The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.

by Dakota

"Come." Kathryn Janeway called for admission to her ready room.

Chakotay walked briskly over to join her at the couch. "Well, Tom and B'Elanna are aboard the Flyer and moored aft."

"Good." Janeway answered absently. Chakotay didn't respond. Finally, she looked up. "Was there something else?"

"Care to talk about it?"

"I was just thinking about something Tom told me." She moved her hand toward the couch. "Sit down."

"Tom said something that made you this contemplative?"

Kathryn smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes."

"What did he say?"

"He said he'd been dodging around his feelings for B'Elanna for a long time. It was only when she got so frustrated that she actually demanded he be honest that he realized what he was doing to her. That's when he shut down the drive on the Flyer. She tried to brush it off and told him to get the Flyer moving." Kathryn paused a moment. "He said he almost did but she'd hit a nerve and he decided if she could get on him to open up then she could listen when he did. He's glad now she was so demanding."

"I'm a little surprised that you're this lost in thought about those two. They worked things out and even if he was backed into a corner, Tom seems extremely happy. I know B'Elanna is."

"I wasn't thinking about them." Kathryn looked up at Chakotay. "I was wondering about you."

"Me? What do I have to do with Tom and B'Elanna?"

"Nothing. I was wondering why you've never demanded more from me."

"Oh." Chakotay dragged the word out and glanced down. He let out a breath. "I guess saying I'm not a hot-tempered Klingon isn't quite the answer you're looking for."

"No, it's not." 

"Well, in a way it is the answer. I'm a lot more patient than B'Elanna and you're not exactly the party animal that Tom is. I'm waiting for you to decide to open up."

"And when I am?"

Chakotay smiled gently. "That's the day I'll get demanding. I won't accept bits and pieces of you, Kathryn. I want everything you're willing to give and more, and I'll want the crew to know right away."

Kathryn lifted her eyes to stare into his. "A week? Could we have a week to settle into that kind of relationship?"

Chakotay shook his head slowly. "I want everything, Kathryn. I'll wait." He touched her hand briefly and stood. "I'll be on the bridge, Captain."

It was late when Chakotay finally went to his quarters that night. Ayala and a few others had talked him into playing pool on the holodeck. He walked into his quarters to find Kathryn reading on his couch. She looked up as the door closed behind him.

"Is tomorrow morning soon enough?" She asked quietly as she stood up.

Chakotay crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. Long minutes later he lifted his head. "Be very sure, Kathryn. Tomorrow morning I have every intention of kissing you like that in the mess hall."

Kathryn smiled up at him. "You sure are demanding a lot." 

Chakotay stared at her. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure you are demanding a lot." Kathryn stretched to kiss him. "And I'm sure I love you enough to meet your demands."

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