The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Well, you can't really call boxing a sport." The captain's comment was tossed over her shoulder as she entered the turbo lift. "Why not?" Chakotay challenged the captain's comment. "For one thing, you're not competing against a person. It's easy to accept defeat when it's a computer controlled image that beats you to a pulp." "It's still defeat." "Your ego isn't at risk like it would be against a living person. It can be hard to walk away graciously when you know you're going to be seeing the person again in a few hours on duty." "No one else on the ship likes to box." "Now that's surprising. I can't imagine why everyone isn't flocking to spend thirty minutes being beaten up by the first officer." "They could just as easily beat me." "Like anyone would dare try." Kathryn paused. "Except maybe Tom or B'Elanna. But he values his nose the way it is and I'm not sure you'd face her in the ring." "Boxing is a sport. There's not much I can do to prove my sportsmanship if no one will come into the ring." "You could try another sport." "This is beginning to sound interesting. Did you have something specific in mind?" "Hoverball. 19:00. Tonight. Against a living opponent." "And who do you have lined up to take on the ship's first officer?" "The captain." Kathryn spoke over her shoulder as she exited the lift headed for engineering. "You're on. Don't be late." Chakotay consented before directing the lift to the bridge. Chakotay was breathing heavily as he walked over to Kathryn. She was leaning forward with her hands on her knees catching her breath. They had just ended the last of three games, three long, closely contested games. "Good game, Kathryn. You almost had me in the last one." Kathryn looked up still gasping for air. "You won. Congratulations." "Thank you." She straightened and walked over to pick up her towel. "It's easy to be a good sport when you win." "Is that an invitation to another game?" "Not exactly. I was just making an observation." "Perhaps you'd like a reward of some sort for your good sportsmanship in the face of defeat?" Kathryn studied him. "Can I choose my reward?" "Sure, but no more than four cups of coffee." Chakotay tossed his towel over his shoulder. Kathryn studied his face as she flipped her towel behind her neck. "No, not coffee this time." Kathryn pulled Chakotay's towel off his shoulder and flipped it over his head. Deliberately she pulled his head lower and kissed him, one long, slow, sensuous kiss. Then she pulled the towel from around his neck and stuffed it against his chest. "Rematch tomorrow. Same time."
She smiled as she sauntered off the holodeck. "Only tomorrow, the winner
gets to pick the reward."
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