The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, the characters and all things Trek.
Sequel to Sheri’s Cold and Warm

by Dakota

Chakotay shivered on the couch listening to Kathryn’s breathing in the next room.  He had dumped the wet sheets on the floor but without the blanket he was too cold to sleep. Finally, Kathryn’s breathing evened out and her movements ceased. Cautiously Chakotay edged off the couch and crept into their bedroom. Kathryn didn’t twitch as he lifted the blanket and crawled in next to her. Moving carefully so he wouldn’t disturb her, Chakotay put his arm across Kathryn’s waist and snuggled up to her warm body.

"Took you long enough."

Chakotay sighed; Kathryn always knew what he was doing.

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