The Kings of the
Hill own Voyager, the characters and all things
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Earth was on the view screen. Earth, a world that had been a memory and a dream for so many years was now a reality once again. Kathryn remembered the words the Admiral had spoken and knew that she had to decide very soon whether to act on all she had been told. Chakotay stood behind her with Seven quietly discussing the readings coming in at her station. The Doctor interrupted Kathryn's thoughts, then a baby's cry echoed through the bridge. She sent Tom to sickbay before he abandoned his post then looked toward the view screen again – Earth. That big beautiful blue marble reminded Kathryn that the future that might never happen was now her present with its own future and she knew what she wanted her future to include. "Chakotay, take the helm." Kathryn had ordered Chakotay away from Seven, placed herself defiantly between them, and ordered a course for home. Kathryn had taken the first step toward the future she wanted. Two hours later, in the midst of preparing final reports for Starfleet, Kathryn told Chakotay how she felt. Two days later, the Angry Warrior confessed his love for the Beautiful Woman Warrior. Two weeks later, they exchanged promises for a lifetime commitment together. Two months later, the dust had settled on Voyager's return, the press had lost interest in the ship and her crew, and Seven was off exploring her humanity with dozens of engineers who were eager to study her implants. The Federation Council had slapped all the Maquis on the wrist and before the sting faded, Starfleet had been after every one of them with any knowledge of the technology they had adapted to Voyager's systems to help incorporate it into standard 'fleet systems. Most of the Maquis had accepted the offers. That rankled Kathryn. For what could only be explained as being a political decision, Starfleet had not extended an offer to Chakotay. Not only did they not want his help, they had made it clear that he was persona non grata around Starfleet projects. She had abandoned her personal life for seven years doing her best to maintain the standards Starfleet demanded; now Starfleet was demanding still more from her. Not only would they not assign her a ship that would permit her to have her husband on board but were refusing all her requests for any assignment on any outpost or station that would allow her to be with Chakotay. Now she was in Admiral Paris's office to discuss Starfleet's latest refusal. "Kathryn, please don't push this issue. They aren't asking of you what they don't ask of others." "That just it, Admiral. They are asking. I lost one man when I accepted the assignment that landed me and my ship and crew in the Delta Quadrant. I nearly lost another because I was doing what Starfleet expected. Now they are asking me to put my personal life on hold yet again." "There is nothing I can do, Kathryn. They aren't going to give you an assignment that will let you and Chakotay be together." "Well, there's something I can do." Kathryn handed a padd across the desk to Admiral Paris. "That's my resignation of my commission effective for noon today. I'm sorry, Owen, but this time Starfleet is asking too much." Kathryn stood to leave, but Admiral Paris was on his feet. "Please, Kathryn. Don't rush into this." "Owen, trust me, after five years of waiting to have a life of my own again, I'm not rushing." "Then do me a favor. Wait until after you've taken some leave. You have three months scheduled and another two whenever you want it. Think about this decision." He held out the padd to her. Kathryn stared at it for a full minute before she finally accepted it. "All right. I'll wait because it was you who asked me but don't expect me to change my mind." "Thank you, Kathryn. Come see me when you get back from your leave. If you get a chance, send me any other posting requests that you would consider." "If I can find any that haven't been turned down, I'll consider it. Starfleet isn't my life anymore, Owen, he is." Chakotay looked up from the screen where he had been catching up on seven years of technology and political changes. "Well, how did Owen take it?" "He didn't – take it, I mean. He insisted I put off resigning until after we get back. I told him three months wouldn't change anything." Kathryn walked over to where Chakotay was working. Before she could lean over to kiss him, he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her. "I think he's right. You can think about it more while we're gone. I don't want you to rush into a decision that you might regret. Starfleet has been your life for a long time." "Too long. It's time I had some say over my own life and you are part of my life. I almost lost you because I did what they expected. I'm not giving you up now." "I'm not going anywhere, Kathryn. You know that." "I know. But I made you wait too long as it is. You're not going to spend the rest of your life waiting for me to come home from some long-term assignment." "I'll wait if it's what makes you happy." "Being with you is what makes me happy." Kathryn kissed him soundly and then turned to the monitor. "Let's see if we can find someplace to enjoy the next three months." "Where do you want to go?" "I don't know. Someplace where we can get away from everyone and everything but close enough to a city where we can get lost in the crowd once in a while." Kathryn paused before she continued. "Then I'd like to visit Dorvon." "You mean what's left of it?" "I mean the place you grew up. I'd like to see what drove you to leave Starfleet and join the Maquis. You gave up your dream for a cause, and I'd like to see that cause through your eyes." "If that's what you want, I'd like to show you the place I grew up." Kathryn and Chakotay spent five weeks on Vulcan in the mountains surrounding Mount Seleya. They spent several afternoons with Tuvok and T'Pel. T'Pel had used the years Tuvok was gone planting and maintaining a small but lush garden. It reminded Kathryn of Japanese gardens on Earth but the plants were all native to Vulcan, which added an alien feel to the atmosphere for her. Although the four talked little while they enjoyed the peace of the garden during those visits, the time in the garden with Tuvok and T'Pel gave Chakotay a clearer understanding of the friendship Tuvok and Kathryn shared. They left Vulcan and stopped at half a dozen planets for a few days each as they made their way to Dorvon. They made the last leg of their journey in a supply ship bringing more materials to help in the reconstruction. Kathryn was slightly surprised that they were still bringing in seeds and medical supplies in such large quantities after five years. That helped prepare her for the conditions away from the major cities. They spent four days away from the cities and settlements as Chakotay showed Kathryn the wild beauty of the sparsely settled world. The second day after they returned to the city, Kathryn could stand it no longer. She insisted they do something or help in some way. That their help was needed was not questioned, but where could they do the most good for the few weeks they were there. Some old friends of Chakotay knew that there was any number of people who had not had a break since the war with Cardassia ended. They suggested that Kathryn and Chakotay volunteer to stand in for some of the administrative people for a few days. Most of what they did was quite practical and mainly making sure that things were being handled by the appropriate person. Major decisions could be postponed until the regular people returned. The first people who accepted their offer were involved in trying to locate relatives of the orphans. The first thing Kathryn did when she realized how difficult their task was without the direct assistance of Federation officials or access to Federation records was contact Kira Nerys at DS9 and ask for a contact person on Bajor. Three days later, they had located the families of seven children and made arrangements for the children to join them on Bajor. That initial success put them in contact with the people who ran the orphanages spread across the continent as they tried to take advantage of Kathryn's contacts on Bajor. Bajor was more than willing to do what they could and quickly agreed to maintain one person as the contact for the inquiries. Kathryn then began trying to make similar arrangements on some of the other planets within communications range. For a few days, Chakotay helped Kathryn but he soon found that he could contribute more working directly with the children. Many of the older children simply needed someone to listen to them for a few minutes and they all enjoyed Chakotay's stories of his adventures in the Delta Quadrant and the descriptions of the many species he had met. Kathryn became so involved with her efforts that she didn't notice the passage of time until the evening Chakotay reminded her they were leaving in two days. "Tomorrow will have to be our last day, Kathryn. Our transport leaves the next morning at 07:30." "You must be wrong. We haven't been here that long." "Check the dates. You're due to report back at 'fleet headquarters in six days, and most of that time will be taken up traveling." "No, I can't leave yet. I've almost convinced Quark to contact the Grand Nagus to ask for assistance from Ferenginar. We're expecting information about three children in two…" "Kathryn, stop. I know you want to finish, but even if you stay another month, you won't. It's time to go back to Earth. There are others here who can continue what you've started." "I'm not ready to go back yet." "I know, but you know we have to go. You have unfinished business with Starfleet." "Then we'll come back when I finished with Starfleet." "Slow down for a minute. I know you want to help. I want to help, too. But we can't just make a decision like this because you don't want to deal with Starfleet." "That's not why I want to stay." "All right. How about we go back to Earth and you deal with Starfleet. We'll spend some time with your mother and then if you still want to come back, we will." "Promise?" "I promise. I won't even try to talk you out of it." "I don't appreciate you enough." "Probably not." Chakotay's comment was rewarded with a slight glare. "I'm sure we could think of some way for you to show your appreciation." "I'll work on it during the trip back to Earth." Kathryn's cheeky grin was rewarded with a hug and an offer she couldn’t refuse. "I'll help you make a list of things that the others need to follow up on after we leave. That should make it easier for you tomorrow." "Don't you have things to prepare?" "I've been telling the kids that I was only here for a few weeks. They know I'm leaving. I just have to say goodbye. Now, where do you want me to start?" A week later Kathryn was again in Owen Paris's office with her resignation in hand. Owen Paris was once again trying to get her to change her mind or delay her decision. "Kathryn, I'm almost certain I can get them to approve an assignment on a small outpost if you would just submit a request." "I know where I want to go and what I want to do. Starfleet doesn't have any officers assigned to Dorvon so there is no position I can request." "Dorvon? They aren't part of the Federation anymore. I don't even think they have formal diplomatic status yet. They're too busy rebuilding." "I know. That's why they need me. Everyone around here thinks all they have to do is build a few buildings and plant some new crops and everything is fixed. Well, that's not the case. There are thousands who were injured and can't support themselves on Dorvon anymore. They are qualified for any number of technical jobs, but those are gone. The few corporations who had operations there pulled out and never returned. There are hundreds of orphans who might have families in other systems but they have no way to trace the records because they can't get access to interstellar communications. There are so many things Chakotay and I can do there." "Kathryn, I'm going to keep your resignation but I'm not accepting it yet. I want you to come back day after tomorrow with Chakotay about 16:00 hours. If what I think I will have to say to you isn't better for you both, I'll accept your resignation with no further argument." "I've already given you three months. What difference will two more days make?" "Maybe none, but at least let me try." "All right. We were going to spend the rest of the week with my mother, but we can come back for the meeting." "Thank you, Kathryn. Why don't you bring her back with you and you can all join us for dinner. I'll get Tom and B'Elanna to come, too. I'm sure your mother would love to see Miral." "We'd enjoy that, but you'd better not bring up my resignation and spoil dinner." "I won't. I'm hoping there won't be any resignation to bring up." "Don't get your hopes up." "I won't. I'll see you in two days." Two days later, Kathryn and Chakotay sat in Owen Paris's office waiting for him to return. He entered about ten minutes after they arrived. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but Admiral Cleghorn just had to express his opinion one more time." He paused for a minute while he sorted through some padds on his desk. "Kathryn, I have a position that I can offer you that I think you should seriously consider. It took a lot of convincing to get the approval to create it so quickly and even more to get a few of those involved to agree to offer it to you." "Admiral, I told you, we're going back to Dorvon." "Just hear me out, Kathryn." Owen Paris scanned the padd to refresh his memory. "First, you would remain at your present rank and in the same position on the promotions list. This position did not exist until about three hours ago; it is being created to fill a need that had not been recognized by the Federation Council. President S'Mist thanks you for pointing out this oversight by the way. He relies on the reports he receives and unless someone questions them, has very little time to review other materials. "Now where was I? Oh, yes. I only have a very rough description of your duties since you would be creating and defining the entire position as you went." "Admiral, this would make more sense if you told me what it is you are talking about." "Of course. Well, someone in the President's office is coming up with some fancy title, but essentially you would be the liaison for the Federation and Starfleet to Dorvon during the reconstruction. Eventually, that could be expanded to include more than the reconstruction. For instance, if Dorvon decided to apply for membership in the Federation, you would most likely be the Federation's representative on Dorvon during the admission process. "Basically, Kathryn, you would be doing exactly what you said you wanted to do, only you would have the full support and backing of both Starfleet and the Federation. I think you will agree that it would be much easier to accomplish your goals with that support." Kathryn sat speechless. Chakotay listened intently, waiting for the catch. "For now, you would be assigned an office and quarters at DS9 with an aide from Starfleet. You would also be allowed to establish a presence on Dorvon and assemble a local staff. The exact number would be determined by the demonstrated need. Of course, there would be no limit on the number of volunteers you could recruit. It isn't definite, but I expect that within six months, you will have a 'fleet aide assigned to your offices on Dorvon." "How much time would I have to spend on DS9? How would I travel back and forth?" Kathryn's interest was real but her voice gave away her fear that there was some drawback. "As much as you needed to carry out your duties. There would be a shuttle assigned for your use. The Defiant would also be available if not needed by personnel on DS9. If you get the right aide on DS9, you could probably spend most of your time on Dorvon if you wanted." "What about Chakotay? It's pretty clear that a lot of the senior officers here at Starfleet don't want me anywhere near him." "Well, that opinion is not shared by President S'Mist. He's concerned about the reaction to the citizens of Dorvon to our delayed efforts to assist them. He thinks Chakotay might be able to smooth any ruffled feathers. He made it clear that any civilians you add to your staff are entirely your decision. They are still working out the budget for the project, but I don't think you will have any problems in that regard." "Do I get to pick my DS9 aide?" Owen noted with pleasure that Kathryn's questions seemed to be switching from hypothetical to real ones. "If you can find one before you leave, yes. Otherwise Starfleet will assign you someone." "You sound as if you had someone in mind for that position. Is someone going to make me accept some upstart mouthy young officer who forgets he's in Starfleet every ten minutes?" "Well, I did have someone who fits that description in mind that I was going to suggest for the position over dinner later tonight but I certainly have no intention of forcing you to drag him and my granddaughter all the way to DS9." "Tom? You think Tom would be good at this?" "Think about it, Kathryn." Chakotay spoke for the first time. "Who is any better at finding loop holes and getting people to do things they don't really want to do? Plus he could pilot the shuttle for you." Kathryn considered Chakotay's words and the more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea. "I wonder if they could use another engineer on DS9." "You can call Ben Sisko tomorrow and ask him yourself." Owen Paris hesitated before he mentioned the one thing he knew Kathryn would not want to hear. "What I am about to tell you, you probably could figure out on your own. You know we took heavy losses in the Cardassian war, both ships and personnel. Kathryn, they are going to want you back on a ship eventually. It won't be soon, but in a few years when you have this project up and running the way it should be, you'll be given another command." "You know what I think about that." Kathryn's voice and demeanor turned deadly serious. "I do. But I also know that by that time, the last few months will be years in the past and no longer the issue it is today. I don't think you'll have any problems getting a ship that allows Chakotay to be with you." "You're forgetting one thing. He's going to have responsibilities on Dorvon by then, too. He won't be in any position to walk away from them and I wouldn't expect that of him. If this assignment is just a way to keep me in 'fleet until you can get me to agree to some other compromise, I don't want it." "Admiral, let us talk a few minutes alone, would you?" Chakotay spoke up before Kathryn completely terminated the conversation. "Of course. I need to check a few things with Haskins anyway. I'll be back in about five minutes." Admiral Paris rose and left. Kathryn eyed Chakotay waiting for the door to close before she spoke. "Why did you do that?" "Because you were about to walk away from this offer." "I don't want some token position that's nothing but a bribe to get me to go along with whatever it is they have in mind." "I don't think President S'Mist has some ulterior motive. I think the position is real and Owen Paris pulled in a lot of favors to get them to offer it to you." "I didn't ask him to do that." "I know. I also know that we can do a lot more for the people on Dorvon if you're wearing that uniform." Kathryn looked abashed at the reminder that her motives to help were taking second place in her reaction to the offer. "Accept this assignment if only for a few years. If Starfleet starts playing games again, you can always resign later. In the meantime, we're together doing something we both think is important." "You really want me to stay in Starfleet even though most of the top brass want us apart?" "I want you happy. For most of your life, that has meant being in Starfleet. This assignment lets you stay in Starfleet and do the work you want to do. Most importantly, it allows us be together. Don't let what might happen keep you from accepting this assignment. Besides, they might decide in a few years they don't want you on a ship." "The future that might never happen?" Chakotay chuckled. "Exactly. I thought we'd both learned to take our happiness while we could and deal only with the today's problems." Kathryn leaned over to kiss Chakotay. "You're right, I have learned that. I'll take this assignment on one condition." "What's that?" "The second it's officially my project, you're my chief liaison with all the agencies on Dorvon." "Aren't there regulations about fraternizing with local officials?" "Actually appointing you as liaison is nepotism. Either way it doesn't matter. I have every intention of fraternizing with my chief liaison and I don't care who knows it. We finally have that future that might never happen, and I intend to enjoy every minute of it." Owen Paris quietly cut the
circuit he had been listening on at Haskins' desk and opened a channel
to his home. "Put some champagne to chill for dinner. We're going to be
celebrating tonight."
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