This is a sequel to Deviation
from Flight Plan.
The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek. PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn looked up as the door flew open and Katie rushed in headed for her room, tears streaming down her face and choking back sobs. The door hadn't closed before Kevin and Kyle followed looking nearly as upset as their sister. They didn't even look at their parents as they crossed the room. When the boys followed their sister into her room, Kathryn's concern increased. Most of the time, incidents like this were the result of a dispute among their three twelve-year old children. If the boys were following Katie, it meant that something out of the ordinary had happened. Kathryn's eyes met Chakotay's and she saw her feelings mirrored in his eyes. Without a word, they both abandoned their work and followed their children to Katie's room. Katie was face down on her bed sobbing. Her brothers were seated next to her, trying to comfort her despite the fact they were struggling to control their own emotions. They stopped murmuring to Katie and stood up as soon as their parents entered the room. Kathryn was next to Katie immediately. "Honey, what's wrong?" Katie tried to brush off Kathryn's hands. "Nothing!" Shocked at the rejection, Kathryn hesitated to force the issue. Chakotay stepped forward. At first, Katie resisted his efforts to help her sit up, but then years of habit won and she sat up and allowed him to snuggle her between him and Kathryn. The boys sat down, Kyle next to Kathryn and Kevin next to his father. "Ok, if nothing is wrong, tell us why you're so upset." Chakotay's voice was gentle but firm. "It was something Jason said." Kevin volunteered. Kathryn and Chakotay exchanged glances. Jason Paris was a handful and the cause of more than one dispute over the years but this one seemed much more serious than others. "What did he say that would upset the three of you so much?" Kathryn was confused. "It wasn’t something he said. He pulled up some records so we could see for ourselves." Kyle provided the answer to the question. "It was about you and Dad." "What could he say about us that you don't know?" Chakotay spoke but Kathryn shared his concern. "You don't love us. We were a mistake, an accident. Mom didn't want us but you made her keep us." Katie finally found her voice. "You don't love each other. You only live together because you were stuck with us. That's why you aren't married!" Katie was sobbing inconsolably and could barely be understood. Chakotay pulled her onto his lap. "Boys, come sit between your mother and me." The boys stood while Kathryn and Chakotay shifted apart slightly to make room for them. Once the boys were seated, Kathryn put an arm around them both trying to reassure them while Chakotay held Katie closer. Kathryn couldn't remember ever feeling so upset. There was enough truth in what Jason had said to make the rest plausible. They had never told the children all the details about their birth and the events leading up to it, mostly because they were too young to really understand. The last time they had discussed when to tell them, she and Chakotay had agreed that it would be better to wait until they were fifteen or sixteen. She looked at Chakotay and nodded slightly. His answering nod confirmed that a good portion of the story had to be shared with the children now. "First of all, we do love you." Kathryn was not going to let that comment go unnoticed among the rest. "We've both loved all three of you since we first saw you. Jason might be able to check the computer records for a lot of things, but he can't find out we felt then or how we feel now." "You do?" Kevin sounded relieved. Katie had calmed down slightly and was listening to Kathryn as she huddled on her father's lap. Kathryn relaxed slightly as Chakotay confirmed her statement. "Of course we do." Kathryn could see some of the tension disappear from all three children. She sighed. This next statement was going to be the hardest for them to hear. "Listen to everything I'm going to say now. It's very important." Kathryn waited for three nods. "You three were born because there was an accident that involved your father and me. It's true we did not plan to have a child, much less three of you, but you were never unwanted." "I don't understand." Kevin sounded curious. Kathryn looked at Chakotay wondering how much to tell the children. "We were testing a new warp drive. That's when the accident happened and we had to land the shuttle on a planet. Neither your father nor I remember what happened for more than three weeks. When Voyager finally found us, you had been born. It took the doctor a long time to get us well enough to wake up. When we did, there you were." "Daddy didn't make you keep us?" Kyle sought direct confirmation. Kathryn shook her head. Chakotay answered. "No. Your mom and I were both injured by the accident and she took longer to recover after you were born. I made some decisions while the doctor was still treating her. The first thing she told me later was 'thank you' because she was glad I had made those decisions." "Then that's what Jason was talking about?" Kyle phrased it as a question but sounded more like he was stating a fact. Kathryn and Chakotay nodded. Kyle looked at Kevin. "Wonder what else he said that wasn't true." "We saw the dates all the changes were made to our quarters. We know that happened months after we were born. We also saw the date Mom and Dad's housing assignment was entered in the ship's logs. He's heard his mom and dad talking about it, too." Katie's voice made it clear she didn't entirely accept her parents' version of events. Kathryn's eyes met Chakotay's when the ship's logs were mentioned. He nodded. She knew that access to the ship's logs by any child would be a lot more difficult the next day and that a few officers were going to be warned about keeping their access codes secure from their children. Kathryn addressed the boys. "That has never been a secret. Why does it upset you now?" "Everyone else made the changes to their quarters before their kids were born. You didn't even start making room for us until months after we were born." Katie's lip was starting to tremble again. "Well, not everyone's quarters were changed before they were born. Naomi was nearly six years old before Sam Wildman decided to rearrange their quarters. All the parents of the younger kids knew how Ensign Wildman had rearranged her quarters and how we had rearranged our quarters and used that as a guideline for adapting their own quarters." "But why did you wait so long?" All three seemed willing to listen but still terribly upset as Katie repeated the question. Kathryn looked at Chakotay asking for his help to explain. His arms tightened momentarily around Katie before he spoke. "You know your Mom and I were involved in an accident. Well, that accident stretched over weeks and neither of us remembered what had happened when we woke up in sickbay after it was over. When we woke up, we had the three of you. "We didn't have time to plan changes to our quarters before you were born. There was no nursery and classroom near sickbay. We had to make a lot of changes to Voyager when you were born." Kathryn picked up the story. "There was another factor, one that does not apply to any other parents. I'm the captain and your dad is the first officer of this ship. That means we're responsible for everyone on the ship in a way that no one else is. There were also three of you, not one. All that made it a lot harder for us to figure out how to take care of you and the ship. It took us a while but we finally managed." Chakotay smiled slightly. "Just getting you three down to the nursery before we went on duty was a challenge. It wasn't easy carrying the three of you so you know what Neelix did? He had a list up in the mess hall for the crew to sign up to just happen to be in the corridor when we left our quarters so they could help carry one of you. We were so happy for the help that we didn't notice for months what was happening." Kathryn looked at the boys then at Katie. "Any other questions or does that cover all the things Jason said?" The boys looked at each other, then at their sister. Katie finally looked at her mother. "You said Daddy made some decisions. Was that the part that Jason meant when he said Daddy made you keep us?" "I think so." Kathryn waited while the trio thought about her admission. "He made the decisions but I was never sorry he had. Never. I loved you the moment I saw you." "Then why did we live in his quarters for so long without you?" Kathryn sighed and wondered how much she should tell them. "I was scared." "Scared?" Kyle whispered the question in disbelief. "Yes." "Of what?" "You three." Kathryn paused. "I was scared being your mother might make me a bad captain. I was scared I would do something that would hurt you. I was scared I'd be a bad mother and you would all be unhappy. I knew how to command this ship but I didn't know how to take care of one baby, much less three. "That's what your Dad helped me learn – how to be your mother and the captain at the same time." "He made you learn?" Kyle was amazed. "No. Your Mom wanted to learn. She wanted to be part of your lives. She wanted us to all be a family." "So that's why you started living together – because Mom wanted the three of us to have a family?" Katie was intent on getting all the facts. "That's why we added only one bedroom when you were about three months old. You three shared that room for over a year. If we hadn't both wanted to live together, I'd still be sleeping in the boys' room and there would be another bedroom where my office is and I would have a desk next to your mom's desk." Chakotay was going to make sure the children knew the reasons for the decisions he and Kathryn had made twelve years earlier. "I love your mother and she loves me. That's why we're together – because we want to be." "Then why haven't you ever gotten married? All the other kids' parents are married." Katie's question was a challenge. "That's not an easy question. The truth is, your father and I never discussed it. We both know we love each other. Everyone on the ship knows how we feel… so getting married never came up." "I can tell you one reason we never discussed it." Chakotay broke into the conversation. "I loved your mother before she loved me. When you three were born, I could have used you to convince her to marry me, but I didn't want her to marry me because of you. I wanted us together because that's what she wanted. When she finally wanted to be with me, I had everything I wanted – you children and your mother. "I didn't want to do anything that might mean I could lose you or your mother. I also didn't want to do anything that might make your mom feel like she had to stay with me. Marriage could have done that. If your mom and I had married, she would have stayed with me even if she didn't want to. I didn't want her to do that so I never brought up the subject." Kathryn watched Chakotay as he spoke. He was telling their daughter things that she had never heard yet she was simply hearing in a new way just how much he loved her. He met her eyes as he finished speaking and Kathryn saw that love reflected in them. "That's not a very good answer to your question, Katie, but it's the truth and the only answer we have." Kathryn watched the young girl's face before turning to look at her sons. "Do any of you have more questions?" "I do." Kyle spoke up. "It doesn't have anything to do with what Jason said though. Why didn't you have more kids?" "More?" Chakotay and Kathryn spoke in unison and laughed before Kathryn continued. "We have three. That's more than any other family on this ship." "But you're the captain. Can't you have more kids than the others?" Kyle was clearly puzzled. "Are you saying you want us to have another baby?" "No, I just want to know why you didn't." Kyle's voice told Kathryn he wasn't really sure about the baby. "Well, other than the fact that three children are enough for one family on a ship the size of Voyager, I am the captain. I have more responsibilities than anyone else on the ship. Another child in our family would have put a very unfair burden on the rest of the crew. As much as we love you, it just wasn't a luxury we could afford." "Would you have if we were on Earth?" Kathryn smiled ruefully. "We would have had a dozen kids if your father had any say in the matter." "Not a dozen, but at least one or two more than just you three." Chakotay flashed Kathryn a suggestive grin. Kathryn noticed that all three children were finally relaxed and Kevin and Kyle were smiling. Katie was thoughtful and clearly still contemplating the conversation. Kathryn decided to give her time to think things through on her own. "Anyone want some hot chocolate before bed?" The boys were on their feet in a flash but Katie lingered a moment on her father's lap. "I'd like that, Mom." She stood up and pulled on one hand of each parent. "Can I have whipped cream instead of marshmallows?" Chakotay looked up in surprise when the door to his office chimed. He had no scheduled appointments and had only stopped in his office to make a few minor changes in the duty roster before returning to the bridge for the last hour of his shift. His surprise increased when Kathryn walked in. "Why did you come down here? I could have come up to your ready room if you'd asked. If you'd waited ten minutes, I'd have been up on the bridge anyway." "I wanted a bit more privacy than we'd have up there. No one will look for me down here." "They'll just follow you here." "I told the computer to report my location as the ready room to everyone except the bridge officers." Chakotay looked surprised and puzzled. "What's the big secret?" Kathryn smiled as she got a cup of coffee from his replicator. "It's not a secret. We need to talk and I'd rather not have any interruptions. Come join me over here." She patted the space next to her as she sat down on the couch. "It sounds serious. What's the problem?" Chakotay picked up his tea. "Are there problems in one of the departments that I haven't heard about?" "Oh, this isn't ship's business." Kathryn's smile faded as her voice turned more solemn. "I've been doing some thinking about our conversation with our trio the other night." "I thought Kevin and Kyle understood and accepted what we told them but Katie… I think she's still brooding about Jason's interpretation." "Did you deal with him and the ship's logs?" "Yes, with Tom and B'Elanna both present. He won't be tapping into ship's files again for a very long time." Chakotay sighed. "He's too bright and too much like his father sometimes. It was Tom's codes he used by the way. I sent memos to all the parents to remind them to be careful with their access codes when any children are present." "Good idea." Kathryn nodded her agreement. "Did you read your copy?" Chakotay teased Kathryn knowing she had probably skipped over it thinking she had only been copied as a courtesy. Kathryn blushed. Chakotay grinned as he sipped his tea before pressing Kathryn for the reason for her visit. "You didn't come down here to talk about Jason and his computer skills. What's so important that you want to discuss it while we're both on duty." "I've just been thinking." Kathryn sipped her coffee and leaned her head on Chakotay's shoulder. "About?" "About one of Katie's questions." Kathryn seemed to want to take her time. "Why haven't we gotten married?" "What I told the kids was the truth. I didn't want you to feel that you had to stay with me. Starfleet regulations put a lot of stumbling blocks in our path. Then there is the fact that you were sent to arrest me. When the kids were born, we all hoped we'd make it back to Earth in a few more years. You being married to the Maquis captain would have caused both of us a lot of problems when we arrived." "That's why we didn't get married twelve years ago. Those reasons have all disappeared. Why aren't we married by now?" "I don't know, Kathryn. As far as I'm concerned, we're together for the rest of our lives. I've always believed that you felt the same way. I never felt the need to say a few words or sign a piece of paper." Chakotay shifted his arm and put it around her shoulders. "Why do you think we never married?" "I've felt married since the first night we spent together. I don't remember anything about the children's conception or birth so I think in some strange way, I put a wedding that never happened in the same category – something I don't remember but value highly." "Then what's the problem? The boys accepted what we told them. Katie is having a bit more trouble but I think given time she'll accept it, too. We're both comfortable with our commitment to each other." "I never considered how it looked to others. I know on a few occasions, it's been convenient that I could say you aren't my husband, but what do I call you? My lover? The father of my children? And what do you call me? Your lover? The mother of your children? Some cultures would call me your whore and you my boy toy." Kathryn touched her fingers to Chakotay's lips to silence his protest. "I know. We're much more but there is no word for what we are that conveys it accurately." Kathryn sipped her coffee. "You know, I've never introduced you as anything other than my first officer, even in completely social situations. What kind of message is that sending to our children?" "I am your first officer." "But you're not just my first officer. Yes, you're my friend, but what would people think if I called you that? It either makes you sound like just one of many people on Voyager or it demeans our love by trivializing it." Kathryn fidgeted. "In every way that matters you are my husband but I can't call you that." "Are you saying you want to get married?" "Yes." "Because of what the children said?" "No, because I love you and want everyone to know it." "Everyone who matters already knows that." "Well, I want everyone who doesn't matter to know it, too." Kathryn studied Chakotay's face carefully. "Or do you want to keep things the way they are?" "Oh, no. You're not getting out of it that way, not after twelve years." Chakotay waited until Kathryn met his eyes. "You said you wanted to get married and we will." "When?" "At the next friendly planet in a very small ceremony.' "No crew?" "No." Chakotay smiled at Kathryn's disappointed look. "This is about us, not them. The kids and one or two others are enough. Agreed?" Kathryn smiled slightly and nodded. "You would have married me twelve years ago, wouldn't you?" "I knew I wanted to marry you long before you sent me out in the shuttle to break the warp 10 barrier. As much as I would have avoided putting you through that experience and as much as I wish we could remember the children's births, I'm not sorry things turned out as they did." Chakotay stood up and held out his hand. "Do you have to get back to the bridge right away?" "Not really. Why?" "I thought we might wander down to Astrometrics and see if there are any likely looking planets on the long range scans." Kathryn took his hand. "Darn. I was hoping you had something else in mind." Chakotay grinned back at her. "I do. But that's for after we're off duty." Kathryn was nervous – which was completely ridiculous. She was just going to talk to her own children and Chakotay was right next to her. The three could sense her nervousness and were fidgeting. Seeing their mother nervous was unnerving for the twelve-year olds. They looked anxiously at their father for reassurance. "Relax, you three. Your mother just wants to talk to you." They relaxed slightly but didn't look convinced. Kathryn finally forced herself to relax a bit and sat down on the chair next to the couch. Chakotay sat down on the arm of the chair. "What's wrong, Mom?" Katie was starting to get worried at the prolonged silence. "Nothing, dear." Kathryn laughed at the skeptical looks she received. "Really." Chakotay laughed. "Kathryn, this is silly. Either start talking or I'll tell them." "All right. I am nervous. I've never told my own children this before." "At this rate you never will tell them." "Remember that conversation we had a few weeks ago?" Three heads nodded. "Well, after we all talked, your father and I started thinking about a few things and we made a decision. We're getting married tomorrow down on the planet." "Cool! Do we get to go?" Kevin gave his approval with a big grin that reminded Kathryn of his father's. "Really?" Kyle was thoughtful. "None of the other kids got to go to their parents' weddings. This is going to be great!" Kathryn relaxed as the boys gave their approval but Chakotay was watching Katie's face and knew all was not well. "What do you think, Katie?" "Are you doing this because you think it's what we want?" Katie's voice was level as she faced her parents. Kathryn and Chakotay exchanged looks unable to tell what she was feeling. "No. We're doing this because it's what we want." Kathryn's voice was sincere and firm. "Daddy didn't talk you into this?" "No. I was the one that brought up the idea." "Why now?" Katie was clearly challenging the truth of what she had been told. "After twelve years you suddenly decide to get married and it's not because we asked you about it a couple weeks ago?" "Katie, I told you the questions you asked us got your dad and me both thinking about a lot of things." Kathryn took a breath. "I'm going to tell you some of the things I told your dad before we decided to get married. "First of all, I love your dad and he loves me. We've been happy and we had no reason to make any changes. Neither of us thought about how our relationship looked to others. Your questions showed us that some people might think we didn't love each other. Do you know the first thing your father asked me when I mentioned getting married?" Three heads turned from side to side in response. "He asked me if it was because of what you three said. I told him 'no'. I told him I wanted to marry him because I loved him and wanted everyone to know." "Honey, in our hearts, your mom and I have been married all these years." "Daddy, you're the one who said you didn't want Mom to feel like she had to stay with you even if she wasn't happy with you any more." Katie was getting louder. She turned to face her mother. "Or are you afraid Daddy will want to leave? Is that it? You're afraid Daddy will leave and you'll be stuck with the three of us?" Katie was too much like her mother and knew her mother too well. She also knew how to get past Kathryn's barriers better than anyone except Chakotay. Her words struck home and they hurt. For the first time in twelve years, Kathryn reacted to one of her children instead of controlling her temper. Her eyes flashed as she drew herself to her full height. Her face was drawn and her voice very controlled. "Young lady, this is not about you! This is about your father and me. We went through all this weeks ago and we told you the truth. If you'd rather believe Jason's version of things that happened before he was born instead of your father and me, then do so. I'm not going to argue with you about it and I'm not going to repeat myself a dozen times." Kathryn knew she had said too much. She stood and walked deliberately to their bedroom. Katie watched the door close behind her mother then turned and ran into her room. The boys stared at their father not knowing what to do. Chakotay sighed not sure where to start with damage control. "Kyle, Kevin, let me know if Katie leaves her room. I'm going to talk to your mom." Quietly Chakotay entered their bedroom to find Kathryn sitting on the edge of the bed with tears running down her cheeks. As soon as the door closed, she was on her feet and in his arms. "How could I say those things to her? I've never lost my temper with any of them like that. Is she all right?" "She will be. I came to check on you first." Chakotay pulled her closer with one arm while he smoothed her hair with another. "I'm not sure who you scared the most – Katie or yourself." Kathryn managed a slight smile at his comment. "How do you always know what to say to make it easier?" "I just speak from my heart." Chakotay paused. "That's what you were doing, you know." "I was?" "Yes, only you were talking about us. You were angry because she hurt you. Her interpretation only made sense if you didn't love me and I didn't love you. I know it had to hurt you because it hurt me, too." "It's never bothered me when someone else said something like that." "That someone else was never your daughter before. Her opinion matters to both of us far too much for us not to react." "How will I make her understand why I was so angry?" "Tell her the truth. What she said hurt you and you reacted. Then tell her you love her. The rest can wait." "I'd better go talk to her." Kathryn pulled Chakotay's head down and kissed him gently. "Thanks. I don't deserve you." "I love you. Go wash your face before you talk to Katie." He brushed his lips over her hair before releasing her. Kathryn took a long few minutes in the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom she found a red-eyed Katie sitting on the bed. She looked up at her mother. "Can we talk, Mom?" "Of course." Kathryn sat down next to her daughter. "Do you want to go first or shall I?" "I will." Katie hesitated before continuing. "I'm so sorry, Mom. Until you got angry, I never realized I believed Jason instead of you and Daddy. I never meant to do that." Kathryn pulled Katie into her arms as the tears reappeared in her young eyes. "I love you and your brothers, Katie, but I would never marry your father just for the three of you. He loves you and even if he and I ended our relationship tomorrow, he would always be there to take care of you. But he isn't going anywhere and neither am I. We're getting married tomorrow because we love each other. It's that simple." "Can I still come?" "Of course. It's very important to me that you and your brothers are there." Kathryn hesitated but knew she had a few more things to discuss with her daughter. "Katie, do you understand why I was so angry?" "Not really." "What you said hurt me. It hurt me a lot. I love your dad very much and it felt to me like you thought I didn't love him." Kathryn hugged Katie again. "There are only four people who can hurt me like that. Do you know who they are?" "Daddy, Kyle, Kevin and me?" "That's right. And do you know why you can all hurt me?" "Because you love us?" "That's right. The people you love the most are the ones who can hurt you the most." "Is that one of the reasons you were scared when you first had us?" "Yes, it is." "I'm glad you aren't afraid of us anymore." "So am I." Kathryn stood up. "Why don't you go wash your face? We're all going to miss dinner if we don't hurry." "Could we all eat here tonight? Maybe replicate a pizza or Chinese?" Kathryn smiled. "Go see what your father says. He keeps track of our rations." Katie's smile faded slightly. "Is he angry at me?" "I don't think so. Why?" "Well, I probably should apologize to him, shouldn't I?" "That's up to you." Kathryn watched as Katie thought about it. "You'd better get going. We have to decide in a few minutes if we're eating in the mess hall." Kathryn waited a few minutes before slowly following her daughter into the living area. Katie was in her father's arms smiling broadly as he spoke. "Chinese? Your mom and I like Italian." "How about pizza then?" "And salad?" "If you insist." Katie loved salad but wrinkled her nose slightly to make Chakotay laugh. "Ok. It's pizza for all of us tonight then." Chakotay put Katie down. "Go wash up and tell your brothers it's safe to come out now." Kathryn walked over to Chakotay and into his arms. "Well, that didn't go quite like I thought I would." "It never does with kids. At least it ended well." Kathryn's sigh was almost sad prompting Chakotay to continue. "Hey, we're getting married tomorrow. Cheer up. You'll have me thinking you're having second thoughts." "No, no second thoughts. I love you and I'm going to marry you." Kathryn brushed his lips with hers before moving toward the replicator. "You want to fight with this thing or shall I?" "Let Dad fight with it." Three voices rang out from across the room and all five laughed. The next morning, Voyager's captain, first officer, and their three children beamed down to a sunny garden to find their ship's chief engineer and helmsman waiting for them. A local official was waiting with them. Twenty minutes later, the little group beamed back to Voyager. "I guess it's time to let the crew know what we did." Kathryn's eyes met Chakotay's in a conspiratorial grin. "Captain, before you do that, let's eat lunch." Tom Paris sounded too casual. "Should I ask why lunch is suddenly so important?" Kathryn stared at Tom. "I'd rather you didn’t, Captain." "Kathryn, just this once, let's humor Tom." Chakotay took Kathryn's hand and rubbed his finger over the ring she now wore. Kathryn smiled at her husband before speaking to the children. "Why don't you three run on ahead and find us a table. I have a feeling it's going to be a bit crowded today." The children disappeared out the transporter room door as Kathryn gave Tom a steady look. "Is there anything you want to tell me before we reach the mess hall?" "Let him alone, Kathryn. You know he can't keep a secret." Chakotay led the way out into the corridor. "Let the crew enjoy the day, too. It's not everyday that the captain of the ship gets married." "Can I demote him if there is no coffee ice cream?" "No, but you can put him in the brig for a week," Chakotay paused, "IF you act surprised when we reach the mess hall." "Hey! I'm keeping all the kids tonight. Isn't that worth something?" Tom protested. "You are?" Kathryn was surprised. "Why?" "B'Elanna told me I was volunteering." Kathryn looked over at B'Elanna as they walked. "That's not necessary, B'Elanna." "Yes, it is." B'Elanna insisted. "I remember when Tom and I got married, so trust me on this one." "Really, B'Elanna, it's…" Chakotay interrupted Kathryn. "Kathryn, give in graciously for once." Kathryn stared up at Chakotay's smiling eyes. "All right, B'Elanna. Thank you." "What about me? Don't I deserve some recognition, too?" Tom's protest rang in the corridor. "Quiet, Helm Boy. Tonight is not about you." B'Elanna silenced her husband. The mess hall doors slid aside and Kathryn and Chakotay entered to be greeted by more than half of Voyager's crew. "Congratulations!" echoed through the room. As the command team walked forward, a path was cleared to the center of the room where Kathryn and Chakotay were surrounded as people approached them to express their congratulations and extend their best wishes. Kathryn was used to being the center of attention but not this way. She was particularly unnerved by all the requests to see her ring. She was grateful when Chakotay wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Others looking on could see the pride and possessiveness on his face. They may have been together raising three children for more than twelve years but for the moment they were newlyweds. Kevin, Kyle and Katie soon grew bored with the adult conversation and found a quiet corner to watch and listen. Around them, everyone was talking. "Have you ever seen Chakotay and the captain so happy?" "I don't think so except maybe right after the children were born." The speakers moved on but Katie didn't notice. She stood and made her way through the crowd to her parents. When there was a break in the conversation, she tugged on her mother's hand. Kathryn looked down to see big brown eyes looking up at her. "I need to ask you something, Mom." Kathryn stooped down. "All right." "Are you happier now than you were right after we were born?" Katie's question was unexpected. Kathryn thought about the answer before she replied. "I think I'm happier now." "Why?" "Well, I know I can be a good mother and a good captain. I've gotten to know you and your brothers. But mostly because I love you three and your father more now than I did all those years ago." Katie stared at her mother for a moment as she thought about her answer. "Good. I love you and Daddy, too." Katie hugged her mother then moved back through the crowd to her brothers. Kathryn stood up. "What was that all about?" "I'm not sure, but I think Katie finally understands." The arrival of more people cut short the conversation but Kathryn kept an eye on the children, especially Katie, and saw them laughing and talking among themselves. Once everyone had managed to speak to the happy couple, the group moved towards the tables. Before they all sat down to eat, Chakotay asked to make a toast. "I've made many toasts to honor this beautiful woman but I've never been able to offer one quite like this before. "Kathryn, you have led us all many miles on our journey home, but on our journey together I found my home with you. You are my captain, my friend, the love of my life and, at long last, my wife. To our voyage." Return
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