The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.

by Dakota

Tom glanced up as B'Elanna entered the mess hall. He watched her as she headed for the serving line then glanced across the room. The command team were still sitting and talking as the captain finished her coffee. He had hoped this would be one of the mornings when they left for the bridge early. He turned his attention back to B'Elanna and hoped his plan had the desired results. It was April first, and he had a little surprise planned for her.

As B'Elanna approached the table where Tom was eating with Harry and a few others, Tom stood.

"Hi, B'Elanna." He grinned at her.

B'Elanna eyed him suspiciously as she set down her tray. "What's wrong, Paris?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You stood up."

Tom mentally braced himself and stepped forward. He put his hands on B'Elanna's arms and kissed her. Thud. The next thing he felt was the flash of pain as her fist impacted his nose.

The room went silent and Tom knew everyone in it was looking at him including the command team.

"Why'd you do that?" Tom mumbled from behind his hands that were attempting to stop the flow of blood from his nose.

"You… you…" B'Elanna didn’t seem to have an answer for his question.

"Mr. Paris, report to sickbay." Chakotay interrupted their conversation.

"Lieutenants, you are both relieved for the rest of the day. You may each advise Commander Chakotay tomorrow if you wish to file charges against the other."

"Charges?" Paris and Torres spoke in unison.

"It looked like assault to me. What do you think, Commander?" The captain turned to her exec.

"Unless I misunderstood their intent, I'd have to agree, Captain." Chakotay turned to the younger officers. "I'll expect your reports on this incident before 12:00 today and your decisions about charges tomorrow morning at 08:00. Dismissed."

As the two left the mess hall, Tom muttered to B'Elanna. "I expected a lot of reactions but I sure didn't expect you to break my nose."

"What did you expect?"

"I thought maybe you'd kiss me back."

"Oh, right. Like I'm going to throw myself at you."

"It would have been better than throwing a punch at me." Tom's voice was nasal from his injury.

"That's a matter of opinion." B'Elanna pointed out to Tom. "Was this some kind of April Fool's prank?"

"No, but I thought if you hated it, I could say I was just joking."

"So it wasn't just a joke?"

"No. I like you. I'd like to get to know you better."

"You mean you want to date me, Paris?"

"Yeah. I guess I do."

"You have a lot to learn about Klingons."

"Does that mean you'll go out with me?" Tom brightened at the possibility.

B'Elanna eyed him. "I'll think about it while the doctor is treating your nose then maybe I'll let you use your rations to buy me breakfast since I just had to leave mine in the mess hall."

"You don't really think they'll file charges against each other, do you?" Chakotay asked as the command team took the turbolift to the bridge.

"No, but I wouldn't blame B'Elanna if she wanted to. If anybody kissed me like that for the first time in front of the crew, I'd probably have a similar reaction."

"What about in a slightly more private location?" Chakotay turned his head to look at the captain standing next to him.

"Come to my ready room later on and find out for yourself."

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