The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.

by Dakota

"I still don't understand. Snow is wet and cold. Why would you miss it?"

"What can I say? I loved playing in the snow when I was growing up."

"We never had snow where I grew up." Chakotay's face brightened. "But at least it got you to agree to a few hours on this planet. You need the break."

"Maybe you'll learn to appreciate snow while we're here."

Chakotay shook his head and smiled as they entered the transporter room.


"Which way shall we go?" Kathryn looked up at Chakotay.

He looked around and saw a row of trees a half a kilometer away. "How about a walk along those trees."

"Let's go then." Kathryn led the way.

Twenty minutes later, the two were plodding along the edge of a dry streambed about two meters from the bottom. The snow was about ten centimeters deep in most places. Kathryn was thoroughly enjoying herself.

"Isn't it wonderful?"

"If I liked plodding through snow, uneven footing and getting your clothes wet, I might."

"You're missing the good parts. The air is crisp. The sun is bright." She turned bright eyes to meet his. "The company is good."

"I agree about the company."

Kathryn stopped and turned to face Chakotay. "You don't think it's beautiful? The sun makes the snow sparkle like a…."

Her words turned into a scream but Chakotay barely heard it over his own shout as the snow under them collapsed sending them sliding down the slope into the streambed. When he slid to a stop, he was covered with snow and could feel it melting down the back of his neck. Then he remembered Kathryn and nearly panicked until he heard her laughter.

"Wow! That was great!"

He sat up and turned to face her. She was sitting in the snow next to him laughing at him.

"You look like a snowman."

"I feel like one, too." Chakotay wasn't amused. "You think this is fun?"

"Of course." Kathryn smiled gaily as she wrapped her arms around herself shivering.

"You're cold."

"A little. It's part of the fun."

"Getting half frozen is not part of the fun." Chakotay slid closer and wrapped his arms around her.

Kathryn leaned into his warmth still smiling. "No, but getting warm is."

As her arms snaked around his waist so she could pull herself closer, Chakotay reconsidered his opinion. Snow might not be so bad after all.

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