The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Hey, Runt, pay attention!" "That was a lousy set and you know it!" "Knock it off, you two. She's serving!" Kathryn smiled at Chakotay as they watched the beach volleyball match. There were only a few others watching the latest in what had become a rivalry between the two sets of siblings. Three boys on one team played against two boys and a girl on the other. Kathryn thought back to the first time she and Chakotay had watched a game. Had it been ten years? No, it was eleven now since Tom had set up the first match between the two families and convinced three 12-year olds that playing with their younger brothers and sister was fun. The players had improved considerably since the days when getting a serve over the net had been cause for celebration. Kathryn glanced at the cooler on the other side of Chakotay. That had been Tom's idea too. When these teams met in a match, the old coolers filled with ice were there too. At one time, others from Voyager's second generation had joined in but they had gradually lost interest. A dozen or more were farther down the beach taking advantage of the calm day to use their surfboards in a real ocean. The two teams had been very evenly matched in skill and height when the rivalry started, but all the boys were now taller than their fathers and the young woman, though taller than her mother, was dwarfed by the males. What she lacked in height was more than countered by her speed, accuracy and sheer determination. Kathryn smiled again. You didn't hear her brothers calling her 'Runt'. She was as feisty as her mother and could still take them down if she wanted. "Why are you smiling, Kathryn?" Chakotay's warm voice broke into her thoughts where she sat cross-legged next to him on a blanket. "I was just thinking that no one would ever call Miral 'Runt'." "Not unless they wanted to visit sickbay." Chakotay smiled and turned his attention to the other team. "This is the only place those two get away with it. If you hadn't noticed, our 'Runt' is taller than his brothers now." "How could I? All four of you tower over me." Kathryn glared at Chakotay in mock anger. "There are times I wish I had found myself a nice short Ferengi." "Ah, but I'm a lot more fun than any Ferengi could ever be." Chakotay kissed Kathryn's cheek and lingered. Kathryn stared at the ear a few centimeters from her nose. "Maybe. At least my kids don't have big ears." Chakotay laughed against her neck. "Hey, do you have to do that in public?" Chad's voice interrupted them as the boys took a brief break after the first game of the match had ended. "Leave 'em alone. It's not that often Mom lets Dad talk her into landing the ship and taking a few days off. If she likes it here, maybe she'll let us stay another day." Kyle defended his parents. "With the way you're playing, we're going to need that extra day for a rematch." Cody tossed his water bottle back into the cooler as he spoke. "What's wrong with my playing?" "You're holding back every time Miral is the weak spot." "I am not." "Then you must be afraid of her because you sure aren't getting past her." Chad commented before he turned to follow his twin to talk to Jason and Robbie Paris. "I wasn't holding back, was I?" Kyle turned to his father. "You might have been. It's hard to tell from the sidelines." Chakotay tried to soften his opinion. "Mom?" "I think you were even if you didn't realize it." Kathryn agreed. "Why would I do that?" Kyle sounded exasperated. "Could you be afraid of hurting her? If you are, you'd better stop. Do you think she's worried about hurting you? Besides, she's more likely to get hurt by one of Cody's slams. He just doesn't have your control." Chakotay commented. "Honey, how do you think Miral would feel if she knew you didn't think she could play as well as her brothers?" Kyle's eyes grew large at his mother's question. "I never said that. She's probably the best player on the ship." "Well, then get back out there and beat those three. I don't want Tom smirking all over my bridge for the next month because his kids beat my three big strong boys." Kyle bristled. "They're not going to beat us!" A few minutes later, the second game started. Chad picked up the ball Jason rolled to him. He picked it up, bounced it around in his hands a few times then tossed it in the air to serve. He slammed his fist hard against the ball and was rewarded by a spray of scented water as the ball broke open. "Miral!" Chad glared across the net to see his three opponents doubled over in laughter. It didn't help that the rest of his team was laughing as well. "She got you that time." Cody chortled at his twin as he picked up another ball and tossed it to Chad. "Try again. I think that one is safe." Chad aced the serve but his second serve turned into the first of a long string of volleys with neither team scoring. "How did she do that?" Kathryn was impressed with the prank. "You mean slip in the rigged ball or actually rig the ball?" "Both. That had to have taken a lot of time." "She's bright. She always has come up with the best pranks and timed them perfectly." "Mind if we join you?" Tom's voice broke into their conversation. Kathryn looked up and smiled. "You missed the prank of the game." "No, we were close enough to enjoy it." B'Elanna laughed. "You'd never guess who her father is, would you?" "She's better than Tom ever was," Chakotay smiled at Tom. "No offense, Tom." "You think?" "Absolutely. She is patient and meticulous in her planning. As for her sense of timing, it's perfect." "Are you going to let her skip the tactics courses?" "No, but I might let her skip the lower level engineering courses. But I'll go with the recommendation of our Chief Engineer." "I'm not getting into that discussion today when I'm off duty." B'Elanna motioned toward the game. "Is this the second or third game?" "Second." "Going to tell us who won the first game?" Tom teased certain that he'd have heard who won if it had been the three boys. "Your kids won, Tom, but I wouldn't get too cocky just yet. It's not exactly going their way at the moment." Kathryn spoke with almost icy calm. The other three chuckled but said nothing as a shout from the volleyball court turned their attention back to the game. The brief excitement soon returned to long volleys and few points. "Remember when Kyle was the target of most of the pranks?" B'Elanna directed her question to Kathryn. "I remember. He never once retaliated." "He barely even acknowledged that he had been the victim. I'm surprised Miral kept targeting him for so long. When did she switch to Chad and Cody?" "About three years ago, right after her sixteenth birthday party." B'Elanna remembered. "I remember wondering if she had taken an interest in one of the twins or in Kyle." "I hope it's Kyle because he sure has an eye on her." Kathryn responded quietly hoping Chakotay and Tom were watching the game. "I'm just wondering how long it will be before the two of them figure it out." "Me, too." B'Elanna sighed. "I suppose I should be glad they aren't rushing ahead into a relationship." "They're both taking after their parents in that regard." Kathryn joked. "Who's taking after their parents?" "My sons. They've taken command of this game quite nicely." Kathryn pointed out to Tom. Three more serves and the second game ended with each team claiming a victory. "Told you not to get cocky, Tom." The Paris trio moved to the far side of the court to their cooler while the three brothers slid to a halt in front of the cooler next to the adults. "Hey, Runt, you did better that game." Chad made the comment as he searched for his water bottle. "Not that much." Cody wasn't ready to concede that Kyle had stopped taking it easy on Miral. "We won, didn’t we?" Kyle challenged. "Just barely." Cody finished drinking and moved off to practice his serve. "Did any of you see the game?" Kyle teased his parents. "Every time I looked this way you all had your heads together talking." "Just talking about you." Chakotay answered blandly. "What did we do now?" Chad asked worriedly. "Nothing. Can't parents even talk about their own children without being subjected to an inquisition?" Kathryn picked up Chakotay's teasing. "Not with you two, no. You turn into the captain and first officer at the drop of a hat and then we're in real trouble." "Well, you'll both be in real trouble with your brother if you don't get back out on the court. They're ready to start the third game." Kathryn and Chakotay both smiled as the two boys tossed their bottles down on the sand and raced off. The game got off to a quick start. Kyle blocked the serve by Jason. That sat the pace for the next fifteen minutes. Each volley was short and fast. Kyle's height gave him the advantage at the net and he made the most of it. The Paris trio managed to score a few points but slowly fell behind. "You have to admit that when our three pull together, they do very well." Chakotay whispered to Kathryn as Cody slammed a ball to the sand at Jason's feet. "It's too bad they don't do it more often." Kathryn responded. Three volleys later, Kyle stepped to the service line with the ball. Match point. He had been serving deep all day but Miral was at the net and couldn't block. It was his best chance at an ace. Robbie would have to scramble to cover the area behind her. Kyle tossed the ball in the air and sent if skimming over the net and Miral's hands. Robbie dived for the ball and managed to send it up and over the net in a perfect set for Chad. Jason was too far back to block. Chad didn't hesitate. Wham! The ball slammed down toward the sand but it was close enough to Miral for her to dig. She dove for the ball but her foot slipped. The full force of Chad's slam caught her on the forehead. Dazed, Miral allowed her brothers to pull her to her feet. Once they knew she was merely shaken, they moved off to congratulate the others. She followed them and shook hands with first the twins, then Kyle. "Congratulations. You all played really well today." Miral's voice sounded sincere but shaky to Kyle. "So did you." Kyle rushed in where brothers feared to tread. "Are you sure you're OK after that last play?" He could almost see the hairs rise on Miral's neck as she stiffened before answering. "I'm sure." She started to turn away but Kyle reached out his hand to her arm. "Maybe a walk along the beach would help?" Miral hesitated. "Please." She nodded. "All right." Silently the two walked toward the water then turned and moved toward another group about two hundred meters down the beach. "How did you rig that ball?" Kyle asked the only thing he could think of. "It wasn't a ball. It was a simple water balloon. I have one of those portable emitters we use for stabilizing structural integrity when the hull is damaged in the cooler. It was focused on the valve in the ball and made it look and feel like a ball. I had the control for the emitter in my pocket and just turned it off as he hit the ball. The hardest part was getting Jason and Robbie to carry the emitter in the cooler for me." "That's pretty cool. You'll have to show me how you set up the field to make it act and feel like a ball." "Sure, just as long as you don't tell Chad how I did it." They were nearly to the crowd of young people. "Look, I know it's a bit late, but would you go to the bonfire with me tonight?" "I can't. I promised Dad I'd help set up the tables and start the fire." "Want another hand?" Miral looked at him carefully. "I'll tell Dad I'm doing the tables but you're starting the fire." A shout from a group of preteens running towards them prompted them to move farther apart. Kyle spoke, "Miral…" "I promised the kids I'd coach them after our match. We can talk tonight." "All right. What time do I need to show up to help out?" "About 1800, I think. I'll let you know if it's earlier. Pick me up then." "It's a date." Kyle hurried away smiling as the younger children crowded around Miral. Kathryn leaned against Chakotay's shoulder watching the children running in the shadows along the beach. The huge bonfire had burned down and was now giving off almost enough heat to counter the dropping temperature and cool sea breeze. Most of the older couples were leaning against logs sharing blankets. The young adults were in clusters talking. Kathryn nudged Chakotay as she watched Kyle. "Have you noticed that Kyle and Miral haven't been more than a meter apart all evening?" "I noticed. He was helping her and Tom get ready earlier, or did you miss that?" "You never tell me things I should know." Kathryn elbowed him gently. "You didn't need to know that." He pulled her closer against him. "You warm enough?" "Yes, and don't change the subject." "They don't need us speculating about them." As the last sprays of sunlight faded from the sky, the younger children returned to the fire looking for something to distract them from the broad night sky. "Tell me a story." A young child demanded of her father. Slightly older children who remembered other bonfires picked up the request but directed the question at the ship's favorite storyteller. "Yes, Commander, tell us a story. Pleeeease." "Go ahead, Commander, tell us a story." Kathryn urged Chakotay. He grinned at the group. "All right. Settle down, grab a blanket and listen." An hour later, he finished the fourth story. About half the younger children were asleep and the rest were looking sleepy. He nodded to Ayala across the circle and waited while he pulled out a guitar. There were half a dozen songs that had become tradition for the end of an evening. The familiar chords echoed over the water as the voices of Voyager's crew softly sang familiar words. Kathryn leaned her head on Chakotay's shoulder but kept her eye on the entire group through her lashes. She noticed a few young couples leave the fire to wander along the water, including Kyle and Miral. She smiled as she listened to Chakotay sing with the rest. Gradually she became aware that he was watching her. She raised her head and stared at him without saying anything. "What?" Kathryn smiled. "I'm just glad I let you land the ship." He smiled back. "Did you see Kyle leave?" "With Miral? Yes." Kathryn kept her voice low. "Were you surprised?" "No. I've told you before, he's a lot like you and you fell in love with a feisty, assertive woman. Didn't you?" They exchanged a long look and smiled. Chakotay spoke first. "Maybe we'd better follow them." Kathryn nodded and they stood and moved away from the fire. As they reached the water Chakotay turned to the left and put his arm around Kathryn as they walked along the sand. "Kyle and Miral went the other way, Chakotay." "I know. I thought a walk along the beach sounded like a good idea. Don't feisty, assertive women like moonlit walks on the beach with tall, dark men?" "Only when they're in love." Kathryn stopped and turned into Chakotay's arms. "And this woman is definitely in love with this man."
There's a sequel: Like
Mother, Like...