The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.
My person is always writing about people. I thought it was time to write a story about my favorite red head so I wrote one and made my person type it for me.

by Aleksandra Syranovna Mira (Lessa)

There she is again. She's beautiful. I love the way the sun reflects off her red hair. She's always with that same man – tall with dark hair and a mark above one eye. He smiles a lot when they walk along the woodland paths. I wonder if he knows how lucky he is to have her. I doubt it. There's that woman coming to meet them again. Why does he bother with her when he has perfection at his side? I don't understand. Uh oh. The woman has seen me. Now what do I do? I don't want her to know I was spying on them.

"Hi there."

The woman has a very pleasant voice and she's smiling at me. I could fall for the woman if I hadn't already given my heart to her. The man doesn't seem to mind. He's coming closer with her. 

What if she hates me? What if she ignores me? She's looking at me. What does she think? Those eyes are beautiful. She's beautiful. I think she likes me!

"It seems you found a friend for Molly, Kathryn. He's a nice looking Gordon."

"He seems friendly enough and he's not wearing a collar." The woman looks away from me at the man.

"We don't need another dog."

"Look at Molly. She's smitten. It must be something about tall, dark and handsome males that appeals to us red heads."

"You really think that's going to work?"

The woman is smiling a lot now as she strokes my head and answers the man. "It always works for me." The woman pulls a long scarf from her hair and puts it around my neck. "Come on, Big Fellow, looks like you just found a new home."

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