The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Do you believe in magic?" Kathryn's question caught Chakotay off guard as they wandered down the street of a village of a quiet planet where they had traded for fresh fruits and vegetables. The village catered to tourists and in some ways resembled a fair more than a village. Jugglers, mimes and actors were scattered along the streets and in small parks while many of the shops sold items designed to appeal to a traveler rather than a resident. "No." Chakotay considered his answer a moment. "But I do believe that things can appear magical… until you have sufficient knowledge and experience to understand them. Our technology would appear magical to any culture that had no knowledge of our sciences. But you know that. Why do you ask?" "I was just curious. This whole village feels like we took a step back in time." "I imagine that's a carefully cultivated impression for all the tourists who come here to trade. This…" Chakotay motioned to the village with his hand, "is hardly reflective of their technology." "But it's a nice change of pace, don't you think?" Kathryn asked cheerfully. "Anything that makes you smile is fine with me." "Really?" Kathryn's grin turned contemplative as she glanced around the village. "Come on." Kathryn made a beeline for a small shop and didn't stop until they were standing in front of its lone occupant. "Good day." The woman looked at them clearly puzzled. "I'm afraid I don't understand why you've come to see me. Neither of you believe in what I practice." Kathryn nodded. "I hope you won't be offended but I thought it would be fun to visit a fortune teller, just to see what it's like." "Ahh, you don't believe but you are curious. Of course." The woman nodded and motioned to the table. "Please sit down." "His fortune, not mine." Kathryn nodded her head in Chakotay's direction. "Kathryn…" Chakotay started to speak but was silenced by a quick look in his direction. "You said whatever made me happy was fine with you. Well, this will make me happy." The woman studied them briefly then spoke. "Sir, make a wish, a wish for an impossible dream. Do not tell me or anyone else what the wish is." She waited while Chakotay considered her instructions. "Have you made your wish?" Chakotay nodded. "Yes." "Good. When… or if, it comes true, you may start believing in that which you cannot see." Kathryn was slightly surprised but satisfied. She reached for some of the local currency she carried but the woman brushed it aside. "No, consider this advertising for my trade. Good day." Kathryn and Chakotay left the shop both slightly confused. Chakotay was relieved that he'd not had his fortune told and Kathryn was slightly disappointed not to have heard Chakotay's fortune. Later that evening as they sat discussing their day after a leisurely dinner in Chakotay's quarters they laughed about the wish. "Do you think your wish will ever come true?" "I hope so but no, I don't think it will. She said to pick an impossible dream." "You never know. Maybe someday it will." "I'll let you know if it does." Kathryn smiled. "Good. Well, I'd better get going. It's been a long day and I have the bridge in the morning." Chakotay stood and walked with Kathryn toward the door. Just before they were close enough to trigger the opening mechanism, Kathryn stopped and turned toward him. Slowly, she stretched one hand up to touch his cheek before reaching around his neck to pull his lips down to hers. The kiss was long and sweet. When she finally broke it, they were both flushed. "Why did you do that?" Chakotay whispered. "I wanted to. I've wanted to do that for a long time. Now… tonight just seemed the right time." Kathryn seemed almost surprised at her words. "Is it all right with you if I kiss you again?" Chakotay nodded as he wrapped his arms around Kathryn's waist and lowered his head toward hers. "Remember that impossible dream? Well, it just came true and if you kiss me again, you may just convince me to believe in magic." Return to my Home Page Words of Encouragement are Welcome |