The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.

by Dakota

"So, you're managing all right without a full staff?" Captain Janeway was sitting in Lieutenant Torres's office discussing the effects of a mild but persistent virus on the engineering staff.

"Carey and I are standing twelve and twelve shifts and Alpha shift is a bit light on staffing today but we're managing. As you can see, my office has become an urgent care center." B'Elanna motioned to the medical supplies littering her office. "Are the other departments ok?"

"They're fine." The captain smiled. "Tom told you I temporarily took him off his shifts in sick bay?"

B'Elanna laughed. "Yes. He was surprised since they don't have anyone out sick in his department."

"Well, the doctor is the one who said that last planet was safe for shore leave. I distinctly heard him say there were no viruses harmful to the crew. He messed up so he can deal with the mess."

"I can't believe it took more than ten days for the virus to show up and that it spread so relentlessly through the crew."

"It's too bad that so many had already contracted it by the time it was detected and the doctor got the vaccine distributed."

"I'm just glad I didn't get it." B'Elanna stopped as she remembered who had. "How is Chakotay doing anyway?"

"Better. Evidently, he is fine now until he tries to stand up. Speaking of which, I promised to look in on him after lunch and it's nearly 15:00." Kathryn prepared to leave. "If you need additional staff, let me know. I'll find someone to help you out."

"Thanks, Captain, but I think we'll be fine. The doctor says a few more should be fit for duty tomorrow."

Kathryn stood and immediately found herself fighting back a wave of nausea and lightheadedness. She wobbled briefly and reached out to steady herself against the wall. B'Elanna was around the table in a flash.

"Are you all right?"

Kathryn took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She shook her head gently from side to side and blinked. "I think so. Give me a minute."

Several deep breaths later and she straightened and stopped leaning on the wall. "I'm ok now."

"I thought the doctor said everyone would be protected by that vaccine."

"He did. It must be something else I picked up from Chakotay. I'll be fine."

"Maybe you should go to sick bay." B'Elanna was reluctant to take Kathryn's word for her condition.

"No. I'll go check on Chakotay then if I still don't feel well, I'll let Tuvok know and rest in my quarters for an hour or so."

"I have a better idea. You go check on Chakotay then go lie down. I'll let Commander Tuvok know you're not feeling well."

Kathryn sighed and relented. "Yes, ma'am."

B'Elanna smiled and laughed. "Get some rest. Tuvok can handle things for a day or two."

"Tell him I'll take Alpha Shift tomorrow. All I need is some rest."

B'Elanna nodded as the older woman left the office. Kathryn made her way to Chakotay's quarters and entered. He was sleeping but stirred when she entered the room. Quickly she stripped to her tank and underwear and crawled in next to him. He turned on his side and draped his arm over her.

"You off duty already? It doesn’t seem that late."

"Yes and no. I almost fainted in B'Elanna's office just now. I told her it was just something else I had picked up from you. It was either sickbay or resting in my quarters."

"These aren't your quarters and if you have this virus, you should be in sickbay."

"Close enough and I don't have the virus."

"That's what you told B'Elanna."

"No, but that's what B'Elanna thought I told her. What I actually said to her was it was something else I picked up from you." Chakotay's impatient look made Kathryn smile slightly. "You know how we've been trying to decide whether to let the crew know that we're together?"

Chakotay nodded.

"Well, what I picked up from you was no virus. The crew will be able to see for themselves in a few months."

"Are you…?" Chakotay couldn't get the word out.

Kathryn nodded. When Chakotay's arm pulled her close, she smiled and relaxed. She should have known he would be pleased.

His voice whispered in her ear. "You know, I always thought that if this day ever came, I'd want to shout it to the world, but all I want to do right now is sleep."

"I know what you mean. Just hold me." Kathryn shifted to get more comfortable in his arms. "We can shout another day."

Back in engineering, B'Elanna was still staring at the medical tricorder she had used as the captain left her office. "A little something she picked up from Chakotay? I can't wait to hear her explanation for how she caught this virus."

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