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by Dakota
"If there's nothing else, you're all…" The captain stopped talking as Neelix waved his arm in the air. "Yes, Mr. Neelix?"
"Well, Captain, I think we have a small problem with one of the crew."
The captain glanced at her first officer who shrugged slightly. A quick glance around the table told her that the others didn't know what Neelix was talking about either.
"I wasn't aware of any problems. Perhaps you'd better explain."
"I'm sure you all received the announcement from Naomi a few weeks ago telling you about her project."
The captain had no idea at first what Neelix was talking about until she saw Chakotay nodding slightly and a funny look on a few faces. It was something to do with Terran poetry if she recalled correctly.
"Why don't you refresh our memories, Mr. Neelix?"
"Of course, Captain. Naomi has been studying poetry. She was talking to Mr. Paris one day and he mentioned some types of poems that were popular during the twentieth century. She found them amusing and decided to hold a contest for the crew. She asked everyone to enter a poem in her contest.
"What's the problem?"
"Well, Captain, the entries have to be received by tomorrow at noon and it seems that she's only received two entries. She is really discouraged." Neelix paused as the guilt slowly sank in around the table. "I told her that everyone is probably working hard and waiting until the last minute to enter as I'm sure everyone here is doing."
"I'm sure you're right." The captain looked at each person in turn as she spoke. "I have a feeling Naomi will be receiving entries from everyone here and a few others."
She turned to Chakotay. "Commander, would you please send the rest of the crew a reminder about the deadline and perhaps a copy of Naomi's original memo in case they've forgotten how to enter."
"Yes, Captain."
Neelix was grinning. "Thank you, Captain. This will mean a lot to Naomi. She'll be especially excited when I tell her I heard you mention that your entry was almost completed."
The captain's smile froze on her face. Chakotay quickly ended the meeting. "Dismissed, everyone."
The captain slowly turned to face her first officer.
"Setting an example for the rest of the crew is a wonderful idea, Kathryn." Chakotay ignored the look on her face. "Would you like a copy of the contest rules?"
"Just explain them to me, Commander. You're going to need to refresh your memory for your entry."
"I already entered, Kathryn."
"Well, you are entering again. Now, would you please explain the rules? What kind of poem does this have to be?"
"During the twentieth century a lot of people wrote silly little poems for their love interest. There were literally hundreds that followed the same style. In fact, hundreds that shared variations using the same two starting lines. The original poem was: Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you. You just have to change the last two phrases."
"All these poems are going to have the same first two lines? Isn't that a bit monotonous."
"Not all. You don't have to use them or you can switch them around. You can also make it longer if you want. I did some checking and found a variation that started 'roses love sunshine, violets love dew' that was part of a song. The bigger challenge is that Naomi's rules say the entries have to be written to another member of the crew."
"Great." Kathryn shook her head. "How did I end up ordering my senior staff to write love letters to each other?"
"It's for Naomi, Kathryn. They all understand."
"I don't understand. Why should they?"
"We could always add a few extra rations to the accounts of those who enter."
"Good idea. Let's give an extra hour on the holodeck to the winner. That should give everyone some incentive to enter."
Kathryn thought a few minutes. "Naomi is judging the entries on her own?"
Chakotay grinned. "Forget it, Kathryn. Everyone would know you volunteered just to get out of entering. Besides, Neelix and Sam are judges as well but they aren't allowed to enter."
Kathryn stood up and leveled a glare at Chakotay that would have had anyone else on the ship cowering in the corner. It merely reflected off his teeth and added a sparkle to his eyes.
"You have the bridge, Commander. I'll be in my ready room."
Chakotay was still chuckling as he sat down at his bridge station to send the reminder to the crew.
The captain looked up as Chakotay walked into her ready room.
"Are you ready, Captain?"
"It's the day Naomi is going to announce the winners of her contest. She's had the entries up on the walls in the mess hall all afternoon. I hear some of them are pretty good."
"All of them?"
"All except the grand prize winner."
"I thought there was only going to be one winner."
"She made a few changes when she saw how many entries she had. She ended up dividing the poems into categories and letting the crew vote on the best one. But she chose the grand prize winner and is announcing the results as soon as you get to the mess hall."
"I suppose we'd better get going then." The captain smiled as she stood and moved towards the door. "Who did you think wrote the best poem?"
"There were several I liked but since Naomi didn't put up the names of the person who wrote each one, I'm not sure." Chakotay chuckled as he recalled a few. "I think I noticed one by B'Elanna and another by Tom in the group."
The captain waited until the lift door closed. "Really? How could you tell?"
"Broken noses and bat'leths? It wasn't too difficult."
Kathryn smiled. "Do you think Naomi will give me a few minutes to read the entries before she puts up the names? I'd like to see whether I could identify a few of them myself."
"I think so. After all, you're the captain. I should warn you. There is one entry that has everyone talking."
"Really? Why?"
"Well, consensus is that it's a joke but until we know who entered it, no one knows quite what to make of it."
"Sounds intriguing." Kathryn stopped just short of the mess hall doors. "I almost forgot. I need to go over some changes I'd like you to make to the duty roster. Do you mind if we eat in my quarters later and go over them then?"
"Fine with me." Chakotay nodded his agreement as he gallantly held out his arm for Kathryn to enter the mess hall ahead of him.
Naomi rushed over to greet the captain before the doors had closed behind the command team.
"Captain, Commander, I'm so glad you're here. I'm ready to announce the prize winners."
"I hear you posted the entries earlier today." Naomi nodded as the captain continued. "Would you mind delaying the announcements while I read over the entries?"
"Of course not, Captain." Naomi glowed with pleasure.
"Why don't you start here and work your way around the room?" Naomi pointed to the wall where the poems were displayed in fairly large type with a colored border. "Each group has a different color and a number. If you want to guess who wrote each poem, use one of these padds. Neelix promised to make a special dessert for the person who guessed the most correctly."
Kathryn smiled as she accepted a padd from Naomi. A glance at Chakotay was all it took for him to pick up one for himself.
"I'll do that, Naomi. Thank you." Kathryn smiled as she and Chakotay moved toward the first group.
"What kind of category is 'almost', Chakotay?"
"These are the poems that
didn't really meet her requirements. They were supposed to be written to
a specific person and at least a little bit romantic.
Blue is the violet
Red is the rose You'd better be faithful Or I'll break your nose. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue Flowers are irrelevant And so are you. ![]() |
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Roses have thorns
Violets are short This exercise is futile So I will abort. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue It would be illogical To say it's not true. ![]() |
"That first one is about
as romantic as B'Elanna's going to get, don't you think?"
Chakotay grinned. "Oh, I don't know. That could be her way of telling Tom she likes having him around.
"I was glad to see that Seven at least tried to participate."
"She was trying to please Naomi and I sure the two entries from her did just that."
"Tuvok didn't do too badly, did he?" Kathryn smiled and nodded.
"Are you trying to increase your chances of guessing all the poets by getting my opinion?"
"You're my first officer. I'm supposed to ask your advice, as you are so found of reminding me."
Chakotay only smiled and moved on to the next group of poems. "This next group is the one that pleased Naomi the most."
"I can see why. Some of these are quite good."
He burns a bright red
'cause his eyes are bright blue He wrecks all my shuttles But I still love him true. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue Blondes may be beautiful But I prefer you. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue You're wise, brave and beautiful I'll stand beside you. ![]() |
"B'Elanna seems to have gotten into the spirit." Kathryn was smiling broadly as she read. "That next one could be just about anyone."
"What about the third one?" Chakotay was watching her face.
"If that's the best you can
do, don't give up your day job, Chakotay." Kathryn moved on to the next
poem. "These two are pretty good but I have no idea who wrote them."
Violets are blue.
Roses are white. I love you truly Noon, morning, and night. ![]() |
Roses love sunshine
Violets love dew Till the end of time Is how long I'll love you. ![]() |
A bat'leth is gray
With handles of brown My love is a warrior Whose honor abounds. ![]() |
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You take my advice
You don't sing off key That's why I like duets In two-part harmony. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue Their spectral absorption rates vary But I remain true. ![]() |
Compassion and honor,
Conviction and daring. Add courage and beauty, Trusting and caring. Your hair shines in sunlight Your eyes flash anew With a true warrior's spirit. How could I not love you? ![]() |
"That next one has to be the doctor and it seems Tuvok managed a second entry." Kathryn paused to read the last one in the group. "This last one is a bit longer than most. Any ideas who wrote it?"
"The group discussing it earlier this afternoon seemed to think Tom wrote it."
"That's a possibility but I disagree, don't you?" Kathryn met Chakotay's eyes.
"Who am I to argue with the captain?" Chakotay's response made Kathryn choke back a laugh.
She was still chuckling as she moved to the final group of poems. Her amusement merely increased as she read the first three. "Chell and Joe Carey – I would never have thought they had such a knack for humor."
"Chell's efforts are good
but I have to admit that I think Joe's is far better."
Roses for tea
Violets for water I am almost As blue as Flotter. ![]() |
Roses are red
Violets are blue Torres packs a punch I'd duck were I you. ![]() |
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Roses are red
Violets are blue I refuse to serve You leola root stew. ![]() |
Roses are red
With leaves of green We are now two But soon will be three. ![]() |
"What about that last one?"
"That's the poem I told you almost everyone thinks is a joke." Chakotay eyed Kathryn speculatively.
"It doesn’t sound much like a joke to me. It doesn't even rhyme that well."
"Sam told me that Naomi was confused about it. She convinced Naomi it was best to treat it as a joke especially if the person it's written for doesn't know yet."
"No one has mentioned anything like that to me. Have you heard anything?"
"No, but I think you'd know before I do about that sort of development."
Chakotay glanced towards Naomi. "We'd better move on. Naomi is getting impatient. I'll let Tuvok know it's time to connect us to the ship wide comm system. "
"Attention, everyone." Naomi was smiling broadly from a chair near one door of the mess hall. "It's time to announce the winners. Right now Mom is putting up the names of the people who wrote them so you can all see who wrote each one."
All eyes in the room were watching as Sam Wildman moved along the wall putting names next to each poem. They all strained to catch the name of the author of the one humor entry. When Sam moved past it to stand near Naomi, a huge sigh of disappointment went around the room.
Naomi smiled. "Sorry, everyone. Whoever wrote that one and one of the others didn't tell me their name. Now, for the 'almost' category, the prize goes to Lieutenant Torres."
round of applause broke out as B'Elanna made her way forward looking slightly
embarrassed. She managed to smile as Naomi handed her a huge orange rosette
with a dozen trailing ribbons. "Thank you, Naomi."
"Better you than me, Paris!" Joe Carey's voice rang across the room as B'Elanna rejoined the crowd.
Naomi had to wait for the laughter to die down before she could continue. "Next is the 'humor' category. And the winner is Lieutenant Carey!"
should have taken your own advice, Joe!" Tom gave as good as he got as
Joe made his way to Naomi to accept a purple rosette. The applause was
barely audible over the laughter.
"Congratulations, Lieutenant."
"Thank you, Naomi."
Naomi's grin widened as she prepared to announce the winners for the third category. "There were a lot more entries in the last category so there are more prizes. The third prize goes to Lieutenant Ayala."
Congratulations followed Ayala to the front of the room amid speculation about the recipient. Ayala declined to name anyone beyond a "she knows."
handed Ayala a bright green rosette and then made him wait with her for
the other winners in the category.
"Second place goes to Ensign Jenny Delaney."
followed Jenny to the front of the room and a few suggestive comments soon
had Harry Kim blushing. Jenny accepted her bright pink ribbon and joined
Ayala next to Naomi.
Naomi stood to announce the winner but was lacking the glowing smile. "We have a slight problem now. I don't know who sent in the winning entry for this category."
"Wasn’t that yours, Tom?" A voice spoke from the back of the room.
"Sorry to disappoint you all but it's not mine."
A murmur of curiosity swept through the room when they all learned Tom had not written the winning poem. Kathryn poked Chakotay. "Claim your prize, Commander."
She hadn't spoken very loudly but Naomi had heard her and looked at Chakotay. Chakotay glanced at Kathryn who nodded slightly before he turned back to Naomi and smiled. Naomi's smile was back like the sun coming from behind the clouds.
the Commander! He gets first prize."
"Thank you, Naomi." Chakotay graciously accepted a large yellow ribbon and stepped back.
Naomi gave Jenny Delaney and Ayala a minute to return to their places before continuing. "Before I announce the grand prize winner, Lieutenant Paris wanted to give an award to the author of one of the poems. Lieutenant."
Naomi jumped down from the chair as Tom moved to the front of the room.
"Folks, I saw this poem while
I was helping Naomi put up the entries earlier today. When I read it, I
had one thought: I wished I had written it and had the nerve to enter it.
I guess you could call it the 'nerve' award. It's not posted so I'll read
it for you all now.
"Violets are blue
Roses are red You are my favorite Playmate in bed. |
"Unfortunately, Naomi tells me this poem was entered anonymously." Tom turned to look at Chakotay. "I don't suppose this is yours, Commander."
"Sorry, Paris. I can't claim that one."
turned back to the crowd holding up a large shiny black rosette. "Anyone
willing to claim it? No? All right. When you claim it, you'll get ten rations
from my personal account."
When no one moved to claim the rosette and rations Tom continued. "While I'm up here, who wrote that other poem? Chakotay owned up to the one he wrote. Who wrote that one poem and is it a joke?"
"It's no joke." A voice carried across the suddenly silent room. "You really should be careful what you ask for. You just might get it….Dad."
B'Elanna stepped forward.
Tom's expression had frozen and his mouth was slightly open as B'Elanna's words sank in. A slight chuckle went around the room. When Tom didn't move, B'Elanna stepped forward far enough to grasp his hand and pull him off to the side as she exchanged a conspiratorial grin with Naomi.
Naomi climbed back up on her chair and a hush fell over the room. "And now the moment we've all been waiting for – the grand prize winner." She turned toward the captain. "Captain, would you read the poem for us all to hear?"
Kathryn was not expecting
that request but only hesitated a second before nodding and stepping forward.
Barely glancing over the padd Naomi had handed her, she lifted her head
to look at Chakotay.
"Uniform of red
A tattoo dark blue Tanned dimpled cheeks And a heart that beats true. "Hair black as midnight
"A rose and a promise
"You stand by my side.
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Her eyes never left his and her voice didn't miss a word even though the padd had dropped to the floor during the opening stanza. When she finished, she stretched to kiss Chakotay briefly on the lips as applause resounded in the mess hall.
Naomi was smiling broadly as she handed the captain a bright gold rosette. "Congratulations, Captain."
"Thank you, Naomi."
Once the captain had accepted her ribbon the crowd started to mingle. Each prizewinner had a cluster of friends around them but by far the largest group was around B'Elanna and Tom. Kathryn and Chakotay joined the throng.
"Congratulations, B'Elanna, you finally found a way to keep Tom quiet for a few minutes." Chakotay spoke as he hugged her.
"Hey!" Tom had found his voice.
"Thanks, Chakotay. I wasn't sure whether the captain had told you."
"I promised not to tell anyone." Kathryn turned to Tom and B'Elanna. "Congratulations to both of you. If you need anything, just let us know."
"Thank you, Captain." Tom changed the subject slightly. "Congratulations to both of you on your poems. They were really good."
"He's right. Both of your poems were beautiful." B'Elanna looked at Tom. "I wish someone had written one that good for me."
"I have to admit that Chakotay has a way with words." Kathryn agreed.
Chakotay smiled at Tom and B’Elanna. "Thanks, B. We really do have work to do yet tonight and I have Gamma shift in just over six hours. We'd better get going."
As Kathryn and Chakotay made their way toward the door, Kathryn spoke quietly to Chakotay. "Do we really have work to do?"
"That's the nice thing about being the first officer. There are some questions I don’t have to answer."
Kathryn's laughter caught Naomi's attention.
"Don't forget your prizes, Captain, Commander." Naomi called.
Kathryn smiled as she moved to pick them up. "Thank you for reminding me, Naomi. We wouldn't want to lose our ribbons."
Only Naomi noticed Chakotay
pick up the yellow ribbon and saw him grinning as Kathryn picked up the
gold and black ribbons before leaving. She wondered how long it would be
before anyone else noticed the black ribbon had been claimed.
to Voyager Index
to my Home Page Words
of Encouragement are Welcome
A special
thanks to my contributing poets:
AnneRose, KimK, Spiletta42