The Kings of the
Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn and Chakotay strolled along the village street enjoying the gentle afternoon suns. The Nist'higs were a wonderfully friendly people. Just as their sky had two suns with widely different characteristics, they had two very distinct views of the universe. They had developed their technology to a point that rivaled the most advanced member of the Federation yet had retained an intense commitment to their spiritual side. The stroll was a quiet one; neither wanted to break the tentative peace they currently shared. In recent weeks they had been uncomfortable with each other and both knew it was because they had not completely resolved how they felt about Kathryn's involvement with Jaffen. These few hours of shore leave together were an unacknowledged attempt to regain the balance they had once possessed. Their shared silence was shattered when Tom and B'Elanna suddenly emerged from a small shop, Tom laughing quite loudly. "Captain! Commander! Hi!" Tom was for once at a loss for words. "Tom. B'Elanna" Chakotay spoke for the command team. "Enjoying your leave?" "Hi, Chakotay, Captain. Don't mind him; he has nothing intelligent to say this afternoon." B'Elanna's irritation with Tom was unmistakable. "This is a wonderful place for shore leave. The people are so friendly! They're even nice to HIM." "We just had our pictures taken. You two have to get yours taken, too. The price is very reasonable." Tom finally found his voice and addressed the command team. Kathryn and Chakotay exchanged glances. Both were reluctant to admit that they would like a picture of themselves and were glad of an excuse, but they were both quite wary of any idea that Tom thought was a good one. Ignoring the pointed look he was receiving from B'Elanna, Tom encouraged them, "I know you'll be glad you did. At the very least, Neelix could put it up in the mess hall for the rest of the crew. With the two of you staring at us, none of the crew would linger over their breakfast and be late on duty." "B'Elanna, are they good holoimages?" Kathryn was hoping the images were of a low quality so they could back away from the suggestion graciously. No such luck. "No, Captain. Actually the quality of the images is quite high. But they aren't holoimages. They are more like the photographs from the 20th and 21st century." Having provided sufficient token resistence, Kathryn and Chakotay simply nodded their heads and entered the shop Tom and B'Elanna had just exited. Once inside Kathryn and Chakotay made inquiries and learned that while only one 'picture' would be taken, there would be one version for each of them. Neither would see the other's picture unless the other showed it to them. Upon further inquiry they were told that the pictures would be how they each saw themselves rather than how others saw them. Chakotay was intrigued by that idea but Kathryn wrote it off as a promotional effort to get more customers than their competitors. Neither inquired further and they agreed to purchase their pictures. Once in the room where the picture would be taken, they were surprised at the pose they were instructed to take but decided it was traditional for the Nist'higs. Chakotay was seated in front of Kathryn as she leaned over slightly to bring their heads nearly level with each other. Kathryn had to put her hand on Chakotay to keep her balance which he studiously ignored. Kathryn and Chakotay waited in the main room for their picture. Although they hadn't waited very long, they had the impression from the urgency of hushed voices in the back that there was something unusual about their pictures. There seemed to be a heated debate about something. Finally, the photographer came out holding only one envelope which he reluctantly held out to them both. Perplexed, Chakotay spoke first. "I thought we would each receive our own picture." "Normally that is true. What has happened with your picture has been reported only rarely among our people and I have never seen it happen before. I don't believe it has ever occurred among visitors before. Your personal views are identical. Since you share views, you also share the single image. I apologize for not explaining to you earlier that this could happen, but it happens so rarely that it has never been necessary. Please accept my apologies for misleading you." Chakotay had been focusing on the photographer's words and had not noticed that Kathryn had taken the envelope and studied the picture. Quietly she returned the picture to the envelope and handed it to Chakotay. "Pay the man, Chakotay and meet me in my quarters in fifteen minutes. I believe we have a few things to discuss." She left before Chakotay could respond. Quickly he paid the fee for
the picture and left. Only when he was outside did he open the envelope.
At first he was horrified, then he remembered that he and Kathryn had shared
the same view of their relationship. He smiled and quickly shoved
the picture back in the envelope. He did not want anyone from Voyager
to see the picture of the command team stark naked with the contented smiles
of lovers on their faces.