The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
This is a sequel to Blaze of Glory. PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn waited for her call to be put through wondering how she was going to explain the past week to Chakotay. His face appeared. "Hi, Kathryn. I wasn't sure you'd be able to call this week." "Oh?" "I heard about the celebration – all about it." "What exactly did you hear?" "Enough to know I was the last one you mentioned." The dimples deepened. "Don't worry, I won't read anything into that. I would like to know your side of things that have happened since then." "You mean my decision to retire from Starfleet?" Kathryn laughed wryly. "You know as well as I do that I didn't make that decision. I was hurt and angry for about an hour. Then I took a long hard look at what I'd been doing the last few months and knew I was never going to be happy on another ship and I don't want a desk job. There's not much left for a captain in Starfleet." "What are you going to do?" "Long term? I don't know. I'll get enough from Starfleet to live comfortably so I can take my time deciding." "You going to be content keeping the home fires burning for a while?" "For now, I will. I thought maybe I'd plan a celebration." "Who are you going to invite?" "My crew and I think maybe the press. It might help some of them get leave so they can attend." Kathryn grinned at Chakotay. "Got plans five months from now?" "I think I can fit it into my schedule." A puzzled look crossed Chakotay's face. "Why did you give the press the wrong date for my release anyway? I'm out about two weeks earlier and I'm the last scheduled to be released." "I thought it would give you a chance to get used to not being watched every minute." "What else?" "What do you mean?" "Your voice and face give you away. There's something else you want to say." "It's about the others who weren't at the celebration last week." Understanding spread across Chakotay's face. "You don’t have to tell me, Kathryn. I know who wasn't there and why. I got a letter about a week ago." Kathryn had turned away from the screen and was staring at her desktop. "Look at me, Kathryn." Kathryn looked up. "Seven told me why she was taking that assignment and a few other things. She hurt my pride and maybe my ego but nothing more. I don't need a few days or a few weeks to get used to anything and you certainly don't need to protect me." Kathryn blushed. "Call it an old habit from all those years in the Delta Quadrant." "Is that all it is, an old habit?" "No." The word was a mere whisper. Kathryn wasn’t prepared to have that discussion yet. She glanced at the time. "Look, we're almost out of time. My retirement isn't effective for four more days. I don't know if I'll be able to call you again. If you don't hear from me, I'll pick you up when you're released. Promise me you won't make any other plans until you've talked to me." A hand appeared on Chakotay's shoulder. "Time's up." "I promise, Kathryn." The screen went blank as Kathryn reached out to touch the place where his face had been. Kathryn paced impatiently around the reception room. Chakotay was supposed to have been released at noon and it was nearly one o'clock. No one seemed to have any explanation other than to say they were finishing the paperwork. Just as she was ready to go ask once again what was going on, a door on the far side of the room opened and Chakotay stepped out. Kathryn knew as soon as he saw her because the anxious look on his face was replaced by a huge smile. "Chakotay!" Kathryn was across the room in a flash and in his arms. "I've missed you." "I've missed you, too." They stood like that until the receptionist cleared her throat. Kathryn seemed to suddenly realize what she had done. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have…" "Don't be silly. I've waited over eight years for a greeting like that." Chakotay smiled down at her. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get moving, just in case someone back there changes their mind." "Of course. We can catch the 13:30 shuttle if we hurry." "No transporter?" "It's too expensive. Remember, we're not 'fleet anymore. Besides, the shuttle will give us some time to talk." Kathryn led him across the room and picked up her things. Chakotay immediately reached out to help her carry them. "What is all this anyway?" "It might be early summer down here, but in Indiana it's winter and cold. I borrowed a coat from Tom for you until you have a chance to get your own." "Tom? Is he assigned on Earth now? Or did he have enough leave to take off a while when B'Elanna was released?" "You haven't talked to anyone since we spoke, have you?" "No, why?" "There's a lot to catch you up on." Kathryn considered whether to try to tell him while they were walking and decided against it. "Look, let's wait until we're on the shuttle. Now hurry up. I might have time to get a cup of coffee before we board." Twenty minutes later Chakotay stuffed their coats into an overfilled closet in the shuttle while Kathryn carried two large cups. She stood by their seats until he caught up with her. She turned to ask him. "Aisle or window?" "Aisle if it's all the same to you." Chakotay reached out to take the cups while Kathryn settled into her seat then passed them to her while he sat down. Kathryn opened the lid on her coffee and took a swallow. "Mmm. That's good. It's been a long day." "Long day?" "Time difference, remember? It's almost 21:30 for me, not 13:30." Kathryn took another sip of the hot beverage. "Ok, now where should I start? "I guess the best place is the beginning. About a month after we talked, Tom showed up at my mother's home looking for me. He wanted a place to stay while he looked for a job." "Why? Did Starfleet decide they didn't want him after all?" "No. He resigned. He loved that assignment, too. He was doing what he loved most with no one looking over his shoulder – helping design and test shuttles and ships." Kathryn sighed then smiled. "It worked out for him though. Part of the work is contracted out to civilian corporations and the largest one hired him two days later – to do the same thing for twice the pay and benefits. At any rate, he showed up planning to stay only a few days and is still there. When B'Elanna was released a few weeks ago, she and Miral moved in with us." "Sounds crowded. Does your mother mind?" "Not at all. It's a pretty big house – four bedrooms, five if you count the converted den downstairs I'm using. Mom likes having people around and she adores Miral. She even likes feeding Tom. Since he's been there, we've had a lot of visitors so she's like a cat in the cream." "Really?" "Yes. It seems that Tom wasn't the only one to resign from Starfleet. Almost everyone had resigned by the time Tom showed up. Harry was the last and turned his resignation in the next week." Kathryn smiled wryly. "For seven years we struggled to get back to Starfleet and here we are, all civilians." "Does that bother you?" "Not unless they all regret it someday. It's only been a few months and I just can't help feeling they did it for me." "Somehow I doubt that any of them will regret it." Chakotay paused and looked at Kathryn. "Do you regret being forced to retire?" Kathryn shook her head. "No. In fact, what rankles me is that I didn't resign before they shoved the retirement papers at me." Chakotay laughed. "That's the Kathryn I know and…." "And what?" Kathryn wasn’t going to let him stop in the middle of that sentence. "Know and call friend." Kathryn's heart sank. She could feel Chakotay's eyes on her face. Finally, she looked at him. "Is that all?" Chakotay opened his mouth to say something then closed it again. He was clearly struggling for words. "It's ok. You don't have to answer that." "No, I want to answer it. I just didn't expect to be discussing this on the shuttle. There's a lot more I want to say." Chakotay glanced around the shuttle. "Could we wait until we're someplace a bit more private?" Kathryn smiled her agreement. "Sure. We can talk when we get home. I forgot to mention that Tom and B'Elanna took Miral, my mom, Phoebe and her kids, and Tom's sisters and their kids to Disney Station on Deimos a few days ago. They'll be back tomorrow afternoon. The next day is the celebration I told you I was planning. Once we were all civilians, I just moved the date up a bit and skipped inviting the press." "Why don't you update me briefly on everyone who's coming?" "Everyone? Well, I don't think there's time but I'll try. You want them by rank or in alphabetical order?" "How about department. Start with life sciences." Kathryn pushed open the door of the house and immediately stepped aside for Chakotay to pass her. She closed it quickly to shut out the cold wind that rustled through bare branches and stirred up the leaves on the ground. "Brrrrr. It's a good night to be inside." Chakotay shrugged off his coat and hung it in the closet near the door as he looked around the room. "You know, I always imagined your mother's house as a colonial on a tree lined street. I never expected a secluded log cabin with its own woods." "It's only five acres and we're not that secluded in the daylight." Kathryn had hung her coat up and moved toward the center of the room. "Come get warm by the fire." Kathryn picked up a poker to stir up the coals in the big fireplace. Chakotay joined her and picked up a piece of wood to add to the ashes. Kathryn passed him the poker. "Here, you do this while I get us something hot to drink. Are you hungry?" "Ok. Yes, a sandwich would be enough." Kathryn was back in a few minutes with mugs of hot chocolate and tomato soup for them both and grilled cheese sandwiches for Chakotay. "I hope this is enough for you. We let our supplies run down a bit so we'd have room for all the food for the party. "I see you've improved your fire making skills. Maybe we'll roast marshmallows tomorrow night. Which reminds me. You and B'Elanna can spend the afternoon catching up while Mom and I are shopping for the party." They chatted about the plans while they ate then Kathryn took their dishes to the recycler. She returned with more hot chocolate and set it on the table near the fire. "Sit here." Chakotay patted the couch right next to him, diverting Kathryn from the far end. When she sat down, he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. "You asked me earlier if there was more and I told you there is. "First of all, I like spending time with you. I enjoy our conversations; I even enjoy our arguments. It's what kept me going for seven years. I've been miserable these last few months because I couldn't talk to you. I missed you. When you practically flew into my arms today, I couldn't have been happier." "Don't remind me." Kathryn was still embarrassed by her behavior. "I didn’t mean to act like some teenager." "You acted like a woman in love." Chakotay paused while he tilted Kathryn's head up so he could look in her eyes. "Are you?" Kathryn could only nod her head as she searched his face for what he felt. She didn't have time to find an answer because he pulled her into his arms. After a few minutes, she leaned away from him. "I love you. After eight years, I can finally say it. I love you." "I love you and I will never tire of hearing you say it." Chakotay kissed Kathryn gently exploring her mouth. Kathryn responded hesitantly at first then with more confidence. Their second kiss was more urgent as their hands started their own explorations. They had shifted to a more comfortable position when Kathryn yawned. They both started chuckling at the interruption. "I guess it must be psychosomatic reaction or something. Tuvok isn't around to interrupt us so I yawn." "Well, I hope you get cured quickly." Chakotay had a protective look on his face. "What time is it here?" "Nearly 2:00 a.m." "And how much sleep did you get last night?" Kathryn looked embarrassed. "Practically none. I was nervous about seeing you again." "You need sleep." Chakotay stood and pulled Kathryn to her feet. He walked over to the door and picked up the small carryall with his personal items then joined Kathryn as she banked the fire. Kathryn turned and took his hand and led him toward the stairs. Chakotay stopped her. "Do I have to sleep upstairs?" Kathryn looked at Chakotay and shook her head. She changed directions and led him past the fireplace. Arms wrapped around each other, they headed for her room. Chakotay leaned over to kiss her hair. "Thank you for keeping the home fires burning for me." Return to my Home Page Words of Encouragement are Welcome ![]() |