The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn stopped inside the door to the main cafeteria of Starfleet Command's headquarters and scanned the crowd. It still unnerved her to see so many people in Starfleet uniforms in one place calmly taking their location for granted. Voyager had been back in the Alpha Quadrant for nearly six months and she still hadn't readjusted. She was beginning to think she never would. It had been an interesting six months. There was a flurry of activity while the Federation Council tried to decide what to do about the Maquis members of Voyager's crew. Starfleet created a blizzard of activity with the debriefing process. About the only thing they hadn't asked her was how many pips she had lost over the years – and they would have asked that if they hadn't been able to check the replicator records and find out for themselves. Finally, she spotted the person she was looking for as he reached the end of the line and started searching for a seat. Chakotay looked at home among the people but Kathryn could see the tension in him. He had left Starfleet and was still getting used to the idea that he was again an officer. Whatever had been starting between him and Seven had ended as quietly as it had begun. She had headed off for Vulcan and a more tolerant attitude toward all things Borg more than two months earlier. Kathryn hurried over to Chakotay before he joined a group. "Hi. Mind if I sit with you while you eat?" "Kathryn! Of course not. Why don't you join me?" "I ate a late breakfast." She made a slight face. "You know how breakfast meetings can be." "All too well these last few months, although there was a time when I enjoyed them." Chakotay headed for the end of a crowded table but Kathryn touched his arm and indicated a table for two off in a corner. "Do you mind? I wanted to discuss something with you." Chakotay's face showed his surprise but he merely nodded. "Not at all. It's been a long time since we had a chance to just sit and talk." Kathryn sat down across from Chakotay and picked up a carrot stick while he started eating. "What was it you wanted to talk about, Kathryn?" "I've been offered another ship." "That's wonderful!" "I know you've been offered your own command but I'd like you to take the position of first officer on my ship." Kathryn met his eyes. "I know it's asking a lot, but please consider it." "I'm not sure you know just how much you're asking." "I'm hoping I do know." Chakotay's quick glance told her she had his attention. "For the last seven years, you've had a few questions that you wanted to ask me. I never allowed you to ask and you never pushed. You'll never know how grateful I am for that." Kathryn licked her lips and stared at the carrot for a moment before looking back at Chakotay. "I want you to know that all those questions could have been answered with one word – yes." Chakotay glanced at the room full of people. "You sure picked an inconvenient place to tell me that, Kathryn." "It seemed like a good idea until about thirty seconds ago. Will you come with me on my new assignment?" "What about all those regulations you were always mentioning?" Chakotay sounded like he was having trouble believing what she was saying. "They don't apply to married couples." Chakotay let out a breath and closed his eyes. Abruptly he stood. "Come on. Those regs are going to be inapplicable to us before the end of the day."
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