The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Captain to the bridge." Kathryn's head jerked up as the sound of Tuvok's voice rang through the mess hall. She had just finished a solitary lunch and was taking advantage of Chakotay's absence by enjoying a third cup of coffee. He and B'Elanna were investigating a nearby planet to locate minerals needed for various ship's systems. They had been gone three days while Voyager restocked its food supplies and replaced some plants in airponics in another star system. They were due to rendezvous with the Flyer in twenty-four hours. "On my way. "Kathryn was on her feet as she spoke and headed for the door knowing it must be important or Tuvok would not have called her to the bridge. "Report!" Kathryn's voice rang across the bridge as she exited the turbolift. Tuvok stood as he spoke. "We received a distress signal from the Flyer. We are on course for the Flyer's last known location." "What was their status?" "Unknown. We did not receive a voice message and at this distance our long-range scans are inconclusive, but we can detect no other ships in the area." Kathryn sat down wondering why they would've received a distress signal but no voice message. "Increase speed to warp 8.1." "Warp 8.1. Acknowledged." "What's our ETA, Tom?" "Just over twelve hours, Captain." "Status." The captain demanded of Tuvok. "We hailed the Flyer, but have received no response. Long-range scans indicate that Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Torres are alive and on board, but both appear to be unconscious. Captain, it has now been approximately nine hours since long range scans initially located the shuttle. Three minutes later, it disappeared completely from our sensors. Two hours eight minutes later, it reappeared. After eleven minutes, it again disappeared only to reappear two hours eight minutes later. The pattern has continued. They should remain on our sensors another four minutes." Tuvok paused in his report checking the readouts at his station. "We are also receiving unfamiliar readings from the vicinity of the Flyer." "Have we learned anymore about those readings?" "They are similar to those received from objects in subspace but are not identical. We lack sufficient information to formulate a hypothesis at this time." "Any ideas, Harry?" Harry paled as Kathryn directed her questioned at him but he managed to gather his thoughts quickly enough to respond. "The readings are similar to the disturbances caused by objects moving in and out of subspace. It is possible that something in the area is moving in and out of something similar to subspace or even another universe. The readings don't just affect the area around the Flyer, we are also receiving them from the Flyer." "What's our ETA, Tom?" "One hour ten minutes, Captain. The Flyer should reappear ten minutes later." "Keep trying to raise the Flyer and continue scanning." Kathryn settled impatiently into her chair. Within a few minutes, Tuvok confirmed that the Flyer had again disappeared from their sensors. The entire situation made her nervous. Not only was there no explanation for the distress signal but also the Flyer was apparently drifting in and out of subspace in an area that showed anomalous readings. It was all extremely unsettling leaving Kathryn with a sense of impending doom – that the worst was not yet known. "Captain, two ships have appeared on long-range sensors and are on direct course to the Flyer." Half an hour Tuvok broke the tense silence on the bridge. "We're being hailed, Captain." Harry's statement followed shortly. "Put it on screen." Kathryn stood as she spoke and stepped forward. "Aye, Captain."
"I am Captain Kathryn Janeway of the starship Voyager. We were unaware you claimed this region of space. We mean you no harm. We are attempting to retrieve our shuttlecraft." Kathryn paused briefly to consider her next statement. "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name." "My name is of no concern to you. We detect no shuttlecraft in the vicinity." Kathryn was tempted to terminate the communications link but managed to avoid reacting to the disrespect and arrogance. "There is a disturbance in space in this region that is moving our shuttle in and out of normal space. We are waiting for it to reappear." "Reappear where?" Kathryn turned to Tuvok. "Send them the coordinates for the shuttle's last location." Tuvok nodded and Kathryn turned back toward the screen. "That is the most recent location of our shuttle." The alien appeared to be listening to someone for a minute. "We will meet you at that location in thirty of your minutes and await the reappearance of your shuttle. I hope for your sake that you are being truthful." "Captain, we've reached the designated coordinates." Tom was the one to break the silence this time." "Position?" The captain's voice was strong but concerned. "We're approximately one hundred thousand kilometers from the edge of the disturbance. The alien ships are one million kilometers aft.' "Maintain position." "Aye, Captain. We're at station keeping." "Captain?" Harry's voice was hesitant. "What is it, Ensign?" "The readings in this region are slightly different now than they were before the other ships arrived. Something in their warp drive seems to have affected the disturbances here." "Will that affect the Flyer?" "There's no way to tell until they reappear." "How long until that happens?" "Three minutes." "Ok, let's be ready. I want a tractor beam locked on as soon as they reappear and the Flyer in the shuttle bay as fast as you can pull them in." "Aye, Captain." "Tom, stand by to move us in closer." "Yes, ma'am." Kathryn made no comment on his choice of words. The chronometers slowly changed as the minutes passed. Eight minutes later, Kathryn broke the tense silence. "Why haven't they reappeared, Ensign?" "I'm not sure, Captain. It might have something to do with the change in readings I mentioned earlier." "Well, get on it. I want answers." Harry didn’t have time to answer before his board lit up to signal an incoming hail. "We're being hailed." "On screen." Kathryn remained in her seat this time as she faced the aliens. "The time has passed for the reappearance of your shuttle and it has not appeared. Do you have an explanation?" "Not at this time. We're trying to determine why it has not appeared. It is possible that your warp drive affected the disturbance in some way." "Leave our space now." The voice was firm and threatening. "Not without our shuttle." Kathryn's voice was equally firm. "Then you will be punished." The screen went blank then the exterior view was restored. The two ships moved toward Voyager then appeared to dock briefly before moving apart leaving a glowing trail between them.
"Some sort of energy field, Captain. Purpose unknown." "Captain," Harry interrupted the discussion, "the Flyer is reappearing." "Lock on a tractor beam." "I can't, Captain." "Hail the Flyer." "No response." "Can we go to them?" "We might reach them, Captain, but there is no way to be certain that we would be able to escape the disturbance." Kathryn stood and glanced around finally letting her eyes settle on Tom. "You're with me, Mr. Paris. Tuvok, you have the bridge." "Captain?" Tuvok was not questing her orders but her intentions. "No time to discuss it, Commander. Mr. Paris and I will go to the Flyer and bring her to Voyager. Mr. Kim, send the coordinates to Transporter Room 1." Kathryn and Tom materialized on the flight deck of the Delta Flyer. The air was a little stuffy but not dangerously so. The flight deck and cockpit were empty. "Let's check the aft compartments." They quickly found Chakotay on the floor of the galley and B'Elanna on a bunk. Both were unconscious. Tom scanned them both and Kathryn knew from his face that B'Elanna was in far worse shape then Chakotay. "She needs to get to sickbay." "Give them both a tri-ox hypospray, then have Harry beam you, B'Elanna and Chakotay back to Voyager. I'll check the engines and bring the Flyer in." Kathryn was just powering up the Flyer's impulse drive when Tom called to her. "Captain, they can only beam two of us at a time." "Take B'Elanna to Voyager, then come back for Chakotay. Leave the medical kit." "Aye, Captain." "Janeway to Voyager. How long until the Flyer disappears again?" "Four minutes, Captain." Tuvok's voice was difficult to understand. "You're breaking up, Voyager. Confirm four minutes." Kathryn was busy checking the ship's systems as she put the Flyer into motion. The silence that followed drew her attention to the port. The stars were gone. She checked her instruments and knew that the Flyer had been pulled out of normal space once again – but ahead of schedule. She checked the sensors but they were useless. They changed constantly in what the computer told her were random patterns. Quickly she shut down the impulse engines and checked on the status of life support. It was functioning at the moment so she stood to go check on Chakotay. Ten minutes later, Kathryn sat up next to the helm of the Flyer – very slowly. This time she was prepared for the dizziness. Taking a deep breath, she slowly climbed to her feet. She did a quick mental inventory of her physical condition – lightheaded but otherwise all right for the moment. Carefully she made her way to the galley to check on Chakotay. Her second attempt to reach the galley was more successful and she arrived with no further mishaps. Chakotay was lying where Tom had left him. Kathryn glanced around for the medical kit and found it on the table. She pulled out a medical tricorder and checked him. Despite the tri-ox hypo, he was still breathing with difficulty. Kathryn pulled out another hypo and gave him more hoping it wouldn't lead to hyperventilation. She needn't have worried though; Chakotay merely settled into what seemed to be a normal sleep cycle. Kathryn decided to leave him alone while she checked the supplies on the Flyer. She quickly learned that the replicators were off-line and turned her attention to the emergency rations. There were enough for several days so she took enough for the two of them back to the galley. Once back in the galley, Kathryn tried to wake Chakotay. Her initial efforts met with little success but she kept trying and eventually he roused. She helped him sit up and drink some water. He seemed more alert as he looked around. "Kathryn?" He glanced around as if searching for someone. "I'm here, Chakotay." Chakotay turned toward her voice but seemed to be looking right through her. "Why are you a ghost, Kathryn? Am I dead? Or are you?" "We're both alive, Chakotay." Kathryn's words were calm but she wondered why he thought she was a ghost. "Why do you think I'm a ghost?" "I can see right through you." Chakotay was becoming agitated. "I'm going crazy, aren't I? "No, you're not going crazy. Here, can you feel my hand?" Kathryn grasped his hand until he nodded. "You're real?" Chakotay seemed surprised, then relieved. "You're real." Kathryn was becoming more concerned. "Do you know where you are?" Chakotay looked around. "I'm in the Delta Flyer." "That's right. Do you remember why you are in the Flyer?" "B'Elanna and I were searching for minerals to use on Voyager. We were going to meet you but I don't remember reaching the rendezvous point." "The Flyer never made it to the rendezvous point. You sent out a distress signal. Do you remember why?" Chakotay shook his head. "I'm tired. I want to sleep now." "No, not here." Kathryn would not let him lie back down on the floor. "Let's get you to a bunk and then you can sleep. OK?" "I'm too tired to walk." "I'll help you. Come on, stand up." It took a while and a lot of coaxing, but Kathryn finally had Chakotay on his feet and shuffling to the nearest bunk. He was leaning heavily on her as he walked and Kathryn hoped he didn't stumble or they would both go down. She sighed in relief as he sat down on the bunk but her relief was short-lived for he pulled her down to lie next to him. Kathryn tried to sit up but Chakotay held her. "Stay with me, Kathryn. Please." Chakotay asked for so little and his voice told her he was exhausted, a combination that crumbled Kathryn's defenses. "All right." Kathryn felt Chakotay relax immediately and his breathing even out. She started to get up, but he stirred and mumbled her name so she lay back down again telling herself that she would only rest for a few minutes. She drifted off to sleep almost as quickly as Chakotay had. "Transport complete." Harry's voice reported the arrival of Tom and B'Elanna in sickbay. "Tuvok to sickbay." "Paris here, Commander. The doctor is treating B'Elanna." "Are you ready to return for Commander Chakotay?" "Let me grab some more tri-ox. It will only take me a sec… " Tom was walking briskly across sickbay as he spoke. His voice faded and a dull thud sounded across the comm link. "Doctor, what is happening?" "It appears Mr. Paris fainted. I'll deal with him when I've finished with Lieutenant Torres." "Understood, Tuvok out." Tuvok turned to Harry. "Send someone to sickbay to assist the doctor." "Aye, sir." "Status of the Flyer?" "It's moving toward Voyager at one-quarter impulse." "Janeway to Voyager. How long until the Flyer disappears again." Kathryn's voice interrupted the conversation. "Four minutes, Captain." Tuvok was prompt to reply. "You're breaking up, Voyager. Confirm four minutes." The signal was weak and even Tuvok couldn't make out the final words. "They're gone, sir." Tuvok would have reacted if he weren't Vulcan. He mentally berated himself for not anticipating a change in the time the Flyer would remain in normal space. "Ensign, review all our records on the appearance and disappearance of the Flyer. Based on what we now know, calculate when we can next expect it to reappear." "Aye, sir." Harry had barely had time to pull up the times the Flyer had appeared and disappeared when his board lit up signaling that the alien ship as hailing them. "We're being hailed, Commander." "On screen, Ensign." A familiar form appeared. "Who are you?" "I am Commander Tuvok. Was there more information you required?" Tuvok's unemotional response seemed to irritate the image on the screen. "Your shuttle appeared but you have not left our space." "We were unable to retrieve it. We will make another attempt when it reappears." "You have been warned." The screen went blank again before the view switched to the external sensors. "Lieutenant Ayala, relay all our readings on that energy trail to engineering. I want to know what effect it will have on Voyager if they complete their pattern. Check all historical records for anything similar and calculate how long it will be before they complete the pattern." Chakotay's restless shifting woke Kathryn. She felt extremely disoriented but managed to sit up. A noise in the room disturbed her but it was a full minute before she recognized it as the computer alerting her to the impending failure of life support. She stood carefully, mindful of her earlier experience. She made her way to a control panel and made the necessary adjustments to restore life support. She had a much better understanding of what was happening even though she had no idea why it was happening. Kathryn jerked herself back to reality. She had been staring at the life support panel for nearly five minutes. No wonder Chakotay wanted to sleep. Moving and thinking was taking a great deal of effort. She turned to go to the galley and retrieve the medical tricorder. She needed to know which brain functions were most susceptible to the effects of this… place.
Chakotay roused a few minutes later. "Kathryn?" "I'm here, Chakotay." Kathryn spoke but Chakotay didn't seem to hear her. "Why, Kathryn?" Chakotay's voice was defeated. "Why won't you let yourself love me?" Kathryn knew then that Chakotay was unaware of her presence. He sat up and was trying to stand when Kathryn moved to his side and pulled him back down. He resisted the restraint until she spoke. "Shhh. Sit down. I'm here." "Where?" Chakotay looked around as if searching for the source of the voice. "Where are you? Why won't you answer me?" "I am answering you, Chakotay. I'm right here." "Is that you, Kathryn? Tell me why you won't love me. Is it because I'm a crazy old man?" "Hush, you're not crazy or old." His questions tore at her but she kept her voice soothing. "Tell me why. What did I do wrong? Why don't you love me?" Chakotay was pleading for an answer. "You didn't do anything wrong." Kathryn pushed him gently to lie down. "Try to rest now, Chakotay." Kathryn sat next to him stroking his temple until he relaxed and seemed to be sleeping. "You've done everything right, Chakotay, and I do love you." Kathryn kissed his forehead and stood to go check on the environmental controls. She didn't hear Chakotay whisper as she left the room, "You do?" Tuvok glanced around the briefing room table at the unusual combination of people gathered. Harry Kim and Tom Paris were familiar faces but the usual banter between them was absent as was the edge to Tom's cocky attitude. Joe Carey sat across the table to provide information from engineering despite the presence of a very pale and shaken Chief Engineer. B'Elanna was to provide information on the disturbance that had trapped the Flyer. The doctor was hovering solicitously next to her. Ayala was at Tuvok's left with the results of his research. Tuvok looked around and knew that he would be making some very difficult decisions in the next half hour. His first priority had to be the ship and crew but he knew the people in this room would not accept that if it meant abandoning the two who were conspicuous by their absence. "Mr. Carey, what have you learned about that energy trail?" "Not a lot, Commander. It is not like any conventional weapon we've encountered. It most closely resembles the force fields we use to reinforce hull integrity only stronger. At the points where two trails cross, the strength and area affected is increased tenfold. If they finish the pattern they've started, when they've finished Voyager's shields won't be strong enough to get us through." Tuvok nodded. "Mr. Ayala?" "At the present rate of construction, they will complete the pattern in one hour twenty minutes." Ayala paused to let the others consider the implications before he continued. "My search of the historical references included only one incident that mentioned a similar weapon. The logs of the USS Enterprise on Stardate 5693.2 mentioned a weapon used by the Tholians. They referred to it as a web but were unable to gather any significant data beyond knowing they could not escape it if it the pattern were completed. The ships have the same configuration and energy signatures as the Tholian ships and the only physical image in the file is nearly identical to our image of the alien who contacted us. There is no further mention of the Tholians in our databanks, but it appears likely that these are the same people." "Until they correct us, we will refer to them as Tholians." Tuvok redirected his attention. "Ensign Kim, what have you learned about the disturbance and the next appearance of the Delta Flyer?" "We don't know much more about the disturbance than we did a few hours ago but I can confirm that any use of warp drive will change the cycle of the Flyer's reappearance most likely shortening the times it remains in normal space and lengthening the time between appearances." Harry glanced worriedly at Ayala having already compared the timing. "I estimate their next reappearance will be approximately five minutes before the Tholians complete their web and they will remain in normal space no more than eight minutes." "Is there sufficient time for the Flyer to move out of the disturbance before the web is completed?" "If they go to maximum impulse as soon as they appear, they should reach Voyager in three minutes. If they try to dock, they will take at least another two minutes. That's assuming they reappear at the same location they disappeared." "And if they don't?" "If they are farther from Voyager, they could take as long as five minutes to reach us at full impulse." "Lieutenant Torres, how likely is it that the captain will be able to put the Flyer in motion that quickly?" "I'm not sure." B'Elanna spoke slowly as she sorted out her memories. "One of the problems we had was that we kept falling asleep. The other was that life support kept failing. It was nothing that couldn't be easily fixed. The first time we phased back into normal space, we were able to function fairly well and started making adjustments. We didn't realize then that we'd only be there for a few minutes. The second time was much more difficult for us. "The captain knows she only has a few minutes so if she is awake she should be able to set a course fairly quickly." B'Elanna saw the hope in the eyes around her and was reluctant to dash them. "But I don't think it's likely. If we hail her, we might be able to wake her. She'll be reluctant to move at full impulse but we can tell her that and give her the best course to Voyager." B'Elanna looked nervously around the table. " I think you should make plans for getting the Flyer without their assistance." "A wise suggestion, Lieutenant." Tuvok turned to the others. "Do any of you have a specific suggestion?" "Let me take another shuttle in and tractor the Flyer clear of the disturbance. I can be waiting at the edge of the disturbance when they phase back into normal space. All I have to do is get them clear of the disturbance. Voyager can move into position at that point and beam both ships into the shuttle bay." Tom was quick to speak and volunteer. The discussion went back and forth for ten minutes before Tuvok finally approved the general plan. He made a few changes including one that Tom did not like. "Ensign Kim, you will be in charge of the shuttle assigned to retrieve the Flyer. Simmons will be your pilot while you handle the tractor beam." "I'm the best pilot you have, Tuvok. I should go." Tom's protest bordered on insubordination. Tuvok merely stared at him a long moment. "That is precisely why you are not going, Lieutenant. You will be required on Voyager. We will have very little time to retrieve the Flyer and shuttle before the Tholians complete their web." Tuvok stood for one final comment before he dismissed them. "I want to remind you all that if the Flyer does not reappear on time, we will have to leave without the Flyer." Tuvok silences the protests with a look. "We are no use to the captain and commander if Voyager is destroyed or trapped. Dismissed." Kathryn checked the environmental controls and readjusted them again. She then went to the helm and checked the course. She made a slight adjustment to send the Flyer directly at Voyager at half impulse. All she had to do was engage the engines when they returned to normal space. She would have time enough after that to make any necessary course adjustments. Kathryn jerked her head up as the computer's voice alerted her to the imminent failure of life support. She had fallen asleep at the helm. Slowly she stood and moved to the life support panel and made the necessary adjustments this time setting the oxygen level 20% higher than normal hoping that would help. She next moved to the rations and got more water. She was thirsty and knew Chakotay was probably dehydrated by now. She took a long drink before moving toward the bunk where he was sleeping. It took a few minutes but she eventually woke him enough to sit up and drink more water. This time Chakotay settled back down to sleep more quickly. Kathryn had intended to return to the helm but he looked so comfortable sleeping and she was so tired that she finally told the computer to wake her in thirty minutes. Hoping she wasn't making a mistake, she settled next to Chakotay and allowed herself to drift off to sleep. She was only vaguely aware that he shifted in his sleep to pull her close to his side. Tuvok watched the view screen intently as the shuttle edged closer to the disturbance. The Flyer should phase back into normal space in thirty seconds. His eyes shifted to the helm where Tom's hands were twitching in anticipation of moving Voyager closer as soon as the Flyer appeared. Tuvok knew that Tom had the course to move out of the web laid in and ready to engage. He tapped the console next to the command chair and pulled up the tactical station. Ayala had the tractor beam ready in case it was needed. Tuvok pulled up ops next and saw that the transporter was ready as well.
"Tuvok to Kim." "Yes, Commander?" "Have Simmons lay in a course to exit the web on my command. That will give us an additional minute." Tuvok didn't have to explain how that minute would be used. "Aye, sir." Tuvok breathed a sigh of relief when the Flyer appeared thirty seconds later. Before he could contact the shuttle, it was moving toward the Flyer. "Move us closer to the Flyer's position, Mr. Paris." Tom's twitching fingers were moving before he spoke. "Moving in, sir." "Hail the Flyer." "No response, Commander. Trying again." The ensign at Ops sounded frustrated. "Still no response. The signal is getting through but they are not responding." "What is their position?" "The Flyer is twenty thousand kilometers from the nearest edge of the disturbance. Ensign Kim's shuttle should be within tractor beam range in one minute twelve seconds." "Can you get a transporter lock on the captain and commander?" "Yes, sir." "Beam them directly to sickbay." "Locking on." The ensign was quiet as she adjusted the transporter settings. "They're in sickbay." "Can you lock onto the Flyer?" "Not yet, sir. The residual effects on the hull of being out of normal space are interfering with the transporter. Tuvok considered contacting the shuttle but decided to let them work without interference. "Open a channel to the shuttle but do not hail them." "Channel open." They all watched tensely as the shuttle approached the Delta Flyer and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the tractor beam engage and the two ships start moving toward Voyager. "Lieutenant Ayala, I want a tractor beam ready to lock onto the Flyer when they exit the disturbance. If we are unable to beam it into the shuttle bay, we'll tow it out of this area." "Aye, Commander. Tractor beam ready now." Ayala responded from tactical. "Time until the Tholians complete their pattern?" "Three minutes twenty seconds." Ayala was tracking their progress from Tactical. "ETA of the shuttle?" "One minute forty-five seconds, sir." The bridge waited tensely. Things were going smoothly – too smoothly. The shuttle cleared the disturbance and a few seconds later, the Flyer was clear as well. "Can you lock onto the Flyer?" "I think so, sir. Let them get a bit closer." The ensign at Ops was stressed but optimistic. "I have a lock on the Flyer now, Commander." "Tuvok to Ensign Kim." "Yes, Commander." "Release the tractor beam and return to Voyager immediately. We are beaming the Flyer to the shuttle bay." "Aye, sir." The tractor beam disappeared before Harry finished speaking. A second later, it increased speed and adjusted its course to enter the shuttle bay. "Lock onto the Flyer and beam it to the shuttle bay, Ensign. Mr. Paris, bring Mr. Kim's shuttle on board." "The Flyer is in the shuttle bay." "Stand down the tractor beam, Lieutenant." "Aye, sir." "The shuttle has docked and the bay doors are sealed." "Take us out of this web, full impulse." Ten seconds later, Voyager cleared the web." "Resume a course for the Alpha Quadrant, Mr. Paris. Warp six." With those routine words, Tuvok settled to studying the duty roster for the next few days, knowing that adjustments would be necessary until the captain and commander had fully recovered. Three days later, Kathryn returned to her quarters after her first day back on duty. She was tired, but it was the normal tired of a normal day. She got a cup of coffee and took off her jacket before setting down on her couch. "Sickbay to Captain Janeway." "What can I do for you, Doctor?" "I released Commander Chakotay to his quarters an hour ago. It will be a few more days before he can return to duty." "Thank you, Doctor. Janeway out." Kathryn considered her options while she sipped her coffee. She wanted to check on Chakotay personally and they both needed to eat something. Dinner together accomplished both goals. When her cup was empty, she took it back to the recycler, picked up her jacket and left her quarters. She signaled for admission and was admitted after only a few seconds. Chakotay stood hastily when he realized who his visitor was. "Kathryn, I'm sorry. I thought it would be the doctor badgering me again." "Nope. I'm the one badgering you this time." She smiled as she teased him and was rewarded by a grin. "You're looking much better than you were a few days ago." "So I've been told." Chakotay was unsure what to say so he fell back on the mundane. "So, what are you here to badger me about?" "I thought dinner in the mess hall would make the doctor happy and give the crew a chance to see for themselves that you're all right." "I'll probably have a constant stream of visitors if I don't make an appearance." Kathryn smiled at his easy agreement. "Shall we go?" They made their way to the mess hall and managed to eat despite the interruptions. A constant stream of people stopped to see for themselves that Chakotay was well on the road to recovery. Kathryn and Chakotay lingered until the crowd had dissipated and only a few were pushing the remnants of dessert around their plates. They stood slowly and made their way back toward their quarters. "Come in for tea?" "Make mine coffee." Kathryn's smile met his instant grin as she stepped through the door ahead of him. "I'd suggest you make it decaf but I don't want to end up back in Sickbay tonight." "That's one reason you're a fine first officer, Chakotay. You have a very healthy sense of self-preservation. You know how to keep your captain happy." Kathryn moved to the couch and allowed Chakotay to play host. He seemed to be tired but Kathryn knew from her own experience that was more from the days in sickbay than a delayed reaction from his time trapped in the disturbance. She smiled as he handed her a cup before sitting down next to her. "Thanks" "Do I?" "Do you what?" Kathryn didn't catch his meaning. "Do I keep you happy? You said I know how to keep the captain happy. Do I? "Of course. You're very good at it." "The captain, yes." Chakotay's voice indicated that he was asking more than just a simple question. "But do I keep Kathryn happy?" "You're doing what I ask so I'm happy." Kathryn skirted the issue. "That's not what I asked." Chakotay's voice was a statement not a challenge. Kathryn let his question pass without comment. Chakotay sipped his tea and Kathryn started to relax more but then he spoke. "I remember everything we talked about in the Flyer, Kathryn. Everything." Kathryn remembered those conversations all too well. "Then you know how I feel. You've made no mistakes, Chakotay. I've just told you that you make me happy." "I remember everything, Kathryn. I heard what you said as you left when you thought I was asleep and I remember sleeping with you in my arms." Again, Chakotay seemed to expect no response and again it was several minutes before he spoke. "I didn't say it on the Flyer, but I love you." Kathryn was amazed at her reaction. Joy at finally hearing him say the words. Relief that his feelings hadn't faded over the years. Dismay that they would now have to deal with something they had pretended did not exist. Fear that she would lose his love and friendship if she said the wrong thing. "What do you want me to say?" "Tell me it was the truth. Tell me you lied." Chakotay took a deep breath. "We've danced around this for years. How much longer can we pretend we're nothing but fellow officers?" "We're not just fellow officers; we're friends." "I'm in love with you, Kathryn. Was what you said the truth?" Kathryn knew it was time to stop evading the issue. "I didn’t lie to you." Chakotay put his cup on the table then turned and took Kathryn's cup and placed it next to his. He leaned back and put his arm around her shoulders. Kathryn leaned her head against him as she considered the implications of her statement. "What do you want to do now?" Chakotay was the one who broke the silence. "I'd like to sit here like this forever." Chakotay started to speak but Kathryn cut him off. "I know that's not what you meant. I guess I'm not sure. Can we just play it by ear from day to day?" "I never expected that response from you." "What did you expect?" "Something more like we have to ignore our feelings and remain nothing more than friends." Chakotay's voice was apologetic. "That's what we should do. But it's not what I want to do which is what you asked." "Allow me to rephrase then. What are we going to do?" Chakotay turned his eyes to meet Kathryn's. "It's your call. You've been honest with me and I'll do what you ask me to do." "You really would, wouldn't you?" Kathryn was amazed at his calm acceptance as he nodded. She considered her options. He had given her another chance to return their relationship to its previous level. Slowly she shook her head. "No, I can't do it, Chakotay. I don't want to go back to the way things were but I have no idea where exactly we're going. You're going to have to settle for playing things by ear for now." "I'm no musician but I have
a good ear." Chakotay tilted her chin up with his free hand to kiss her
gently. He spoke as his lips touched hers. "And I love making music."