The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, the
characters and all things Trek.
PG-13 This is a sequel to Maquis Kiss. ![]() by Dakota Chakotay slowly roused to full consciousness. His first thought was to wonder why the bed was so hard. He sat up and realized that he had been lying on the floor on the bridge of his ship. He looked around and saw others struggling to their feet. "What's going on?" Chakotay directed his question to Ayala who had managed to get to his station. "Give me a minute, Boss. These readings don't make any sense." Ayala busied himself checking what his instruments were telling him. Chakotay turned to Doyle. "Go check on Kathryn." "Boss, you're not going to like this." Ayala didn't sound like he liked what he was going to say either. "We're being held in position next to some type of station. It doesn't match any configuration in our database." "What else?" Chakotay demanded answers as he moved to the helm. "From the stars that are visible on this side of the station, we're in the middle of the Delta Quadrant. Best estimate at this point is that we're between seventy and eighty thousand light years from the Badlands." Ayala took a deep breath before continuing. "And that Federation ship that was chasing us is about two hundred meters from us." "What's their status?" "Their systems are on standby. Life signs indicate that they are probably in the same condition we are." "Bring engines on-line. Maybe we can get out of range before they can come after us." "Warp engines are down. So are the main shields." "What is working?" "Life support, inertial dampers, maneuvering thrusters, navigational shields and sensors." "What about impulse and warp engines?" "All I know is they're off-line. Internal communications are down so I can't check with B'Elanna." Chakotay glanced around at who was left on the bridge. His choice was limited. "Carson, get down to engineering and find out what's going on. Tell them to get someone working on the comm system so we don't have to send messengers back and forth. Send someone back up here to help us and put everyone else to work where B'Elanna needs them the most. Ten minutes later, Doyle entered the bridge. "I found Kathryn down in engineering. She's a bit shaken but otherwise she's fine. She's working on the comm system so B'Elanna can deal with the engines." Chakotay nodded as relief washed through him. He had feared for her and the baby. "What's B'Elanna's estimate for repairs?" "At least a few hours on impulse engines. A day or more on the warp drive." "Let's see what else we can learn while we're waiting. Get to work on calculating our position more precisely, Doyle. Ayala, get our shields and weapons on-line." "Almost there on the shields, Captain. I don't think we'll be able to restore the weapons until after they have the power system up and running." Ayala was not optimistic. "We're being hailed." Doyle interrupted. Chakotay sighed and glanced around the bridge. Not a very impressive sight. He motioned Doyle to the helm and stood to take his chair. He waited until the hail was repeated. "Open a channel." A dark Vulcan in a Starfleet uniform appeared on the screen. "I'm Lieutenant Tuvok of the Federation starship Voyager. I have orders to seize your ship and place you and your crew under arrest." Chakotay glanced at Ayala silently asking for the status of the Federation ship. Ayala shook his head just enough for Chakotay to detect. "I don't think that would be in my best interest, Lieutenant. And if you were in any position to carry out those orders, you'd be on my bridge with a security team by now." Chakotay didn’t bat an eye as he spoke. "Now, was there anything else you wanted?" "You are correct about my ability to carry out my orders. However, you are incorrect about my desire to make the effort. Our sensors indicate that you lost approximately one-third of your crew when you were transferred here and your ship took heavy damage." "What of it? Your ship didn't fare too well either." "Are you able to scan Voyager?" "Enough to know what systems are operational and how many of your crew are still alive, but I don't know how many were killed. Was your captain among the casualties?" Chakotay suddenly realized that a Lieutenant was not likely to have been a first officer much less the captain of a Federation ship. "And perhaps also your first officer?" "The captain was not among the casualties but is busy elsewhere. It is my task to contact you to discuss the possibility of working together." "You want our help?" Chakotay almost laughed at the idea. "I thought you were supposed to arrest us." "I said those were my orders. Your ship is severely damaged and even if you manage to restore the warp drive, it is still incapable of making a seventy thousand light year journey. Voyager has sustained minor damage which can be repaired." "Then why do you need us?" "We were running with a minimum crew compliment and the number of casualties is sufficient to adversely impact the long term operations and maintenance of the ship. You have skilled engineers on board." "Sounds to me like you'd be making your prisoners work for you." Chakotay shook his head. "No, thanks. I'm still not interested." "It is a logical solution. Please consider it. I will contact you when we have completed our repairs and are prepared to leave." Tuvok changed the pitch of his voice slightly to make his final comment an order. "Voyager out." Chakotay moved back to the helm and sent Doyle back to work. He sighed. He had to admit that the Federation's offer was logical, but he was not ready to yield his command so easily. Despite the Vulcan's words, he suspected that one or both of his senior officers had been injured or killed. If that were true, then the Federation crew might be discouraged or even questioning the authority of the Vulcan. Chakotay's contemplation of the situation was interrupted by Kathryn. She entered the bridge and moved to a workstation and made a few adjustments. "There, that should hold up for a few hours until we can make permanent repairs." Kathryn smiled slightly at Chakotay. "You should be able to communicate with engineering." Chakotay stood and walked over to where Kathryn stood. She looked tired, bedraggled, and absolutely beautiful. He placed a possessive hand on her belly and was rewarded by a strong kick from the baby she carried. "I was worried about you." "I'm fine and so is the baby. Is there anything else up here that needs attention?" "You don't look fine. You look exhausted." "Thanks. They need my help with the engines. They almost have the impulse drive repaired." Chakotay struggled between his urge to protect Kathryn and the knowledge that they truly did need her help with the engines. "Stay here and check what you can until they are ready to test the impulse drive." Kathryn debated challenging the reason for his order but didn't when she saw the concern in his eyes. She nodded and moved over to Ayala's station to check it first. Kathryn was just finishing the last station when B'Elanna's voice rang out. "Torres to Chakotay." "Chakotay here. What is it Torres?" "We're ready to bring impulse engines on line. Is Kathryn still there?" "Yes." "Put her at the helm. I need her to keep an eye on the readouts you get up there." Chakotay nodded at Kathryn to take the helm. Kathryn sat down and checked the station. "I'm ready, B'Elanna. What exactly do you need?" "Just make sure there are no sudden spikes. Once it shows you have power, try engaging the engines at one-quarter." Kathryn and B'Elanna continued to work. There were a few problems but B'Elanna and the others were quick to make the necessary corrections. Kathryn turned to Chakotay. "Any particular heading?" "Yes." Chakotay stepped closer and set in a heading that would take them away from the station. "Use that for now." "Boss." Ayala reminded Chakotay about the tractor beam holding them in place. "I know. Let's see what happens." As soon as Kathryn engaged the impulse engines, the lights flickered as the engines strained to move the ship. "We're being hailed by the station, Captain." Doyle announced the hail. "Open a channel." An old man appeared on the screen. "What are you doing? Why are you still here?" "We're trying to leave." "Then do so." "You appear to be holding us with a tractor beam. Release it and we'll be on our way." The old man waved his hand in irritation and the screen went blank as the ship started moving away from the station. "We're being hailed by the Federation ship, Captain." Chakotay didn’t notice Kathryn jerk her head toward Doyle in surprise. "We're pretty popular all of a sudden. Open a channel." The dark Vulcan appeared again. Chakotay missed his eyebrow twitch slightly but Kathryn did not. She placed one hand protectively on the baby and practically stopped breathing. "Lieutenant, I though you weren't going to contact us again until you were ready to leave?" "Have you decided to attempt the journey back to the Alpha Quadrant on your own?" "The only thing I've decided is to put some distance between that station and my ship. Any other decisions will wait until I have a complete assessment of our situation and location." Chakotay paused considering any further comments. "Now, I have work to do and I'm sure you do, too." Chakotay nodded at Doyle to terminate the conversation. He turned to Kathryn. "Can you handle the helm for now?" Kathryn nodded. "Ayala, you have the bridge. I'm going down to engineering to talk to B'Elanna. If that Federation ship moves, let me know immediately." Hours later, Chakotay returned to his quarters to find Kathryn asleep on the couch. She had clearly been waiting up for him. He debated trying to move her to the bed but knew that would be nearly impossible. Once he could have managed it, but she had been a much lighter sleeper since she had become pregnant. He walked over to the couch and sat down on the edge next to her. "Wake up, Kathryn." She barely stirred so he shook her shoulder gently. She batted at his hand. "Go away." "No, you're the one waiting up for me." Chakotay's voice was indulgent. "Chakotay?" Kathryn was unfocused but slowly waking up. "What time is it?" "Nearly 01:00." "You'd said you'd be back hours ago." "I know but something came up in engineering and B'Elanna needed another set of hands for a while." "I could have helped." Chakotay reached out to rub his hand over the baby. "There was no way I was going to let you keep on working without some rest. You're sleeping for two now." "That's supposed to be 'eating'." "That, too. When you sleep, the baby sleeps." Chakotay stood and reached out to pull Kathryn to her feet. "Let's go to bed. I need some sleep, too. I'm sure it won't be long before that Federation ship is after us." Kathryn wrapped her arm around Chakotay's waist as they moved across the room. "What did that Vulcan mean when he said 'on your own'?" "He made a one-sided offer about joining forces to get back to the Alpha Quadrant." "What makes you think it was one-sided?" "For one thing, he's clearly not the captain and not in a position to make that kind of offer. Until I talk to their captain, I'm going to assume their sole objective is to capture this ship and take us all prisoner." Chakotay stopped by the bed and turned Kathryn to face him. He leaned down to kiss her possessively. "You're the one good thing in my life right now. Let's not talk about Starfleet." Kathryn smiled at him before moving to undress. As he headed into the bathroom, her smile faded. She had been anxiously awaiting Voyager's arrival but now that her ship was near, she was far from happy. She had realized months earlier that she would have to explain her actions and baby to Starfleet, but she had somehow managed to ignore the fact that she would also have to explain her actions and Starfleet to Chakotay. She sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked her belly gently soothing herself and the baby as she whispered. "Oh, baby, I hope your daddy loves us both enough to forgive me." When Chakotay crawled into bed, Kathryn moved into his arms. He stretched a possessive arm across her body and settled quickly into sleep. Kathryn stared at the ceiling for a long time wondering how many more nights she'd be held protectively in his arms. Kathryn roused as Chakotay pulled her into his arms two nights later. As her lips met his, she knew that she should tell him who she was. He ended the kiss and shifted to get more comfortable. "What kept you so long?" "Our long range sensors picked up the Federation ship right after I talked to you. I stayed to see whether they were following us. They are but at impulse. They will probably catch up with us late tomorrow unless they get their warp engines back on line." "Why do you think they're following us?" "Well, we're all heading back to the Alpha Quadrant and they still have orders to capture us. I'd be more concerned if they weren't following us." "Ever think their offer to work together was sincere." "It's possible." Chakotay paused as he considered Kathryn's words. "Why? Do you think I should consider it?" "I think it won't hurt to talk to them. If we can't get our warp engines repaired, we'll never make it back on our own." "Are you doubting B'Elanna?" Chakotay teased. He knew Kathryn respected B'Elanna and that the two had developed a rudimentary friendship. "Not for a second. If anyone else were running things, I'd say it was impossible. It's that warp core I don't trust." "Are you insulting my ship?" "I'm just expressing my opinion about the warp core." Kathryn moved closer. "If anyone else were in command, I'd say we had no chance of getting home even if the warp core were in perfect repair." "And you think we stand a better chance if we team up with the Federation ship?" "Maybe. It can't hurt to listen to their proposal. Besides, it's not like we can outrun them right now anyway." "That's true. It might even buy us enough time to get our warp engines running." Chakotay pulled Kathryn closer. "Now, if you're not going to sleep, I can think of something better to do than talk about that Federation ship." Kathryn yielded to his touch and pushed all other thoughts from her mind. Time enough in the days ahead to tell him her secret. "We're being hailed." Carson alerted Chakotay. "Open a channel." Chakotay turned to face the viewer expecting to see the Vulcan appear. He was not disappointed. "Captain, as I'm sure you know, we have restored our impulse drive and are on a course parallel with yours." "That's wonderful news. I'm sure you'll let us know when you have restored your warp drive." Chakotay's voice was dispassionate. "There is no need to constantly report your ship's status to me." "As you wish." The Vulcan was unruffled by the implied insult. "Have you considered my suggestion that we work together to return to the Alpha Quadrant?" "I considered it enough to know that unless the offer comes from your captain it's not worth discussing further." "I am fully authorized to negotiate and commit this ship and crew to such an agreement." "Oh, so your captain and first officer are dead?" "No. The captain's duties require her time and attention elsewhere." "Her?" "Does that pose a problem?" "No. Your captain will approve any agreement you and I reach?" "I believe so. I will not agree to anything that she might consider inadvisable. I have served with her for many years and I know her requirements and priorities quite well." "What exactly did you have in mind?" "I propose you transfer your crew to Voyager and we salvage as much as we can from your ship." "Then you toss us in the brig? I don't think so." "It is doubtful that we can make the journey back to the Alpha Quadrant with the number of crew we currently have on Voyager. To add to the strain on personnel by placing a large number of individuals in the brig is illogical. I propose that you and your crew become part of Voyager's crew." "Doing what? Cleaning, sweeping, and other low clearance jobs?" "Those positions are important to the efficient operation of any ship. However, I'm sure some of your people are qualified for more responsible positions." "Such as?" "Engineering and operations are the most likely." "What about security?" Chakotay smiled as he noted the slight delay in the Vulcan's response. "That is possible but it is something the captain would have to approve. I am not sure I would advise such a step without more information about your crew and their abilities." "So you're willing to let us do all the work. We can do that on this ship. What do we get in return for helping you?" "A chance to return to the Alpha Quadrant." "Which means a trial and prison for us." "You are headed in that direction now." "We can always stop somewhere along the way." "At your current speed, your first chance to stop 'somewhere along the way' will come in about fifteen years." Tuvok reminded Chakotay that they were currently capable of moving only at low impulse. "Once we've restored our warp drive it will only take a few weeks." Chakotay sounded more confident than he felt. "My compliments to your engineers. Perhaps they would like to visit Voyager and speak with our people. The groups face similar challenges and might both benefit from meeting for an hour." "You want me to bring some of my crew over to your ship? What assurances do I have that you will send them back?" "You have my word as a Starfleet officer," Tuvok offered his assurance calmly, "that I will return all of your crew to your ship when you or they request it." "I'll get back to you after I discuss it with my chief engineer." Chakotay materialized in Voyager's transporter room. Facing him were the now familiar Vulcan and a young ensign operating the controls. "Welcome aboard." The Vulcan spoke as Chakotay stepped off the transporter pad. Chakotay looked around the room then stepped toward the Vulcan. "Are there guards posted outside?" "As agreed, there is an escort outside but they are unarmed." "All right. You can beam the rest of my group over now." Tuvok nodded to the ensign and a few seconds later B'Elanna, Ayala and Kathryn materialized. Chakotay was focused on the new arrivals and did not notice the flicker of surprise that passed over the Vulcan's face when he saw the group. Chakotay's eyes met Kathryn's as she stepped toward him. He smiled slightly at her before turning to Tuvok. "This is my chief of security, Ayala, my chief engineer, B'Elanna, and another of my engineers, Kathryn." Kathryn returned Tuvok's nod but made no move to acknowledge who she was. She breathed more easily when it was clear he had accepted her decision. She wondered what he was thinking about her pregnancy and whether he had picked up on the slight change in Chakotay's voice when he had introduced her and correctly concluded that Chakotay was the baby's father. "Welcome aboard. Shall we proceed to engineering?" Kathryn glanced at Chakotay as Tuvok spoke and stepped forward when he indicated they should follow the Vulcan. The group made its way to engineering where they were introduced to the officer in charge for the afternoon, Joe Carey. He gave them a brief tour then got into a discussion with B'Elanna about plasma flow regulators. Ayala was totally disinterested and struck up a conversation with their escorts. Chakotay listened to the technical discussion for a few minutes then followed Kathryn over to a console where she was examining the readout. Tuvok joined them. Several hours later Kathryn and B'Elanna were well into a discussion with Joe Carey about the changes that had been made to the standard power system to accommodate the bio-neural gel packs. Chakotay and Tuvok stood near them discussing the various ways they two crews could be combined when a tall blond in a uniform but no rank insignia sauntered into engineering and approached Tuvok. "I'm bored, Tuvok. Give me something to do or at least let me use the holodeck." "Mr. Paris, I am occupied at the moment. I will discuss your boredom with you at some other time." One of the men talking to Ayala walked towards Paris as Chakotay turned to see who had interrupted them. The blond barely noticed Chakotay near Tuvok but he was staring at B'Elanna and Kathryn. "Hey, Tuvok, you didn't tell me Captain Janeway was pregnant!" Kathryn felt the blood drain from her face as the man from security acted on Tuvok's signal and grabbed Paris's arm to remove him from engineering. She turned to look at Chakotay. His face was frozen in some combination of shock, betrayal and anger. "Captain Janeway?" Kathryn nodded as she straightened slightly and took a step toward Chakotay. He turned away to look at Tuvok then called to the others. "B'Elanna, Ayala, we're going back to our ship." Chakotay led the others toward the exit from engineering as their remaining escort followed. Tuvok glanced at Kathryn who nodded that he should allow them to leave. As the four left engineering, Kathryn stood and watched wondering what she was going to do. Eventually she left engineering and headed for her quarters. An hour later, Captain Janeway exited the turbolift onto the bridge of her ship. It seemed a lifetime since she had been on her ship but in reality it was only a little over a year. Tuvok stood and turned to face her. "Welcome back, Captain." The captain barely nodded in acknowledgement of Tuvok's greeting. "Status?" "The Maquis ship is on a course for the Alpha Quadrant. We are following about one million kilometers behind. Warp engines came on-line twenty minutes ago. I took the liberty to restore all your command codes once you returned." "Casualties?" "Forty-three, Captain. Cavitt, Fitzgerald and Stadi were among those killed. I have a complete summary prepared for you." "Send it to my ready room. I'll read it there. The Maquis ship should have warp drive in a few more hours. Stay close enough to assist them if their core gives them any serious problems. Continue following them if they go to warp." "Yes, Captain." Tuvok remained standing until the door of the ready room closed behind the captain. A few hours later the captain called Tuvok to the ready room. They had been traveling at warp for about thirty minutes. "You wished to speak with me, Captain?" "Yes." The captain motioned Tuvok to sit down. "I've read over your summary of events since Voyager's arrival in the Delta Quadrant. We're a long way from home, old friend." "Indeed, Captain." "It will take nearly seventy years to complete the journey if we can maintain a reasonable cruising speed. What's our present speed?" "We're at warp two. The Maquis ship's engines are functioning but the warp field is unstable. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't dropped out of warp to work on them." "You don't know their chief engineer. Are their sensors functioning?" "They are functioning but not at 100%. It is possible they do not realize we are following them. If so, then it is also possible they are trying to get out of range of our sensors so they can find a place to hide while they complete repairs." The captain nodded. The latter possibility was consistent with everything she knew about Chakotay and his crew. "Let's deal with some of the problems we have on Voyager before we approach the Maquis again. Stadi was among our casualties so we need a new chief helmsman." "None of the people assigned to the helm has a great deal of experience. It may be necessary to move someone from another department to fill that position." "What about Tom Paris?" "He's not a member of the crew." "Not at the moment. He had an excellent record as a pilot; it was his judgment in other matters that caused all his problems. He has enough experience to supervise a group that small." "It is worth considering." Tuvok knew that the captain would not have mentioned the idea to him if she had any reservations about it. "Might I suggest that we assign him a regular duty shift to coincide with yours or mine and see how he handles it? If he carries out his duties well over a period of time, you can appoint him as department head at a later date." "An excellent suggestion." "It's going to be hard to replace Fitzgerald as Chief Engineer." She paused. "And I'm going to postpone my decision until after we have dealt with the Maquis." "Might I inquire about your reasons, Captain?" "Yes." The captain took a deep breath. "We need an engineer who is determined and competent. We have any number of people who fit that description. But over the next seventy years, we're going to need more than just competent. We're going to need someone who is resourceful, innovative and adaptable. B'Elanna Torres is the best person for that position." Tuvok considered her words. "You are her friend?" "I was." Kathryn sighed. She had known Tuvok would not endorse this without more information. "Talk to Joe Carey about his impression of her. See whether he thinks she's any good as an engineer. Then talk to your security people about Ayala." "Ayala? I take it you want to assign him to my department if the Maquis join us?" "I want him to be your second in command. I know you don't know him but I do. I trust him, not just with my life, but also with my baby's life. If he says he'll watch your back, he will." Tuvok nodded his agreement. He stared at Kathryn for a full minute before she looked away. "You want to know who the father is, don't you?" "It is my duty to inquire about his identity just as it is my duty to inquire whether the circumstances surrounding the child's conception were voluntary." "I'm sure your logic has already told you who the father of my baby is." Kathryn raised her eyes to meet Tuvok's. His nod confirmed he knew. "We celebrated when we learned I was pregnant." "Then I extend my congratulations to you. May the child flourish in your care." The captain smiled slightly and moved on to other matters. "I honestly don't know what I would do about the Maquis if we were still in the Alpha Quadrant, but we aren't." "Will you risk Voyager and her crew to protect the Maquis ship?" Tuvok's question was blunt but not entirely expected. "If I have to, yes, but only the Maquis, not their ship. My orders are to bring them back to the legal authorities." Kathryn met Tuvok's eyes. "They're my friends, too, Tuvok. I know them. I care about what happens to them." "Starfleet anticipated that could be a problem for you, Captain. Cavitt received new orders several months ago to retain command if, when we found you, you gave any indication that you might be reluctant to carry out your original orders." "Then I'll turn command over to you." "That would not be wise. Those orders were discretionary and based on many assumptions that are no longer relevant. Your first priority must be to return Voyager safely to Federation space. Your methods may be unorthodox, but your objective is the one demanded by Starfleet. There is no reason for me to act on those orders." "Thank you, Tuvok." Kathryn smiled at her old friend. "I'm glad you agree that I should not abandon the Maquis until we've exhausted all other possibilities." "That may prove challenging, Captain. They do not appear to want our assistance." "I honestly don't think that will remain true for long given the relative condition of the two ships. Remember, I know that ship's systems as well as Joe Carey knows Voyager's. B'Elanna might be the best engineer I've ever known but even she can't make that ship thirty years younger." Tuvok paused before asking one last question. "Do you anticipate naming Chakotay your first officer if we can work out such an arrangement with him and his crew?" "If he agrees, yes. I'm sorry. You've more than earned that position in recent weeks but we'll need him in the years to come. He's an excellent tactician and commands a great deal of personal loyalty from his crew. He's also an excellent leader and an experienced Starfleet officer." Kathryn sighed. "I love him, Tuvok. I know my judgment is far from objective when it comes to him. But that also means I know him and his abilities. "The more I learn about our situation, the more I'm convinced that our best chance of getting home is working with the Maquis. Chakotay hasn't admitted it yet, but their only chance of getting home is working with us." Kathryn looked at Tuvok. "You suggested the idea to him. Was that based on logic or merely a ruse to learn what had happened to me?" "It was not a ruse. My assessment of our situation is that we require more crewmen to safely operate and maintain Voyager for an extended journey. We are in agreement." "Good. I have a few questions about this 'Caretaker'. I've read your preliminary report. How certain are you that he will not change his mind?" "He seemed adamant, Captain. Since then, I have had an opportunity to study his technology in more depth. I do not believe it would be safe to make the attempt even if he were willing. Voyager sustained significant damage when it was brought to the Delta Quadrant. The forces involved are significantly greater closer to their point of origin. I do not believe the ship could withstand the forces necessary to send us back to the Alpha Quadrant." "It was worth investigating." Kathryn sighed. "I'll review your final summary and recommendation when it's ready. That's all I have for now. Is there anything else we need to discuss?" Tuvok stood. "Captain, regulations require that when an officer returns from an away mission or assignment that they receive a complete physical exam. Have you received any medical care since you became pregnant?" "No. I'm sure if I don't volunteer to report to sickbay in the next few minutes, you're going to suggest it – quite strongly." The captain smiled and stood. "I'll go now." Just before they reached the door, the captain stopped. "Would you do me a favor?" "Certainly, Captain." "Stop at my quarters on your way to the mess hall for dinner. The rumors about my pregnancy are going to be flying by then. I'd rather have some moral support when I face the crew." "Understood, Captain. I am scheduled to be relieved in two hours. That should give the doctor sufficient time to examine you." "Thank you, Tuvok. You have the bridge." Forty-seven days later, Kathryn was working in her ready room, trying to improve on the duty roster. Voyager's entire crew was working twelve on/twelve off with only one day off every four to five weeks. She was taking one shift and Tuvok the other just like the rest of the crew. There had to be a few more stations that could go unmanned and free up personnel; she just couldn't find any. The baby kicked breaking her focus on the problem at hand. Kathryn rubbed her belly to soothe the baby and stood. She was stiff from sitting and awkward. Awkward? At eight months, awkward didn’t begin to describe how she felt. She moved to her replicator and asked for water. As she returned to her desk, she remembered back a few months when a gentle voice assured her she was beautiful even if she was pregnant. Kathryn glanced out the view port into the dark sky. She imagined she could see the Maquis ship even though she knew it was on the other side of Voyager and invisible while both ships were at warp. "Captain to the bridge!" The call came from Tom Paris who had been left in command of the bridge. Kathryn set down her glass and moved as quickly as she could to the bridge. "Report." Tom stood and was moving toward the helm as she spoke. "An unidentified ship has moved to block the course of the Maquis ship. Its weapons are charged." "Move us closer." The captain glanced at the officer at Tactical. She trusted him but Tuvok knew the ship better. "Lieutenant Tuvok to the bridge." "Open a channel to that ship, Ensign." "Channel open, Captain." "This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation starship Voyager." "I am Maje Jabin of the Kazon-Ogla. I claim this ship. Do not interfere or I will destroy you as well." "That ship and crew are mine and I'm not willing to give them up so easily. I'm sure we can work this out, Maje…." The screen went blank then switched back to the star field. "Move us in closer and get those ships on the screen." Ensign Kim at ops had barely carried out the order when the Kazon ship fired on the Maquis vessel. "Damage?" "They damaged the plasma flow regulators. I don't think they can shut down the reaction." Ensign Kim reported. The captain heard the door of the turbolift swish open then closed and knew Tuvok had arrived. "Red alert! Shields up. Arm phasers." "Aye, Captain." Tuvok's voice told the captain he was prepared. "Their core is going to breach in five minutes, Captain." "Move us into transporter range." The captain had no intention of allowing them to die. She whispered to herself. "Come on, Chakotay. Make B'Elanna dump the core." "They are dumping the core, Captain." Ensign Kim's words were music to the captain's ears. Now all she had to do was deal with the Kazon. When the Kazon ship moved away from the Maquis ship, Kathryn sighed in relief. But her relief was short-lived when she saw a tractor beam from the Kazon ship attach to the warp core. "How stable is that core, Ensign." "It's not, Captain." "Can the Maquis ship maneuver?" "No, Captain. Their impulse engines were also damaged by the Kazon attack." "Tuvok, get a tractor beam on that ship. Paris, move us away from that core, best speed. How long do we have, Ensign?" "Two minutes at the most, Captain." Harry Kim was off by three seconds. The warp core from the Maquis ship exploded destroying the Kazon vessel and rocking the Maquis ship and Voyager. Kathryn was thrown forward against the helm and slumped to the floor. Tuvok immediately signaled the ensign to take over the tactical station as he moved toward the captain. She needed medical attention. "Ensign Kim, transport the captain to sickbay immediately." He stood as the captain shimmered out of sight then moved to the captain's chair. "Release the tractor beam. Mr. Paris, move us one thousand meters away from the Maquis ship. Stand down red alert." Tuvok sat and gave his people time to carry out their orders. "Anything on long range scans?" "Nothing, Lieutenant." "Open a channel to the Maquis ship." A few minutes later, Chakotay's face appeared on the screen. He was extremely angry. "Well?" "Do any of your people require medical attention?" Chakotay seemed to lose his anger as he exhaled. He clearly was not expecting that question. "No, nothing we can't deal with." "The invitation for your crew to join the crew of Voyager is still open." "I wasn’t sure about that the first time you suggested it. I'm a lot more certain now that I'm not interested." "You just lost your warp core. Even if you maintain full impulse, do not run out of supplies, and encounter no other species native to this quadrant, it will take you more than ten years to reach the nearest habitable planet. You might not be interested but is your crew?" "We might meet a group that are friendly." "It is possible," Tuvok conceded the point. "If they are used to dealing with the Kazon, it is also possible they will attack before you can greet them." Tuvok studied Chakotay's face. He had made his point but the man was not prepared to give up so easily. If the captain were right about the man, he would do what was best for his crew once he had time to consider all the alternatives. "Consider the offer. Ask your crew what they want to do. We will welcome one or all of them." "Are you speaking for the captain now, or do you have to get her approval for this?" "If the captain were on the bridge now, she would be making the same offer." "What exactly is being offered to each of my people?" "A position on Voyager based on each person's training, abilities and experience." "Based on whose criteria?" "The captain's. She knows your crew quite well and their abilities." "So you can't give me any examples?" "I can give you one that she discussed with me because it affects my department. If Ayala were to join the crew of Voyager, she would appoint him to security as my most senior Tactical Officer." "Why not appoint him as Chief Tactical Officer?" "I am more familiar with the ship and have significantly more experience than he does." Chakotay had been making a humorous comment but Tuvok, ever the Vulcan, had not recognized the humor. His response had surprised Chakotay. "I'll consider it. Chakotay out." The screen went blank then the star field with a Maquis ship appeared. Tuvok stood. "Mr. Paris, you have the bridge. Call me immediately if any other ships appear on our sensors. If the Maquis ship manages to restore its impulse engines, follow them at a safe distance." "Aye, sir." Three days later Tuvok entered the bridge for his regular shift. "Report, Mr. Paris." "Long range sensors show no signs of any ships. The Maquis ship finally restored enough power to fire their thrusters about five hours ago. They've managed to reach a few hundred kilometers per hour. I allowed them to get a thousand kilometers away before following. Their navigational shields are barely operational. They are stopping the dust but they've been hit a few times by larger pieces. Even if they had impulse engines, I don't think they could safely use them." Tuvok was seated when he realized that Tom Paris had not left the bridge. "Was there anything else, Mr. Paris?" "I was wondering how the captain was, Sir." "The doctor reports that her condition is stable." "Is the baby going to be ok?" "The doctor is more encouraging in his latest report." Tuvok paused before making a suggestion. "Perhaps a brief visit would answer your questions more adequately." "I don't want to intrude on the captain." "I do not believe a brief visit to let her know you and the crew are hoping for her rapid recovery would be an intrusion." Tuvok let Tom think about the idea a second before reminding him, "You are relieved, Mr. Paris." "Aye, Sir." "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." The EMH appeared as soon as Tom entered sickbay. "There's no emergency, Doc. I just stopped by to see how the captain was doing." "She's doing fine. Now, was there anything else?" "I thought maybe I would say hello." "The captain is resting right now…." "Let him come over, Doctor." Tom glanced defiantly at the EMH as he stepped around him to approach the biobed holding the captain. "Hi, Captain. I won't stay long. I just wanted to see that you were really ok." "I'm fine, Tom." "And the baby?" "She's doing much better now. She was pretty badly shaken when I hit the helm." "I'm glad, Captain. I've been pretty worried about you both. So has everyone else." Tom hesitated only a second before continuing. "We've missed seeing the baby escort you onto the bridge the last few days." The captain smiled at his humor. "Well, in a few more weeks, my escort will be a fanfare that you can hear coming all the way from Deck 15." "I can't wait for that day, Captain. Everyone on this ship will welcome it. Did you know we have a pool going for the baby's birth date and time? The winner gets to hold her first – with your permission, of course." "So I hear." Kathryn felt the tears form in her eyes as she realized for the first time that Voyager's crew had accepted her pregnancy and welcomed her baby. "Just how many rations have been put in this pool, Mr. Paris?" Tom look embarrassed. "I, uh… I'd better go now, Captain. The doctor isn't looking too pleased with me at the moment." "I understand. Stop in and see me again if you have time." Kathryn glanced around the room. "It gets a little lonely in here all day." "I'll be back tomorrow when I get off duty." "I'll look forward to it, Tom." Tuvok was debating the wisdom of hailing the Maquis ship when the ensign at Ops spoke. "We're being hailed by the Maquis ship." "On screen." Chakotay's face appeared on the main screen. "I presented your offer to my crew, Lieutenant. All are interested but many want to know what their specific assignments would be prior to making a commitment. Would it be possible for you to send a list of their assignments to us?" "I propose that your crew come visit Voyager. I will have the details of their assignments available. They can tour the area of the ship where they would be serving and also inspect typical housing assignments. I cannot be more specific about housing until I know who will be accepting our offer. If they like, they could join us for a meal." "So you want them to see what you have to offer?" "It is reasonable to do that. A visit to Voyager will also allow them to see first hand what our expectations are regarding behavior and discipline. Your people would be giving up a certain amount of personal freedom by joining a Starfleet crew. It is to everyone's advantage that they know exactly what they gain and what they leave behind before they make a decision." "How soon do you want to schedule this tour?" "Would two hours be convenient? I will need time to arrange for someone from our various departments to speak with your crew. I will also endeavor to confirm the rank each person would be assigned but I cannot promise to have this information for your entire crew by the time you arrive." "Two hours it is. We'll see you then. Chakotay out." Tuvok raised an eyebrow at the abrupt termination of the conversation before turning his attention to the preparations. Two hours and thirty minutes later, the last three members of Chakotay's crew left the transporter room headed for a tour of the brig. As the door closed behind them, Tuvok turned to Chakotay and extended a pad. "Here is the assignment you would be given." "I won't be joining your crew." Chakotay brushed the pad away. "I was surprised at a few of the assignments, especially B'Elanna's." "She is a competent engineer. The captain believes she is the best person available to serve as Chief Engineer. All of the assignments reflect her assessment of the individuals." "I'm surprised she wasn't here to greet them herself. Or was she afraid that seeing her would remind them she betrayed us all?" "On the contrary, she very much wanted to welcome you and your crew." "Then why didn't she?" "The captain was the sole casualty in the encounter with the Kazon. She has been confined to sickbay for the last three days." Chakotay was speechless. His concern for Kathryn and the baby were in conflict with his pride. "She nearly lost the baby but the doctor's most recent report was encouraging." Tuvok watched as emotions flickered in Chakotay's eyes but never touched his expression. "Would you like to see her?" "Perhaps before I return to my ship. Is there someplace I can wait while my crew completes their visits?" "I've instructed their escorts to bring them to the briefing room before they go to dinner. They can ask any questions that remain unanswered." "Sounds good to me. Tell me, am I invited to dinner even though I'm not going to be joining your crew?" "Of course." Tuvok led the way out the door toward the briefing room. "I am curious, Captain, have you told your crew that you will not be joining Voyager's crew?" "No. I don't want them to stay on my ship out of a false sense of loyalty. I want what's best for them." Two hours later, Tuvok had the decision of the Maquis crew: forty-two acceptances, two undecideds and Chakotay's rejection. "Captain, I suggest that everyone return to your ship to collect their personal items then return and receive their housing assignments. Ayala and B'Elanna may join them later if they decide to accept our offer. I'll make it clear that their offers remain open." "They'll be back with the others." Chakotay spoke with an off-hand confidence that Tuvok found surprising. "The only reason they are undecided is that they realize that I've never said I was accepting the offer. If they had any doubts, they'd have said 'no'. I'll talk to them later." "What will you do, Captain?" "I'll probably just stay on course for that star." "Would you like to see the captain before you join your crew for dinner?" "Does she know I'm on board?" "She is aware your crew was scheduled to visit." "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." True to form, the EMH materialized. "Computer, deactivate the EMH." Tuvok knew that the EMH was not going to be a welcome observer to the upcoming conversation. "Captain, you have a visitor." Kathryn turned and stared at Chakotay as the door to the corridor closed behind Tuvok. "You came?" Her voice was filled with conflicting emotions, surprise, hope, and fear among them. "Only to see for myself that the baby is in no danger." Chakotay spoke coldly still hiding the pain of betrayal behind his pride. "The baby is fine." "Lieutenant Tuvok told me you were injured during the encounter with the Kazon." Kathryn nodded. "Yes, from the shock wave created by the core exploding. It threw me out of my chair and against the helm. The doctor said it could easily have been much worse." "I only came to see that you both were all right." "Chakotay, wait." Kathryn knew this might be her only chance to talk to him. "Are you going to come with your crew to Voyager?" "I'm surprised you have to ask." "I was hoping you would even if only for the crew." "They don't need me on Voyager." "They might not but I do," Kathryn barely paused before continuing, "and so does our baby." "You will be here. The baby doesn't need both of us." "Our baby is a girl, Chakotay. Did Tuvok tell you that? She's going to need her father especially if something happens to me." "You just told me you're fine." "I am, as fine as a woman my age can be carrying her first child after getting slammed against the helm and thrown on the floor. I could still lose the baby during delivery or something could happen to me." "Tuvok didn't mention that." "Because the doctor didn’t tell him. I wouldn't let him." Kathryn hoped she could change Chakotay's mind. "If something happens to me, the baby will need you and so will all the people on this ship. Tuvok is security and he's very good at it. For short periods of time, he is more than capable of commanding a ship. He's not command track and never wanted to be. If something happens to me, this ship needs a captain that can command the loyalty and trust of the crew not just the respect. They'll need you. "This ship is seventy-five thousand light years from home. I don't know if I can get them home if you're not on Voyager. I can make people dig down inside themselves to keep going, but you can inspire them to do it on their own. "The baby will need you, too. There are probably a hundred people who would raise our baby but she should be raised by her parents. She should know her father, not from tales told by others but from her own experience. She should hear those tales from his lips as he whispers bedtime stories to her. "For the sake of the people on this ship and your daughter, stay with Voyager, at least for a while. If you really want to leave in a few months, we'll drop you at a station or on some safe planet." Chakotay had focused his eyes toward the wall behind Kathryn while she spoke and forced his face to remain emotionless. "I have to go now." Chakotay turned his back to Kathryn as he walked to the door. He paused just before he triggered it. "I'll consider your request." Tuvok had instructed a member of security to wait for Chakotay outside sickbay. "Captain, Lieutenant Tuvok asked me to show you the way to the mess hall." "Is he there?" "I believe so, sir." Chakotay nodded and followed the ensign. When he reached the mess hall, he quickly located Tuvok sitting in a corner by himself. "Lieutenant, I discussed the situation with your captain. She has offered me transport to an appropriate station or planet. I suggest we salvage as many components as we can from my ship, then destroy it. Your newest recruits can get settled and in the morning return to my ship and begin salvage operations, if that is acceptable to you." Tuvok nodded his agreement. "That is logical. Will you be available to assist them in deciding which components to salvage?" "B'Elanna can probably do it a lot faster. I'll draw up a preliminary list tonight based on what I remember about 'fleet ships. B'Elanna can go over it with one of your engineers tomorrow before they start. If you're serious about her being chief engineer, you should probably put her in charge." "We can go over the list together with Ms. Torres and Lieutenant Carey in the morning." "Carey?" What do you need him for?" "Right now, he knows Voyager's status and systems better than Ms. Torres. His input will be useful." "Right." Chakotay didn't sound too confident about Carey but figured he'd let Tuvok learn the hard way how volatile B'Elanna could be. Late the next afternoon, Kathryn heard the doors to sickbay swish open and closed. She didn't open her eyes until she heard a familiar voice arguing with the EMH. "Look, I just want to say hi to a friend. Now get out of my way!" "Computer, deactivate the EMH." Kathryn didn’t feel like arguing with him either. "B'Elanna? Is that really you?" Kathryn smiled up at her friend. "Hi, Kathryn. I wanted to check up on you and the baby. I didn't know until a few hours ago that you'd been hurt when the Kazon attacked." "The baby and I are both doing well. It's so good to see you. How have you been?" "Tired." "You've been working eighteen hour shifts for the last two months?" "Pretty much. At one point, Chakotay confined me to my quarters for twelve hours to make me sleep." B'Elanna stopped talking abruptly when she saw the look on Kathryn's face after she had mentioned Chakotay's name. "You really love him, don't you?" Kathryn nodded and bit her lip. "Damn that man! He almost had me believing it was all an act on your part." "Don't blame him. I did lie to him about a lot of things. I can't expect him or anyone else to believe that the feelings and friendships that developed later are real." "Maybe you can't, but I can." B'Elanna changed the subject. "You made me chief engineer on Voyager. That tells me more than anything you could have said." "You are the best engineer we have, the best I've ever met. You were my friend and I hope that someday we'll get that back. But don't expect me to be easy on you. I have high standards and I'll expect you to meet them." "You are my friend." B'Elanna smiled at Kathryn. "You feel like some girl talk for a while?" Kathryn nodded. "Pull up a chair. I haven't had anyone to talk to in a very long time." B'Elanna dragged a chair over next to Kathryn and sat down. "I want to know about some of the men on this ship. Where did you find Ensign Lime anyway?" "Ensign Lime?" Kathryn was puzzled. "Oh, you must mean Harry Kim. He's from last year's Academy class. He shows great promise but you're right, he is a bit green." B'Elanna laughed. "Now, who is that tall blond with no rank that walks around acting like it's his ship?" Kathryn detected a note in B'Elanna's voice that was more than professional curiosity and settled in to a nice long discussion. "That would be Tom Paris. He's someone that came aboard after I went undercover. I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with him. Maybe you have some ideas? Here's what I know about him so far." Chakotay exited the turbolift onto the bridge ten days later. Tuvok stood and turned to greet him. "Welcome to the bridge, Captain." Chakotay nodded and moved down the steps to stand next to Tuvok. He was not surprised to see his ship on the main screen. "I take it that the project is completed?" "It is. I thought perhaps you would like to issue the order to destroy your ship." Chakotay eyed Tuvok thoughtfully. It was a courtesy but he wasn't sure it was a kindness. If it had been anyone else, he might have thought it was an offer intended to cause pain. Chakotay gazed at his ship on the screen. He had commanded her for only a short time but had learned to trust the old vessel. He had made friends and a few enemies on her and he had met Kathryn and fathered her child. He wanted to remember the ship as she had been not as she was. But she was his ship and his responsibility. Her time had come and gone and it was his final duty to her to order her destruction. Slowly he turned back to Tuvok and nodded his head. "I appreciate the offer, Lieutenant." "Whenever you're ready, Captain." Chakotay looked around at tactical and saw Ayala standing there. When their eyes met, Ayala nodded slightly. With that simple gesture, Chakotay knew that Ayala and the rest of his crew understood and agreed with his decision to destroy the ship. He looked back at the screen. "Fire." The torpedoes snaked away from Voyager and hit the smaller ship in a flash of light. When the light faded, there were only small fragments drifting away from the center of the explosion. Chakotay turned to Tuvok. "Thank you, Lieutenant. If you'll excuse me, I'll be returning to my quarters now." Chakotay turned and left the bridge. Tuvok sat down. "Resume our previous course, warp seven." "Aye, Lieutenant." Ten days later, B'Elanna sought out Chakotay in the mess hall at lunch after the crowd had left. "Why aren't you in sick bay?" "Why should I be there?" "The captain went into labor early this morning. I thought you'd be with her." B'Elanna stared at Chakotay but he remained silent. "It is your baby after all." "It's her baby." His voice was empty. "How long are you going to keep this up?" "Keep what up?" The innocent act wasn't working for Chakotay but he refused to concede anything. B'Elanna practically glared at Chakotay then sighed in exasperation. "Fine. Be like that if it makes you happy. Just answer one question, if you can. Why are you punishing her now? She was only following orders." B'Elanna paused and watched Chakotay's face. "Or is that the problem? You think that's all it was – her following orders? Well, I have news for you, buster. She could have followed those orders just as well from her own quarters. She was in your bed because she loved you and thought you loved her." B'Elanna stood to move to another table. "Don't you at least want to be the first person to hold your daughter and tell her she's a beautiful baby?" Chakotay refused to leave to go to sickbay. He hadn't known Kathryn was in labor until B'Elanna told him. He had intentionally cut himself off from the crew as much as possible. Leaving was going to be hard enough. He didn't need more memories to make it even more difficult. He remained at his table until the dinner crowd started arriving. Late the next morning he overheard two crewmen discussing the baby and learned that Kathryn and the baby were both doing well. The relief he felt at the news was expected; the guilt was not. A few days later, Voyager was in orbit around an M-class planet with a small outpost. The planet was used by a number of different species as a place to restock basic supplies while on extended assignments. They welcomed others but asked that they not damage the ecosystem or take more than they needed. Although they had not landed the ship, they had taken on fresh supplies and Tuvok had given the crew leave to visit the planet. Chakotay had met with those at the outpost several times and told them he might be interested in settling there if it was permitted. They were surprised at his request but assured him he was welcome to join their small community. Slowly he made his way along Deck 5. He had avoided visiting Kathryn but he knew he had to tell her himself that he was leaving. The door swished open and for once, the EMH wasn't there to intrude. Chakotay glanced towards the medical office and saw the EMH working at the desk. The expected silence of sickbay was missing. Instead, his ears were greeted by a loud cry. The baby was clearly not happy about something. Kathryn was sitting with her back to the door trying to calm the baby. Her words didn't carry far but Chakotay could hear them. "Shh, little one. It's all right. Momma is here. I love you. Your daddy loves you, too. He's only staying away because of me. Maybe when we get home this afternoon, he'll come to see you. He would be so proud of you. If not today, then someday soon, he'll come. When he does, tell him to stay with us, to stay on Voyager. Tell him we need him and love him. Maybe he'll listen to you. Maybe he'll love you enough to forgive me." Chakotay moved towards the doctor's office. The EMH looked up as he arrived. "I didn't hear you come in. What can I do for you?" "When is the captain returning to her quarters?" "As soon as Lieutenant Tuvok arrives to escort her, not that it's any of your business." "I'll take her to her quarters." Chakotay left the office and walked across the room towards Kathryn, this time making sure she saw and heard him. "Kathryn, there's no need for you to wait for Tuvok. I'll take you and the baby home." Kathryn looked up in surprise when he spoke. "I can't release her to you." "Why not?" "You're not a member of the crew." "Well, I'm the baby's father so I'm not likely to let anything happen to her. As for Kathryn, if I wanted to hurt her I would have done so months ago. Now, is there anything you have to do before she leaves because if there is, you'd better get it done fast. We're leaving." "Doctor," Kathryn broke into the conversation, "he can take me to my quarters as well as Tuvok." The doctor continued to fuss as he did a final scan of Kathryn and the baby. He was still complaining as the door closed behind them. Kathryn was carrying the baby and trying not to be so aware of the man walking next to her. They stepped onto a lift. The door closed but the lift didn't move. Kathryn glanced up at Chakotay. "I don't know where your quarters are, Kathryn." Kathryn nodded. "Deck three." The lift started moving. "Why did you volunteer to bring me back to my quarters?" "I wanted to talk to you." Chakotay didn't explain further. The lift stopped and he followed Kathryn up the corridor to a door that opened as she approached. Chakotay followed her in and stopped near the door. He looked around and was surprised at how few personal items there were in the room. Other than size, it could have been any of the empty quarters on the main crew decks. Kathryn moved across the room to a small crib located near the door to her bedroom. Carefully she placed the baby in the crib hoping she would continue sleeping. Chakotay watched Kathryn as she moved. She hadn't cut her hair since he had met her and it fell below her waist. Kathryn turned back to face Chakotay and saw him still holding the bag he had carried for her. "Here, I'll take that." He stepped forward to hand her the bag and she disappeared briefly into her room. When she returned she seemed nervous. "Would you like some tea?" "No, I'm fine." Chakotay had moved over to stand next to the crib and was staring at the baby. "What did you name her?" "I haven't yet." Kathryn flushed slightly. "I've been hoping that you'd come see her and we could pick her name together." "I didn't come to see her. I came to tell you that the outpost on the planet we're orbiting agreed to let me join them." "Oh." Kathryn didn't know what else to say. "She is a beautiful baby, Kathryn." "She looks like you. The doctor says she'll have your coloring." "I hope she has your features." Kathryn smiled at his attempt at humor but kept the talk serious. "You could always stay and watch her grow up." "And have to try to explain to her why I'm a passenger on this ship?" "You don't have to be a passenger unless that's what you want. Tuvok told you I need a first officer and that you're the best person for that position." "Right." "You don't believe me? Fine, I'll give you access to the personnel files and you go through them and find someone who is more qualified." "I believe that you don't have anyone more qualified to be first officer." Chakotay turned after he spoke and walked toward the view port. He was surprised at what he had said. Was he really negotiating with Kathryn about staying on Voyager? He examined his feelings and tried to look beyond the pain and betrayal he had felt when he learned she was a Starfleet captain. Finally, he admitted that he loved her and he loved the baby. But how much did she love him? What was she willing to give up? "You want a first officer and a father for your baby. If I agreed to stay, would you let her live with me?" Kathryn was torn between relief that he might stay and terror that he would take their daughter. Anger was the only response she could find. "You want to raise her and shut me out?" "Not quite – you could spend as much time with her as you wanted. She'd just live with me, call my quarters home." "You've ignored her very existence for the last three months and didn't even come to see her when she was born and now you want her to live with you? No! I won't give up my daughter." Kathryn was adamant. "Then what do you want?" Chakotay was getting frustrated. He had no idea what she wanted. "You want to know what I want? I want all the things I can't have because of your pride. I want you to stay on Voyager. I want you to be my first officer. I want you to love your daughter and be a part of her life. I want us back the way we were on your ship." Kathryn's voice faded to a whisper as the anger died and she turned away. "I want you to love me again." "It's not that easy, Kathryn." "Yes, it is that easy." The anger flared briefly again, then died as Kathryn turned to face Chakotay. "All you have to do is forgive me." "You betrayed me." "A Starfleet captain betrayed a Maquis captain. I loved you." The tears glistened in Kathryn's eyes as she spoke. "I know you loved me. Is that love strong enough for you to forgive me?" Chakotay stared at Kathryn and saw once again the woman he had first kissed in retaliation to another woman, a woman who had woken him many mornings with gentle kisses and waited for him after long days, a woman who had smiled with joy at his response to hearing they were going to have a child, a woman who was strong and proud and capable yet soft and gentle and loving. He closed his eyes and searched his heart for the truth and found it. Slowly he opened his eyes and stepped toward Kathryn. "It's strong enough." Kathryn stepped towards him and stretched her arms around his waist to pull him against her. Chakotay's arms enclosed her in his embrace and the months apart fell away. "Does this mean you'll stay on Voyager?" Kathryn was half teasing and half fearful. "As long as you're her captain, I'll be here." Chakotay kissed her hair. "I'll even be your first officer and deal with the crew for you. I still want my daughter to live with me though." Chakotay was returning the teasing now. "I hope you don't mind sharing quarters with me again." Kathryn lifted her head to smile up at him. "I already said I wanted us back the way we were on your ship and I always thought sharing was what we did best." "I've missed sharing things with you." "Me, too." Kathryn stretched up on her toes to brush her lips over his. "I love you." The baby cried and Kathryn moved away to check on her. Chakotay followed and watched as Kathryn assured the baby that she was not alone with a gentle touch. She soon settled back to sleep. He stared at Kathryn's profile while she was dealing with the baby and remembered the first time he had kissed her. It had been on the spur of the moment and had shaken them both with its fervor. When Kathryn was finally satisfied that the baby was sleeping peacefully she lifted her head to look at Chakotay and was reminded of the first time she was alone with him in his quarters and of her physical response to him. She had no time for further thought as his arm snaked out around her waist and pulled her tightly against him. This time she was ready and returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm. More than a year later, his kiss hadn't lost its power to shatter her soul and touch her heart.
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