral gripped the sleeves of his uniform sleeves as she struggled to control her reaction. "So did I." Kyle kissed her again but didn't allow it to deepen. "Miral, we both know where we're going. We're just going to take our time getting there and we're going to enjoy every minute of the journey. Did you see the notice that went up at the end of Alpha shift? All the cadets have the whole day off tomorrow. You and I can spend it exploring the planet before the cookout tomorrow night." "I can't. Dad didn't have much notice and asked me to help him with the bonfire. Jason and Robbie challenged the twins to a rematch before you got to the mess hall tonight so I guess we're both tied up for most of the afternoon." "Tell your dad I'll help, too, but after we eat, he's on his own. He can find someone else to help clean up." "All right." Miral smiled mischievously. "Will you help me do something else?" "Depends on what it is." "Remember that water balloon volleyball?" Kyle nodded eyeing Miral warily. "What about it?" "I want to try to do something like that with Chad and Cody's water bottles. Wanna help?" "They'll kill me." "Not if I'm there." Miral grinned confidently. "They won't dare go after you if I'm around." "Ok. I'll help… on one condition." Kyle's grin revealed his dimples. "We do Jason and Robbie's water bottles at the same time." "You'll protect me from them?" "Sure, if they're dumb enough to go after you." Kyle agreed. Miral kissed him confident that she now had an accomplice for the next day and the promise of much more in her future. The next evening Kyle and Miral lingered by the fire listening to the stories they first heard as children and singing songs about a world they had never seen. Kyle watched as his parents left the fire and headed toward the rocky beach. Quietly, he pulled Miral to her feet and wandered slowly toward the water. When she started to turn left, he motioned with his head toward the older couple farther along the beach and turned to the right. They walked in silence for about ten minutes. "Your folks are really lucky. All the responsibilities and the constant effort to keep us moving toward Earth and they still value their time together." Miral paused briefly. "Or maybe it isn't luck." "It's love. They make sure they never forget why they're together. They show each other how they feel every day even when they don't say the words." Kyle studied what he could see of Miral's face in the moonlight. "Your parents are the same so I'm sure you know what I mean." "Yeah." She tightened her grip on his hand. Kyle moved closer to Miral and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "You think we'll ever be like that?" Miral stopped and turned into his arms. "Ask me again when our children are grown, you're the captain, and we're the ones sneaking away from our responsibilities to enjoy a peaceful walk along a moonlit beach."
There's a sequel: Taking Their Time |