The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "You're sure you're not going to change your mind again?" Chakotay was slightly skeptical. "No, I'm sure." Kathryn smiled at Chakotay. "Don't you believe me?" "Of course I believe you. You just changed your mind the last three times you told me I could let the crew know we were together." Chakotay allowed his thoughts to drift back to their early weeks in the Delta Quadrant. He and Kathryn had been walking along the upper level in engineering and he had asked her if she would have been willing to serve under him if their situations had been reversed. He still was surprised by her response. "Well, I'm don't think I'd let you be captain but I'm sure you could convince me to serve under you – if you're interested." Chakotay smiled to himself. It had been a challenge to settle into a comfortable relationship, but eventually they had found a balance that worked for them both. The struggle had been well worth it. The last year had been the happiest he could remember, but Chakotay was sincerely tired of pretending that he and Kathryn were merely good friends. In private, Chakotay knew she was passionate about expressing her feelings for him. In public, she nearly flinched if he touched her. He loved her and wanted his world to know she loved him, too. "Well, I promise that this time it's ok. All I ask is that you be subtle when the crew is around." Chakotay watched as Kathryn moved closer like a cat on the prowl. "But only when the crew is around." Chakotay smiled as her lips approached his and her hands roamed over his body. It was the perfect end to a long day. Chakotay followed Kathryn out of the mess hall and onto the turbolift after breakfast. She was chatting enthusiastically about the readings they had taken from the planet they orbited. As the turbolift approached the bridge, Chakotay pulled Kathryn into his arms and cut off her words with his lips. Kathryn immediately relaxed and leaned against him returning the kiss. He thought, "Tom seeing us in a liplock on the 'lift ought to be subtle enough for Kathryn's requirements." Just before the doors opened on the bridge, the 'lift jerked abruptly throwing them apart as the door slid open. Chakotay reached out his hand to help Kathryn regain her balance then followed her onto the bridge. "Captain, Commander" Tuvok greeted them, "I apologize for not advising you of the problem with the turbolifts. Lieutenant Torres has a repair crew on the way." Chakotay was barely paying attention to Tuvok as he summarized the Gamma watch. Of all times for the turbolift to malfunction! He took his seat and forced his attention on his work. Chakotay had been unsuccessful at keeping his attention on his work so he turned his attention to a more personal objective. He called up the program for the turbolift system and made a few adjustments. When he was satisfied, he returned to his work. At noon, he followed Kathryn off the bridge and onto the turbolift making sure no one else entered. As planned, the lift stalled. Kathryn looked exasperated until she saw Chakotay's sly grin. Chakotay reached out his hands to pull her against him when her combadge chirped. "Torres to Captain Janeway." "Janeway here. Go ahead, B'Elanna." Chakotay knew that B'Elanna would think the irritation in the captain's voice was due to the problem with the turbolift but he knew it was because of the interruption. "I'm sorry, Captain. We're trying to track down the problem with the 'lift. We can beam you out for now." "Fine, Lieutenant. Beam us to the mess hall. Janeway out." "Aye, Captain." B'Elanna had barely finished speaking when they sparkled out of the 'lift and into the mess hall. As they materialized, Chakotay allowed his eyes to meet Kathryn's. He was not amused by the humor he saw reflected in them. That evening after dinner as Kathryn and Chakotay were heading back to her quarters, Chakotay made a point of taking Kathryn's hand in his as they walked through the corridors. He made a point of passing the quarters Tom and B'Elanna shared, hoping they would meet Tom. They saw Tom all right, but not the way Chakotay had hoped. As they passed the door to their quarters, Tom rushed out nearly knocking them down as he dodged several flying objects that later proved to be a pair of shoes. "I'm sorry, Captain, Commander." Tom was gasping for breath as he looked over his shoulder. "I have to be somewhere else... NOW." Chakotay was nearly ready to follow Tom and drag him back to B'Elanna's waiting wrath but Kathryn was nearly doubled over with laughter. This time her laughter was infectious and Chakotay soon started chuckling. He picked up the shoes and stared at them. "What are these anyway?" "I think they're called 'saddle shoes'. They don't look very dangerous, do they?" Kathryn could barely answer through the laughter. "Let's go home." Chakotay knew that Naomi was on her way to talk to Kathryn. He set the door of the ready room so it would admit Naomi without requiring her to signal. Then he joined Kathryn. He found her at work so he drew her to her feet and led her to the viewport. He made no effort to disguise his motives. "We'll just let Naomi find us over here. She'll mention it to someone and the crew will know in a few hours." "If you say so." Kathryn smiled as she spoke and leaned back against him as they stared at the passing stars. Chakotay found it no problem to nibble her ear while they waited to be caught. His arms were wrapped around her waist and slowly his hands started to wander – one higher, the other lower. Quite by accident, Chakotay brushed the one spot where Kathryn was ticklish and she bent double laughing and pulled away from him – just as Naomi entered. "Commander, it's not nice to tickle the captain, especially on duty." Chakotay sighed in frustration while Kathryn put on a straight face. Naomi's latest project was explained and her questions answered quickly then the young girl left eager to get to work on her assignment. As the door closed behind Naomi, Chakotay sighed and looked at Kathryn. She was laughing again. "What's so funny?" "You are." Kathryn smiled up at him and walked over to stroke his arm. "I love you but I can't help laughing. Forgive me?" The gentle smile and warm eyes were more than Chakotay could resist. "Of course I forgive you. I love you, too." Chakotay allowed another week to pass before making another attempt to let the crew know about his relationship with Kathryn. Tom had managed to get permission for another party and had decided to have a simple dance. Sooner or later, there was bound to be a song that would allow him to pull Kathryn close enough to get the message across. When they entered the holodeck for the dance, he was met by flashing lights, loud music and a spinning silver ball in the center of the room refracting light into his eyes every few seconds. He looked at Kathryn and saw her smothering a grin. She knew that whatever his plan had been was not going to work. Chakotay sat watching the last act of Talent Night practically glaring at Harry as he played. He and Kathryn had planned on doing a tango this time but she had turned her ankle on the bridge when she was going off duty and the doctor had insisted she stay off it until tomorrow. Chakotay followed Kathryn into the mess hall the next morning trying to come up with another plan. Kathryn was talking to B'Elanna about the various acts from the night before. Tom walked up behind them and stepped around to join B'Elanna. Chakotay noticed Kathryn glance around the room. Kathryn turned to Chakotay, took his hands in hers and placed them firmly on her rear end, put one hand around his hips and pulled him against her while her other hand pulled his head down. No one in the room could miss the sensual nature of the kiss. It was a full five seconds before Chakotay reacted by pulling Kathryn closer to him. The kiss dragged out as their hands roamed each other's backs. It was definitely the kiss of lovers. You could have heard the proverbial pin drop in the mess hall until Kathryn pulled back. Then the applause and whistles started. Kathryn grinned up at Chakotay.
"You're just a little too subtle, Commander, and with this crew, subtle
does not work."