The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Take my word for it, she's hot and you're nuts for letting her get away. All those years and you finally made a move and she was willing and you dump her? Stupid. That's the only word for it – stupid." Chakotay stared Tom in the eye. "She was glad I broke it off with her. As soon as she received that offer to head out toward the Beta Quadrant, she lost what little interest she had in me. And the funny thing was, I knew and didn't care." "You didn't care? You finally wake up and notice the sexiest woman on the ship and you don't care when you lose her? You really are stupid – in more ways than one." "Why is he stupid?" B'Elanna slid into the seat next to Tom. "He broke if off with Seven. That's why he's stupid." "Why is that stupid?" "She's pretty, and…." Tom stopped as he remembered to whom he was speaking. "Well, she's bright and doesn't have another boyfriend anywhere around. "What about Axum?" "He's just as far from her now as he was when we were in the Delta Quadrant. Getting back to Earth didn't change that any. I still say he's stupid." "Maybe he had a reason." B'Elanna turned to Chakotay. "Did you?" "Thanks for finally remembering I'm here. Nice to see you again, B'Elanna." Chakotay's voice dripped sarcasm. "And yes, I had a reason, a good reason, which I already explained to this husband of yours." "See? He has a reason. So why's he stupid?" "His reason is a flimsy excuse. I still say he's stupid." "I, for one, am glad he's stupid, Tom." A new voice broke into the conversation as three heads swiveled to see a familiar face. "Maybe he'll be more willing to forgive me for all the stupid things I did over the years." Kathryn rested her hand gently on Chakotay's shoulder. He met her eyes and saw something he had given up hope of ever seeing. Slowly he smiled as he stood to leave with Kathryn. "If you think you have to ask, then I'd have to say you were stupid, too." Return to my Home Page Words of Encouragement are Welcome |