The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "Excuse me, Mr. Vulcan. I was hoping you could enlighten me about something." Tuvok turned a reluctant eye toward Neelix. "Indeed." "What is 'honey'?" "Honey is the sweet, thick, supersaturated sugar solution manufactured by Terran bees to feed their larvae and as sustenance in winter. The nectar of flowers is ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in sacs in their esophagi. It is stored and aged in combs in their hives. Bee honey is an important constituent of the diet of many animals, and is put to many uses by humans. Terran bee honey is composed of fructose, glucose, and water, in varying proportions; it also contains several enzymes and oils. The color and flavor depend on the age of the honey and on the source of the nectar. Light-colored honeys are usually of higher quality than darker honeys." "Oh. Thank you, Mr. Vulcan." Neelix looked a little overwhelmed by the explanation as he wandered away. "Hey, Neelix, come over here a minute." Tom Paris called from a few tables away. "I couldn't help hearing what you asked Tuvok. Honey is sweet and syrupy and tastes great on a peanut butter sandwich. You could probably replicate it if you wanted to try it." "Is that the only thing you do with honey?" "It's a food, Neelix, a very sticky food." Harry Kim joined in the conversation. "Some people put it on cereal or on bread." "I like it in my tea." B'Elanna Torres contributed. "Ah, that explains it. Tea. That must be it. Honey in tea." Neelix sounded relieved, as if a great mystery had been solved. "What do you mean?" Paris was really curious now. "Why were you asking about honey anyway?" Neelix glanced over his shoulder at the command team along the far wall. "I was working in the kitchen the other day and the captain and commander came into the mess hall to get something to drink from the replicator. I don't think they saw me because they didn't say anything to me. That's not like the commander; he always says hello to me. Anyway, as they were leaving I heard the captain call him 'honey'. It must be because he uses honey in his tea." Neelix turned innocent eyes to the trio at the table. "Don't you think?" "Sure, Neelix. Whatever you say." Tom was choking back the laughter as the other two hid wide grins. "I'm sure that's why she called him honey." Return to my Home Page Words of Encouragement are Welcome |