The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, the characters and all things Trek.

by Dakota

Chakotay stood in the ready room staring at the stars. Most of the crew were at an impromptu party celebrating the return of the captain, Tuvok and B'Elanna from the Borg. Two memories fought for prominence in his mind – the warmth of Kathryn's hand just before she left and the chill of her cold shoulder when he visited her in sickbay after her return. He shivered as the memory of that chill slowly but surely dominated all other memories.

Chakotay didn't turn around when he heard the door slide open. Only one person would enter without asking his permission first. He waited. Finally she spoke.

"Why do you let me do this to you?"

"It's what you want. What else would you have me do?"

The silence stretched between them as Kathryn contemplated his words. Finally she spoke softly.

"It's my decision, yes, and it's the way it has to be, but please don't ever again think that it's what I want because it isn't. What I would have you do is remember that and wait for the day when we can both have what we want."

Long after the door had closed behind Kathryn, Voyager continued her journey and Chakotay stood staring at the stars as two thoughts struggled for prominence. Had everything changed or had nothing changed?

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