The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "I'm telling you, Paris, it's a good program to make peace with B'Elanna." Chakotay insisted. "What did you do anyway to get her so mad?" "And have you tell the captain? No way." Tom shook his head emphatically. "Where is this program set anyway?" "Michigan." "Michigan? I thought the captain was from Illinois." "Indiana and what does it matter why it's in Michigan? It just is. Now do you want to try it or not?" "All right." Tom nodded his head reluctantly. "I guess it can't hurt to try." "You won't be sorry." Chakotay assured him. "You'll see." Chakotay was almost to the door at the end of the weekly staff meeting when he felt someone grab his arm and pull him to the side of the room.
"What do you mean? I agreed with your recommendation to change the rotation of the pilots on the bridge." "Not that." Paris was bordering on insubordination. "That program you told me was so wonderful." "You mean you and B'Elanna didn't like that river or the early spring weather? I thought it was an easy canoe trip, current just strong enough to keep you moving. It was a beautiful day." "That part was fine. It was what was on the river that I'm talking about."
"Oh, they were swimming all right. At least seven of them were." "So what's your problem?" "It was that eighth swan, that's what's the problem." Chakotay looked confused.
"Didn't you see that big tree with the hollowed out base and climb into it to escape? It was almost like a cave and just big enough for two, if you're friendly." Chakotay asked. "I was sure fifteen or twenty minutes huddled together would get the two of you at least talking again." "There was no big tree and no hollowed out base and no place to escape that damned swan." Paris took a deep breath. "Look, next time I ask for help or advice, do me a favor. Don't help me." Chakotay looked at Paris's departing back until the door slid closed behind him. He sighed deeply and took a step toward the exit. "Commander, could I have a word with you?" The captain's voice startled Chakotay. He had forgotten she was still in the room. "Of course, Captain." He turned and walked back across the room. "Computer, seal the door." The captain's instruction made Chakotay stop in his tracks. She calmly stood and walked over to him. "I couldn't help but overhear most of what Tom said." "I'm sorry about that. I'll speak to him about selecting better locations for his personal tirades." "That's not why I wanted to speak to you." Her smile changed and Chakotay found himself dealing with Kathryn instead of the captain. He tossed the padd on the table and inched a bit closer. "Then what did you want?" His voice softened slightly to match the hopeful look in his eyes. "I have a little confession to make." Kathryn met his eyes as one hand touched his arm. "That program, well, the version you and I visited wasn't quite like the public version." She looked slightly discomfited. "I made a few changes." "What kind of changes?" Chakotay stared at her. "Are you saying that you…." "I'm saying I added that tree with the hollowed out base and made sure we took cover before the swan got to our canoe." "You planned that?" Chakotay was incredulous. Kathryn nodded. "Do you mind?" Chakotay put his hands on her waist and pulled her against him. "You didn't have to go to all that trouble." Chakotay barely understood Kathryn's answer as his lips covered hers. "It
was worth it."
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