The Kings of the
Hill own Voyager, her crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota "The two Devore ships are assuming a tactical formation," Chakotay reported from Tactical. Kathryn Janeway frowned. "Bridge to Transporter Room One. Status." Harry Kim responded. "All set here, Captain. Pattern cohesion looks stable." "Bridge to Cargo Bay One," Janeway moved on. "Report." "The bay is clear." Seven's voice was calm and efficient. Kathryn Janeway wished she felt as confident. "They're powering weapons," Chakotay's voice sounded as if he were reading from a script instead of alerting the captain of a possible threat. "Why do they bother?" Tom spoke up from the helm. "They know we won't resist." "'Protocol,' Mr. Paris," the captain reminded him. "They're hailing." Chakotay waited for Janeway to nod before he put it on the screen. "Gaharay vessel, prepare to be inspected. Crew members are instructed to step away from their stations." "We know the drill," Janeway almost succeeded in keeping the irritation from her voice. "Sidearms and scanning equipment are to be set aside. Deviation from this or any other inspection protocol will not be tolerated." Chakotay ignored the instruction to move away from his station as he continued to monitor the activities of the Devore. "Their soldiers have materialized on decks fifteen, eleven, four... and one." Before he finished speaking, music filled the bridge. "Captain Janeway, report to your ready room." The voice was confident and made Kathryn Janeway's skin crawl. She glanced at Chakotay. "You have the bridge, Commander." Steeling herself for the encounter, she turned toward her ready room. A man in a black uniform was waiting in the captain's chair. He was dark haired with hollow cheeks and a smile that might have been appealing if you loved snakes. His eyes were dark and cold and completely unreadable. "Good morning, Captain!" The light tone was unable to conceal his arrogance. Janeway looked about the room at those who accompanied the intruder. One older man was going through the computer files while a guard held a rifle. She made her way to her couch and sat down without acknowledging his greeting. "I took the liberty of playing this music throughout your ship. I thought it might help your crew relax. Sometimes these inspections can be... stressful." "How thoughtful," Kathryn's voice was level. "I assure you, Kashyk, my crew can handle the stress." "I've replicated some coffee for you. Black, as usual?" "Black." The man at the computer turned from his task and brought two cups of coffee to the desk. The dark man took his coffee as he continued speaking. "Prax here still refuses to try coffee, but he's a man of few pleasures. Prax, proceed with the inspection." Prax nodded and left the ready room followed by the armed guard. Kashyk stood and started his own inspection of the ready room. He stroked an ancient instrument. "Remarkable. How old is this?" Janeway remained impassive on the couch. "About 600 years. My grandfather gave it to me when I was a child." "It seems you have a long-standing obsession with exploration, Captain. I, on the other hand, have much more in common with this ancient soldier." Kashyk picked up a bust. "He's from Earth's classical period. It produced some of our greatest artists as well." "Your culture has many contradictions. Violence and beauty, science and faith...all somehow mingled harmoniously." Kashyk paused. "Like the counterpoint of this music. Mahler. Symphony Number One. Am I correct?" "You're getting to know my database better than I do," Kathryn made no attempt to hide her sarcasm. "I've had time to review it since our last encounter. One of the things I studied was your crew manifest. Commander Tuvok, Ensign Vorik -- Vulcans. Lieutenant Stadi, Ensigns Suder and Jurot -- Betazoids, all telepaths. For some reason, you neglected to mention them." "For a very simple reason. They're dead." Kathryn's glare challenged him. "Tuvok, Vorik, and Jurot died in a shuttle crash about two months ago. Suder was killed in a conflict with a species called the Kazon. Stadi died when we were dragged out here by the Caretaker." "Ahh, yes. I do believe that your files included that information." Kashyk's voice carried more than a hint of a threat. "That's fortunate...for you, I mean. If I thought you were harboring telepaths, I would have to arrest you for breaking our cardinal protocol." "They were valued members of my crew, Inspector, not criminals." "To you perhaps." Kashyk's smile was anything but friendly. " you trust me?" "Not for a second." Prax entered the ready room breaking off the conversation. "We've completed our inspection. There are no telepaths aboard. However, their sensor logs indicate they deviated from their assigned course on two occasions." Janeway was instantly on her feet. "In both cases, we detoured only to avoid ion storms." "Prax continued without acknowledging her. "Imperative 32, Codicil 626: 'All gaharay vehicles that deviate from prescribed flight vectors will be impounded, their crews detained and relocated.'" Kashyk's smile as he spoke to Prax made Kathryn's skin crawl. "It's clear the Captain didn't intend to break protocol. I expect we can overlook these infractions." "Sir?" Kashyk's glare silenced Prax's protests. "Yes, sir." "But I have another slight problem to discuss with the captain, Prax. Can you recall the protocol for proto-telepaths?" "Imperative 32, Codicil 947: 'All gaharay who show latent or developing telepathic tendencies shall be irreversibly sterilized.'" "Captain, I believe you have forgotten to report the presence of a proto-telepath on your vessel." "I don't know who or what you are talking about. We have no telepaths on Voyager, proto or otherwise." "I beg to differ, Captain. I'm surprised at you. Surely, you are familiar with Commander Chakotay's vision quests, as he calls them. The ability to initiate the vision quest is one of the indicators of a proto-telepath." "He uses artificial means to initiate that state." "Perhaps. Or has he merely made that addition to his file to protect himself?" "He wouldn’t do that." Kathryn's outrage was barely controlled. Carefully she forced herself to calm down. "He has no reason to do that. He has no telepathic abilities." "Strange, I find many references in the personal logs of your crew that mention how he always seems to know what you want before you ask, about how he knows how to make you relax and laugh, about how he seems to almost read your mind. Then there are the comments in his own personal logs about a 'crazy gene' he has inherited that gives the carrier the ability to see spirits." "We're just used to working together and that gene's existence hasn't even been confirmed much less linked to any telepathic abilities." "I suppose that is possible, don't you Prax?" Kashyk's question told Kathryn that he had already decided his course of action and was merely making her squirm. "If you say so, sir." Prax was clearly not privy to Kashyk's plans. "Prax, how long does it take to conduct a thorough analysis of gaharay genomes?" "At least a week." Kashyk turned back to Kathryn. "I'll give you a choice, Captain. We can carry out the punishment for your first officer now before we complete our inspection or you can turn your first officer over to us so we can make further tests. When we are finished, we will return him to you." "In the same condition as he left?" "That depends on the results of our tests." Kashyk's smile and voice were snide leaving Kathryn no doubt what he hoped the tests would show. "You leave me no choice." Kathryn's mind raced. It was clear that Kashyk had an agenda beyond the apparent violation of one of his precious protocols, but she had no idea what it could be. "May I explain this to him?" "Of course. But I'm sure you will understand why I can't allow you to speak privately." "Janeway to the Bridge. Commander, please join me in the ready room." Kathryn's request was not acknowledged but a few seconds later the door opened to admit Chakotay. "You wanted to see me, Captain?" "Actually, it's Kashyk who wants to see you. Apparently, we might be in violation of one of the Devore protocols. Imperative…" "Imperative 32, Codicil 947." Prax supplied the relevant information. "Imperative 32, Codicil 947 regarding proto-telepaths." "I wasn't aware we had any species who were proto-telepaths on board." "Not a species, Chakotay, a person." Kathryn paused before she continued. "You." "Me?" Chakotay's surprise was evident. "I'm no telepath. You know that." "Of course I do, but apparently your vision quests have aroused their suspicions. Comments about how well you know me in the crew's personal logs have only increased those fears. "I use an akoonah for the vision quests. As for knowing the captain, we've worked together for over five years. It's hardly surprising we know each other well." Chakotay turned to Kashyk with his explanation. "I've given your captain two choices, Commander." Kashyk took up the conversation. "You can be punished now or come with us for testing." "I'm not leaving Voyager." Chakotay's voice was firm. "Commander," Kathryn interrupted the two men, "I think you should know the punishment before you make that decision." "Their punishments are all incarceration. You can confine me to the brig until we clear Devore space. I'm no threat to them after that." "This punishment is not incarceration, Chakotay." Chakotay turned his attention back to Kashyk. "Then what is it?" Kashyk only nodded at Prax. "All gaharay who show latent or developing telepathic tendencies shall be irreversibly sterilized." Chakotay's face paled as he realized what that entailed. There was nothing about the Devore that suggested the procedure would be anything remotely humane or that they would use minimal methods to accomplish their purpose. "How do I know they haven't already decided on the test results? Or that they'll even allow me to return to Voyager?" "We don't, Commander, but I think Kashyk… appreciates our cooperation and would like it to continue." Kathryn turned her look on Kashyk. "Am I correct?" "As you say, Captain, your continued cooperation makes my job easier. We have no desire to detain your first officer indefinitely. He will be returned on our next inspection." "Captain?" Chakotay's eyes met Kathryn's searching for answers to questions he couldn't ask. "Let them run their tests, Commander. There's nothing for them to find." "If that's what you want, Captain." Prax stepped forward to escort Chakotay to the Devore ship. As they left, Kathryn turned to Kashyk. "If you find anything of interest, before you carry out any 'punishment,' please bring your test results. It is possible that your doctors won't be as familiar with our genome as ours. We can discuss the results on your next inspection." Kashyk stepped closer to Kathryn. "I'll consider it, Captain. I'm a reasonable man, and you've been cooperative, to an extent, but consider this a reminder. You have a long trip through Devore space and good friends can be an asset." "I'll keep that in mind." Tom moved back to the helm as the Devore left the bridge. It was the signal for everyone else to return to his or her post. The captain moved purposefully from the ready room to her chair. "Status." "The Devore vessels are out of range," Tom's voice responded. "Bridge to transporter team. We're clear." The captain's voice was calm but carried a sense of urgency. A few minutes passed before Harry Kim's voice responded. "Acknowledged, Captain. All of our guests are present and accounted for. Mr. Tuvok is on his way to the bridge." The entire bridge crew breathed a sigh of relief. They had survived another Devore inspection - almost. "The two Devore ships are assuming a tactical formation," Ayala reported from Tactical. Kathryn Janeway frowned. "Bridge to Transporter Room One. Status." Harry Kim responded. "All set here, Captain. Pattern cohesion looks stable." "Bridge to Cargo Bay One," Janeway moved on. "Report." "The bay is clear." Seven's voice was calm and efficient. Kathryn Janeway wished she felt as confident. "They're powering weapons," Ayala provided the information they had all expected. "They're hailing." Ayala waited for Janeway to nod before he put it on the screen. "Gaharay vessel, prepare to be inspected. Crew members are instructed to step away from their stations." Prax repeated the message as well as any computer. "We know the drill." The captain sighed feeling like she was repeating the lines from some play. "Sidearms and scanning equipment are to be set aside. Deviation from this or any other inspection protocol will not be tolerated." Ayala had ignored the instruction to move away from his station as he continued to monitor the activities of the Devore. "Their soldiers have materialized on decks fifteen, eleven, four...and one." Before he finished speaking, music filled the bridge. "Captain Janeway, report to your ready room." This time the script would be abandoned. It had been two weeks since the last inspection and she wanted her first officer back. She entered her ready room ready to confront Kashyk. "Captain! It's so good to see you." Kashyk was in her chair with his feet on her desk sipping coffee. "Where's my first officer?" "Why, Captain, where are your manners?" "I left them on the bridge. Now, where is he?" "Such impatience will accomplish nothing, Captain. There's another matter I want to discuss first." "Oh?" "Yes, it seems we found some information in your files on our last visit. Information that does not put you in a very positive light, I'm afraid." Kashyk put his feet on the floor and set his cup down. Kathryn looked slightly nervous. "What sort of information?" "Information that you had some guests on board that you didn't mention to me and that you were getting ready to send them off in some shuttles to some wormhole. That wasn't very wise." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Come, come, Captain. I don't know how you hid them, but I know you had telepaths on board Voyager and that by now you've sent them on their way. I just want to know where they were going." "I still don't know what you're talking about. Your men inspected this ship half a dozen times and found nothing." "You know, Captain, there's a difference between your doctor and the ones on my ships." Kashyk changed the subject without missing a beat. "My doctors have conducted all these very informative and technical tests but they haven't written their final report yet. They are waiting for me to tell them what their conclusions are." The threat was crystal clear and the captain had no doubt that he would carry it out without a second thought. "All right. What exactly do you want to know?" "I just want the destination of those shuttles." "If I give you that information, do I get my first officer back?" "After we've confirmed the accuracy of your information." "What's assurance do I have that your ships will even return?" "Oh, they'll return. Prax can handle retrieving the shuttles. I thought I'd stay as a guest on your ship while he's running that little errand." Kashyk's smile turned malicious. "Now, what was their destination?" Kathryn made her way to the computer terminal and called up a chart of the region. "It's the Mutara-class nebula here," she pointed at the screen. "It's about 1.36 light-years from our current position. Your ships should be able to make the trip there and back in three or four days." Kashyk turned to Prax. "You heard the lady, Prax. Take our ships and retrieve those shuttles then bring Commander Chakotay back with you." Prax silently signaled to the armed guard to join him then called for transport. The captain watched as Prax and the guard disappeared in the transporter beam then walked over to the view port. One Devore ship was visible. A minute later it moved away from Voyager then went to warp. On the bridge, Tom moved back to the helm. It was the signal for everyone else to return to his or her post. When he realized the captain was remaining in the ready room, he signaled for a replacement at the helm and moved to her chair. He quickly checked her location before returning his attention to the rest of the ship. "Status." "The Devore vessels are out of range," Ayala's voice responded. "Bridge to transporter team. We're clear." Tom put into motion the now familiar routine. A few minutes passed before Harry Kim's voice responded. "Acknowledged. All of our guests are present and accounted for. Mr. Tuvok is on his way to the bridge." "Bridge to Captain Janeway." "Go ahead, Tom." "We're all clear, Captain." "Not quite, Lieutenant. Have the Devore ships left the area?" "Yes, Captain." "Send a security detail to my ready room." Kathryn was all captain as she turned to Kashyk. "Get out of my chair… NOW!" Kashyk actually looked surprised by her attitude. "Why are you surprised? I only cooperate when I'm outgunned and I don't see any battle ships in the area. Now are you going to stand up on your own or will my security team have to do it for you?" Kashyk stood leisurely. "My ships will be returning with your first officer in a day or two. Remember what I said about needing a friend?" "I remember." Kathryn sat at her desk and called up some information. She didn't glance up as a security detail entered the ready room. "Just keep an eye on him for now." Kathryn continued studying the screen for another few minutes then seemed satisfied with what she had read. "Janeway to the bridge. Any ships on long range sensors?" "No, Captain." The voice was unfamiliar to Kashyk. He glanced at the captain but she ignored him. "Very good. Assemble our… guests," Kathryn looked pointedly at Kashyk, "and load up the shuttles. They're leaving now." "Aye, Captain. Bridge out." Captain Janeway watching Kashyk's face as he realized that the telepaths were still on Voyager and that he had just sent his ships on a wild goose chase. Then he remembered he still held a trump card. "Aren't you forgetting your first officer, Captain?" "I don't think so." Captain Janeway leaned back in her chair looking smug. "Aren't you forgetting you sent your ships away when you had information that there were telepaths on board Voyager and that you stood by and did nothing to stop their escape?" "I had no knowledge of their presence." "I know that and you know that but will Prax believe it? He knows you had the information and that you sent the ships away. You have been bending your precious Protocols for Voyager for weeks. When I tell him you knew about my little plan, don't you think my version will carry a bit more weight?" Kathryn twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. "Prax strikes me as a man who follows the rules and you've just broken one more than he can overlook. I think he'll be all too willing to return my first officer in exchange for a traitor. You'll make a marvelous entry in his record, maybe even earn him a promotion and his own ship." Kathryn stood and headed for the door addressing the security detail as she walked. "Gentlemen, escort our… guest to the brig and make him reasonably comfortable." Kathryn didn't even look back as she passed Kashyk and went to the bridge. She barely noticed as he crossed the upper level with the security detail on the way to the turbolift. "Status, Mr. Tuvok." Only Ayala at tactical caught the jerk of Kashyk's head at the name. "Our guests are ready to depart, Captain. We are awaiting your order." Tuvok stood as she joined him on the command level. "By all means, Commander, give the order. You should have the honor." Tuvok acknowledged the privilege with a nod. "Bridge to Shuttle Bay." "Wilson here, sir." "Launch the shuttles." "Aye, sir." Ensign Kim, back at Ops, put up the departing shuttles on the main screen. They moved away from Voyager then jumped to warp. Tuvok turned back to Kathryn. "What of Commander Chakotay, Captain?" "He'll be rejoining us in four days when the Devore ships return for Kashyk. In the meantime, make sure the inspector is comfortable." "Aye, Captain." Tuvok moved back to Tactical. "Mr. Paris, resume our previous course and speed." Kathryn sat down and watched as Tom completed his task. "Perhaps later you could do a favor for me?" "Of course, Captain." Tom turned at the helm to look at Kathryn. "If I can." "I think our guest must be tiring of my taste in music. Perhaps you can find him something a little different for him, say from the twentieth century." "You mean like Blue Grass, Rap, Techno, Hip Hop, and Heavy Metal?" "Those sound quite interesting. I think you understand my request. Make sure they play for him continuously." "It will be my pleasure, Captain." "The two Devore ships are assuming a tactical formation," Ayala reported from Tactical. "They're powering weapons," Ayala provided the information they had all expected. "They're hailing." Ayala waited for Janeway to nod before he put it on the screen. "Gaharay vessel, prepare to be inspected. Crew members are instructed to step away from their stations." Prax repeated the message as well as any computer." "I don't think so." Kathryn turned to Kashyk who was seated to her left. "The captain is right, Prax. There is no need to inspect the ship again. I can assure you there are no telepaths on board." "Sir, she gave us false information. There were no shuttles in that nebula." "I know, Prax. The files we found about them were planted as a distraction. I discovered her subterfuge a few hours after you left. Return her first officer. They have nothing that we want." "Sir?" "You heard me Prax. Return him to Voyager." Kathryn signaled Ops to cut the audio as she turned to Kashyk. "Remember, no more inspections. We leave Devore space in just under thirty-six hours." "I remember, Captain. You'll forgive me if I say I'll be glad to see the last of you and your ship." Chakotay materialized near the turbolift door. Kathryn immediately turned her attention to him. "Are you all right, Commander?" "I'm fine, Captain. They didn't even scan me while I was with them." Chakotay stopped talking when he saw Kashyk. Kathryn nodded when she heard he was unharmed and signaled for Ops to open audio again. "I believe you're ready to leave now." Kathryn spoke to Kashyk so he heard the warning in her voice. "It's been a pleasure, Captain." Kashyk, always one to have the last word, then turned his attention to Tom. "I found your taste in music… interesting, Mr. Paris. Kashyk disappeared in the sparkle of a transporter beam. As soon as he was gone, Kathryn turned to Tom. "Resume our previous course, Mr. Paris, warp 8. I want us out of Devore space." "Aye, Captain." Instead of sitting down, the captain moved toward her ready room. "You have the bridge, Mr. Kim. Commander, you're with me." Chakotay followed the captain into the ready room expecting to be questioned about his stay with the Devore or sent to sickbay for a checkup. Instead of the captain, he found Kathryn. As soon as the doors closed, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him close. "You will never know how worried I've been." Kathryn tilted her head up to look at Chakotay. "I've missed you." "I've missed you, too." Chakotay kissed her gently. When the kiss became too urgent, he pulled back. "Time enough for that later." Kathryn smiled. "Sending you with him was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Not knowing for two weeks what they were doing to you was terrible. Then I had to watch the ships leave again to search for the shuttles." "How did you know Prax wouldn't kill me or carry out that punishment while Kashyk was on Voyager?" "I didn't, but he follows orders better than some first officers I can think of." Kathryn's teasing was rewarded with a hug. "Thank goodness." "What worried you the most?" "That Kashyk would find some excuse to kill you or simply kill you then manufacture an explanation. I was risking a lot." "It was my life and future children I was risking." Kathryn pulled his head down
for another kiss. "I guess we're even then because I was risking my life
and my future children, too."