The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn sat in her ready room trying to make sense of the instructions she had just received. That's what they were, too, instructions, not orders. To make what Starfleet had just told her an order would have been impractical and virtually impossible, so they had given her instructions instead. Here she was, still more than twenty years from 'fleet headquarters and she was being told what would happen to her crew in the unlikely event that Voyager covered that distance in the next year or two. She had to admit in hindsight that she wasn't that surprised at what she had been told. There had been hints several times in recent months in the questions asked and subjects raised by various members of the admiralty hinting at possible problems for the Maquis. She debated briefly whether she should tell Chakotay and then decided there was nothing to be accomplished. Neither of them could do anything to change the situation and neither of them would like it. She mentally filed her 'instructions' in a corner of her mind time enough to worry about them if they got back to the Alpha Quadrant. Eleven weeks later Kathryn was forced to revisit those instructions. The miracle had happened after more than six years they had stumbled across a wormhole that ended near the galactic rim about six months travel from Federation space. It seemed stable and the transmissions being received from several probes were encouraging. All she had to do was order Voyager through and they'd be home in six months. Their next communications opening with Starfleet was in less than three days; she had to decide before then what she was going to do. She knew that her instructions would become orders as soon as Starfleet heard about the wormhole. Well, first things first, she had to tell Chakotay what was coming. He should be here shortly. Right on cue the door chime sounded and he entered her quarters at her request. They made small talk while she got drinks from the replicator then they settled themselves comfortably on her couch. "You haven't asked me the big question, Chakotay." "What big question?" "Why I haven't already ordered Voyager through the wormhole." "Ok, why haven't you?" "I need to discuss something with you first, something I probably should have discussed with you when I first found out. The only reason I didn't is because I believed it would just create more tension between us and would never really become an issue in the first place." "Sounds serious. Why are you telling me now?" "Because as soon as Voyager exits the wormhole, it is an issue. About eleven weeks ago I received instructions from Starfleet command about the Maquis on board. They worded it in a lot of complicated, high-sounding words, but it came down to telling me that as soon as Voyager reached Federation space they expected me to place all the Maquis under arrest and put them in the brig. If we go through the wormhole they'll be in contact with me and make those instructions my orders. If I delay until the communications window opens, I'll have to tell them about the wormhole and they will become my orders right after they order me to use the wormhole. "I need you to step back in time and become the captain of that Maquis crew again and tell me what you want. You have never been my prisoner and I am not about to change that after nearly seven years." "What do you want me to say? Voyager has to go through the wormhole. There are nearly a hundred people who deserve to get home. You can't stay out here for a few of us. Surely you knew what my answer would be. Why are you even asking? " "That's the answer I expected from you. I agree that Voyager has to go through the wormhole," Kathryn paused briefly to emphasize what she added, "but the Maquis don't have to be on Voyager when she does. Now, tell me what you want." Kathryn's words shocked Chakotay. He looked at Kathryn. He knew her original orders had never been changed and that she was still expected to bring back all the Maquis to stand trial in Federation courts. She had delayed ordering the ship through the wormhole for more than twenty-four hours; she must have something in mind. "As captain of the Maquis I don't want my people taken back to the Federation to stand trial. Beyond that I don't know what I want for us. I'll have to think about it." Chakotay paused gauging Kathryn's expression. "Off the record, Kathryn. What do you have in mind? You've had more time to think this through." "Off the record, Chakotay. There are more than enough shuttles to get the Maquis to a habitable planet. There are at least three within sensor range. You won't have luxury accommodations but I'll send you as much as Voyager can spare and I promise that will be a lot. You leave Voyager before we enter the wormhole. Officially, you stole the shuttles and fiddled with the ship's systems so we didn't know what you had done until we were through the wormhole. I'll decide it's not worth the risk to go back and look for you, and will order Voyager to set course for Earth at maximum warp." "What aren't you telling me?" "Study the readings from the probe all of the readings." Kathryn handed him a summary as she spoke. Chakotay quickly scanned it then focused on the section she had marked. There was a planet about five light years from the wormhole at the Alpha Quadrant end. He looked up to meet Kathryn's eyes. She held his gaze then looked away before she spoke. "Don't tell me what you decide, Chakotay, but let Kathryn know after you leave. I'd like to know which direction to stare when I remember you and your crew." "Me? I won't be going with them, Kathryn. If I go back, there is a greater chance of the Federation leaving the others in peace. It's also the only way to save your career." "No, you have to command your crew again. They have followed you this far and I don't think they'll leave Voyager unless you do. If you don't go with them, Voyager does not go through the wormhole. Agreed?" "No. I'm not leaving Voyager. I promised I'd help you get your crew home and I haven't done that yet." "The Maquis are part of my crew and the Federation cannot be their home now. They need their captain --- they need you now. You've more than fulfilled your promise to help me get Voyager home. Please." Reluctantly Chakotay nodded his head in acceptance. "If that's what you really want, Kathryn." "It's not what I want but it's the way it has to be. It's what's best for our crew." Her voice wavered briefly, and then grew stronger. "Now, the first question you have to decide is who is going. Obviously all the Maquis, but Tom will want to go and I'm sure there are a few others. Don't tell me; Tuvok can sort it out later. Pull any Maquis on duty to help those off duty. You have to be gone in about eighteen hours. Tell those who need to know but I don't want the people staying on Voyager discussing it or helping directly. You might have some of the original 'fleet crew do some inventories of our supplies though. Do whatever you have to do to block the scanners from detecting the shuttles, and if B'Elanna happens to put the portable emitter in her pocket, well, there won't be anything I can do about it." "Can we have the Flyer?" "No, but take all the other shuttles. I need one shuttle and the technology in the Flyer should sooth a couple of brows on Earth. I'm sorry. Look, you know what you need to do; you'd better get going. Ready to go back on the record now?" "No, one more thing." Chakotay stood up and pulled Kathryn to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her. She could feel shudders run through his body. Tears welled in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. Finally he spoke. "I am going to miss you, my beautiful woman warrior. You will never know how much." Kathryn moved slightly away from Chakotay and he let his arms drop. "Well, Commander, I just wanted to let you know that I've decide to send Voyager through the wormhole tomorrow. I want to make a few more scans first so we'll plan to go through near the end of Alpha shift tomorrow. Will you see to the arrangements to make sure Voyager is prepared?" "Aye, Captain." Chakotay turned and left. After he left Kathryn whispered, "I do know, my angry warrior. Believe me, I do know." The next day as they were completing preparations to enter the wormhole, Harry reported a problem with the aft sensors. "Could it just be a glitch?" The captain's voice demanded confirmation. "Yes, ma'am." "Then we'll worry about it later." Kathryn could feel Tuvok's eyes on her neck. Chakotay was conspicuous by his absence as was Tom. Joe Carey's voice from engineering sounded strange. Harry knew something was wrong but he wasn't sure what and the captain's demeanor invited only silence. Tuvok was busy checking systems; it took him about three minutes to confirm his suspicions. Kathryn turned her head and he met her eyes with his own. A brief nod of his head told Kathryn her old friend supported what she had done. Once through the wormhole, Kathryn ordered all sensors focused on their intended course that just happened to be as far from the planet she had noticed as possible. She ordered warp 7.5 wanting to get out of sensor range of the wormhole as quickly as possible. Once on course and satisfied that Harry knew enough not to make inquiries about the sensors, she went to her ready room. An hour later Tuvok brought a report to her. "A preliminary report on our position, Captain. I thought you might like to review it." "Thank you, Commander. Is there anything else?" "Yes, there is, Captain. A hypothetical discussion, if you don't mind." "Not at all." "If you were a senior officer on a ship and suddenly found yourself without your commanding officers, what would you do?" "You should be able to answer that, Tuvok. You're were in that situation more than three years ago." "That is true, Captain, but at that time I chose to try to retrieve them despite your orders to the contrary. At the time I believed that was the correct thing to do. In hindsight, I believe it was an error. I would not make that decision again were I faced with a similar situation. My priority should have been getting Voyager back to the Federation. I wanted you to know I now understand why you gave me that order." "Thank you, Tuvok." "If I may, Captain, I believe you have duties elsewhere on the ship that require your attention. I will complete your watch and let you attend to those duties." Kathryn hesitated only a minute before she stood up. "Thank you, old friend." Quickly Kathryn made her way to her quarters and did a quick search. Not finding anything unusual, she went to Chakotay's quarters. There she found what she sought two padds for her, one official and one personal. The official one had the resignations of all the Maquis and the others who went with them; she quickly accepted the resignations, then downloaded her own and a log entry she had prepared earlier making it clear that no remaining members of the crew had assisted her or the Maquis. She transported the padd to Tuvok's quarters. She scanned the personal message and found what she needed to know. She erased the message and recycled the padd just in case someone tried to recover the message. Kathryn returned to her quarters, picked up her carry sack and left her pips on her desk before asking for a site-to-site transport to the Delta Flyer. Once there she checked the systems on the Flyer, then called up a program she had written after she talked to Chakotay; she hoped she was as good at confusing the ship's systems as B'Elanna and Chakotay. Quickly she powered up the Flyer, opened the shuttle bay doors and departed, going to warp immediately. Her initial course was toward the galactic core, but as soon as she was sure Voyager was not changing course, she headed for the wormhole. She had not expected to be able to leave so soon after Voyager exited the wormhole. Tuvok's unexpected support and assistance was welcome. She might even get back to the wormhole before the other shuttles came through. Two hours later she was hovering near the wormhole waiting impatiently for some sign of the shuttles. She was tempted to go back through to the Delta Quadrant but knew that was too risky; she might encounter the shuttles coming towards her so she forced herself to wait. Finally, a shuttle exited the wormhole, followed by the others. As soon as the first cleared the wormhole, she hailed it. Chakotay's face appeared in her screen. "Kathryn?" "Explanations later if you don't mind. Would you permit me to join your group?" "Of course. Is there anyone else with you?" "No, I'm by myself. I could use some help over here if you can spare anyone." "I think I can find a volunteer or two. Give me a few minutes and I'll have someone over there." "Thank you." Five minutes later Chakotay beamed aboard the Flyer with his personal effects. "Tom and B'Elanna will be over in about fifteen minutes. Until then, why don't you explain to me what you're doing?" "I thought that would be obvious -- I'm going with you. My ship and crew are home, or close enough to home for me to let them finish the journey on their own. Starfleet will have ships to meet them in three months if not sooner. They'll be fine." "You're giving that up when you're so close? I know you've wanted to get home as much as the rest of us." "I'm not giving anything up and I am going home. At least I think I am." "Why aren't you sure?" "Well, you haven't exactly welcomed me with open arms." Chakotay needed no additional prompting. He pulled her close and just held her not yet daring to believe she was really his to hold. "Never doubt your welcome in my arms, Kathryn." "I won't." The shimmer of a transporter beam stopped further conversation as Tom, B'Elanna, and Miral materialized near them. "Captain, we didn't think we'd ever see you again." Tom spoke for them all. Neither seemed surprised to see Kathryn in Chakotay's arms. Tom stared pointedly at their position before commenting, "I guess you really are going with us." "It's Kathryn, just Kathryn. The captain belonged to Starfleet and I left her behind on Voyager. As for going with you, that's up to Chakotay. He's the captain of this group." "She's going with us, make no mistake about that. Tom, take the helm. B'Elanna, why don't you settle Miral in the back? We need to get moving. Tom set a course for that planet we were talking about; it should be on your long-range scanners. When you have the course plotted, send it to the other shuttles and engage at warp 4. If any of them have trouble keeping up, slow to match their best speed." "Aye, Comman errrr Captain. Sorry, sir." "It's ok, Tom. It sounds funny to me, too. You have command of this shuttle fleet of ours. Once we're underway, arrange for at least four more people to move to the Flyer. We have plenty of room for a few more. Call me if you need anything. Kathryn and I still have a few things to discuss." They passed B'Elanna on their way aft. "I hope it's ok; I took the larger cabin for us so we could fit in Miral's crib. She's asleep and I set the comm system to transmit to the helm if she wakes up." B'Elanna looked at Kathryn. "I'm really glad you're coming with us." Chakotay and Kathryn went into the next empty cabin and looked around, then looked at each other not sure what to say. Chakotay finally smiled, dropped his gear and pulled Kathryn back into his arms. This time he was the one to move slightly back but it was only so he could kiss her. If his earlier hug had not made clear to Kathryn that she was welcome, his kiss did. "Ok, now that you know you're welcome, tell me what comes next." "Well, you probably need to assign me some duties and add me to the duty roster. I'm a fair engineer, have some experience with gardening, and I can usually get people to follow my orders." "Are you willing to share responsibilities for this group?" "Yes, but only so long as you're the captain." "What I have in mind would require you to share quarters? We aren't going to have a lot of space or privacy for quite some time." "That all depends on who else is sharing them. Who did you have in mind?" "I thought I might volunteer." "I think I can be convinced but it might take the rest of our lives. Would that be a problem?" "No problem at all, Kathryn."
Chakotay bent his head to begin what he hoped would be the long and pleasurable
task of convincing Kathryn she was indeed home.