The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.
These were written for a contest.
Sixty Second Stories

by Dakota
Always By Her Side

He had promised to always stay by her side.  For years, he had tried to keep that promise, but only yesterday had he finally fulfilled it as he had always intended.  Kathryn glanced at his face, calm and peaceful in sleep – by her side.

Puppy Love

Exuberant, cheerful, too cheerful for many, and as eager to please as any puppy were only a few of the phrases that popped into people's minds when he approached.  People constantly asked why she loved him.  Her only answer was "Someone has to love him."

Perfect Harmony

They sing together in perfect unison, never missing a cue or stumbling on a phrase or note.  Perfectly matched voices echo hollowly through sickbay, lacking the emotion that makes music great.

Monsters Under the Bed

Screams of terror echo through the halls as she wakes from the nightmare. Her mother's arms calm her but the monsters are still there. Only when Neelix has checked the closet and darkest corners does sleep come to Naomi.

Logical Emotions

Emotions lay buried under a veneer of control, freed only when hormones run wild. The long years of control are rewarded by one brief encounter, but she is worth it. In the end, it's the logical thing to do.

Captain's Mask

She straightened her back and put on her captain's mask. She had learned to act over the years. Today was the test and she had to pass it to save her crew.   The kiss with the Davore pushed her to her limits.

Later she relaxed over coffee with her first officer. "How did it go, Kathryn?"

"Fine, Chakotay. I pretended he was you."

No Future Regrets

Kathryn confronted her protégé. "I hope I can prevent your death, Seven. You may even die in his arms, but you will never sleep in them."

Flying High

Deftly he controlled the flight, the twists, the turns, bringing them both to new heights as he did.  Together they slowly regained their senses and appreciated again what fun the Delta Flyer can be for two in love.

No Regrets

Men asked Harry why he had broken up with her.  How could he explain that he needed more from a relationship than appearances and that his new girl was far more affectionate?  Laughing he pushed the wet nose away.

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