This is set in the
Universe first seen in Mirror, Mirror in the 1960's. In that universe,
it was not just the circumstances but also the very characters of people
that were radically changed.
The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, the characters and all things Trek. PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn sat in her ready room waiting for Chakotay to arrive. She tried to summarize for herself the current situation on Voyager. Captain Cavitt was dead and his major supporters were disorganized while a new leader established control. What would normally be handled in a matter of hours had been delayed by the constant turmoil the entire crew had experienced in the last few days, not to mention the loss of four of that group's most influential members. Kathryn smiled as she recalled the events that led to two of those deaths. A falling beam had landed on Cavitt during their transfer by the Caretaker. While checking his pulse, Kathryn had 'accidentally' cut a major vein in his neck. Later, once the total death count was known, Kathryn had taken the most expedient option to deal with the bodies – putting them in airlocks and ejecting them into space. A few hours later she had been forced to deal with a growing crowd in the crew mess. Lieutenant elBa d'Nepxe had been trying to convince the others to oppose Kathryn's command. She entered the room and listened for a few minutes gauging the group. Finally she stepped forward. "Lieutenant, you seem to be unhappy on Voyager. Allow me to remedy that." Tapping her communicator, she continued, "Bridge, transfer Lieutenant d'Nepxe to the exterior of Voyager; he's no longer happy here." "With pleasure, Captain." Kim's voice from the bridge conveyed true pleasure in following that order as d'Nepxe disappeared in a transporter beam. Kathryn turned her attention to the rest of the crowd. "Does anyone else wish to request a transfer off Voyager?" At that moment d'Nepxe's body drifted along the view ports, still struggling to breath. "If not, I suggest you return to your duties before I decide that you are expendable on this ship." The group quickly broke up. Kathryn was aware of Tuvok at her shoulder. Together they made their way to the bridge. On the turbolift, he finally spoke. "Most efficient, Captain." "Thank you. I thought it set a very nice mood for the lunch crowd." "Might I remind you, however,
that we cannot afford to lose too many crewmen if we are to run this ship?
I suggest you select the supervisors in the science departments if you
need more volunteers for your demonstrations. They are the most likely
to question your orders." He finished as the turbolift opened on the bridge.
"I'll keep that in mind. Care to join me in my ready room for a cup of tea, Commander?" Kathryn allowed her thoughts to drift ever so briefly to more personal considerations. She had been the Captain's woman for more than a year. The entire crew, except possibly Tuvok, thought it had been by her choice. In her early years as Cavitt's first officer, he had needed her support to retain command, but as he consolidated his power base he was able to force her into his bed. She had resisted but eventually had to submit to continue as first officer. Cavitt had enjoyed using her body and derived as much satisfaction, if not more, from the knowledge that she found no pleasure in his bed. Kathryn endured; the only way she could have escaped was a transfer, a 'promotion' to captain as a result of Cavitt's death, or a one way trip to the morgue, most likely as a result of a failed effort to obtain that promotion. Cavitt had blocked her transfers to any other ship so she had been biding her time until her following was sufficient to ensure a 'promotion' would not land her in the morgue. Kathryn had hoped Cavitt's faction would splinter but her sources now told her otherwise. Out of nowhere, a new leader was emerging: Harry Kim had managed to convince them all that they were better off united than separated. He clearly had his eye on the Captain's chair despite his youth. For the moment Tuvok seemed content to watch the developments in what was now Kim's faction. Kathryn was certain of Tuvok's loyalty and support but only up to the point where she risked losing her new command. If he thought that was likely, he would shift his support, if only to maintain leadership of his own group. The casualties on the ship had drastically shifted the balance of power away from those who would have supported Kathryn. Kathryn's own supporters were loyal but were too few to guarantee her control of Voyager even with Tuvok's support. She knew her current command could be attributed to Tuvok's support from most of the security forces and her power base, headed by Joe Carey, hanging on to control of Engineering. Even with Tuvok's support, her hold was precarious. The Maquis were suddenly a major but unknown factor. They were intensely loyal to their captain and would ultimately tip the balance in favor of one faction. The question was which one. If she tried to imprison them, Cavitt's faction, now Kim's faction, would simply release them in return for their support. Whomever the Maquis supported would be captain, of that there was no doubt in her mind, and that decision would be made by their captain, Chakotay. He had just beamed into transporter room one after his ship rammed the Kazon ship in the battle to gain control of the Caretaker's array. The fact that both Voyager and the Maquis ship had needed control of the array if they were to return to the Alpha Quadrant had led to an unexpected and unstable alliance. While the destruction of the array and Kazon ship marked the end of any hope of a quick return to the Alpha Quadrant, it also gave Kathryn a few hours to focus on what to do with the Maquis now on board Voyager. She would find out shortly whether it was good news or bad that her crew had managed to get their captain out before his ship was destroyed. Chakotay strode through the corridors of Voyager projecting confidence. He was taking in the details of the ship and the crew. He was unsure of the specifics, but he had already learned that there was a power struggle underway. He smiled mentally. That was the problem with Starfleet crews – they were always struggling for more power within a ship's hierarchy. That was a luxury the Maquis had never known; survival depended on a crew united if that crew was to survive. He knew his Maquis would support him personally regardless of the consequences. He mentally ran over the status of his crew. He had lost quite a few people, including Seska, but that was a small loss. Keeping an eye on the Cardassian spy had been far more trouble than she was worth in bed. His smile spread across his face. If his information were accurate, he would soon enjoy commanding this ship and finding a new woman that he could trust not to put a knife in him while he slept. The possibilities he had noticed so far included the woman currently commanding Voyager, a thought which abruptly forced his attention back to the present; he could afford no mistakes in the coming meeting with Voyager's acting captain. A light flashed; Kathryn nodded her recognition of Tuvok's unsolicited signal that Chakotay was on the bridge and headed for the ready room. Kathryn turned to her terminal and called up a file. She waited until Chakotay's second signal to admit him, then delayed further seconds before acknowledging his presence. "Ah, Chakotay. Did I get that right?" She didn't wait for a reply but turned away to the replicator and got a cup of coffee for herself then crossed the ready room and sat down on the couch. Her intention was to put him at a disadvantage and force him to acknowledge her status as his superior. Chakotay stood watching as she sipped her coffee. He refused to comment or move. "You find yourself without a ship and I find myself with too few crew to effectively run my ship. It's too bad the bounty for you and your crew isn't 'dead or alive' because it would certainly be easier to kill you all than to keep you in the brig." She paused to gauge his reaction. "I do believe they want to make your execution a public display to convince others opposing the Galactic Empire that its critics have a very short life expectancy. So I have no choice... unless..." She paused and sipped her coffee thoughtfully. Turning her attention back to him, she continued, "You and your crew will be allowed to live. I propose we put them to work rather than hold you in the brig until we can turn you over to Imperial Security. I suspect that, if properly motivated by you, your Maquis could contribute to running Voyager. "I have no doubt that you can control your Marquis, so all that remains is for me to motivate you. With that in mind, I have an offer for you. I'll give your crew equal status with my crew and make you first officer of Voyager if you support me. You have five minutes to think about it." Kathryn kept her expression haughty as she waited nervously for his answer. Chakotay eyed her carefully. If his information were correct, her command was tenuous and this offer was an effort to add strength to her supporters. He contemplated possible scenarios if he refused. Execution was unlikely; as she had pointed out, the bounty was for living bodies and large enough to make this entire crew rich. If he turned down the offer, Kim's faction would undoubtedly be making a similar offer within the hour. All the scenarios ended with the same result, IF his information were accurate. The very fact that she made this offer supported his theory. He made his decision. Chakotay slowly and deliberately crossed the ready room and sat down next to her. He allowed his eyes to run from her face and down her body, lingering on her bare midriff and again on her leg where her knife was strapped, before returning his gaze to make eye contact. "Very tempting." He jerked his eyes from her chest to meet her gaze. "Your offer, however, is not – at least not as presented. I'll accept it though with one minor change. I'll be captain and you can stay on as my first officer." "You must be joking. Why would I even consider accepting you as captain?" "I believe you are a survivor, Kathryn. We both know that Tuvok will accept me as captain if you tell him to do so. We also both know that your opposition will kill you and put in someone else as captain if they think they can rally enough support. You remain alive and in command now only because they are uncertain of that support. My Maquis and I are enough to establish you, or depose you. If you put us in the brig, your opposition will make me the same offer you just made. The only things that change are who is the captain of this ship and whether you are alive. With you out of the picture, your faction will be searching for a new leader. It might take a few months, but that will be me eventually. Once they are with me, Tuvok will support me over that hotheaded Kim. I will command this ship eventually; it's just easier this way, and faster. "It's time to call Tuvok in and tell him what you've decided, Kathryn." Kathryn met Chakotay's eyes and studied what she saw. She didn't know this man but her life had depended on her ability to judge a person's character more than once. She believed what he said, or rather she believed that he believed what he said about the situation on Voyager and what would happen. She also believed he would take his chances in the brig rather than accept her offer. She didn't know Kim well enough to discount him seeking the support of the Maquis, but it is what she would do in his place. Finally she knew that Chakotay's assessment of the situation was accurate. If Voyager were still in the Alpha Quadrant, she might be able to retain control long enough to reach an Imperial Star Base, but that was not even a remote possibility in the Delta Quadrant. Carefully she picked up her coffee mug and crossed the room to recycle it. Then she went to her desk and sat down before opening a channel and asking Tuvok to come to the ready room. Chakotay never took his eyes off her but she gave nothing away. Tuvok signaled and entered when instructed to do so. "You asked to see me, Captain?" "Yes, I did. Thank you for being so prompt." Kathryn stood at her desk. "Chakotay has... offered... to assume command of Voyager in return for our support. I think we should accept his offer. Do you agree?" Tuvok quietly considered her words, his expression giving even less away than Kathryn's. Chakotay knew this was a critical test of his judgment about the situation on Voyager. He knew Tuvok far better than he knew Kim, so if he was wrong on this point he was likely wrong on others as well. He lounged on the couch conveying a confidence that he did not feel. Tuvok spoke after what seemed an eternity. "I believe the offer is a logical one, Commander. Shall I begin transferring the command codes to our new captain?" With those words, Kathryn saw the command of the ship move out of her reach again. "Yes, thank you, Tuvok." Kathryn turned to Chakotay. "If you'll excuse me, sir, I'll advise those in engineering of the situation. You two can discuss the transfer of command. Tuvok, if any of my clearances are changed, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know." At Chakotay's nod, Kathryn left the ready room and headed for engineering. Her calm demeanor gave away nothing to the bridge crew as she crossed to the turbolift. Once in the turbolift she let the mask fall briefly; she had finally managed to escape Cavitt's control only to find herself a few days later under the command of another. At least she had avoided becoming this captain's woman. As the lift slowed, she raised her chin and put her shoulders back -- she still had to explain this to Joe Carey. For a brief moment, she considered less than the complete truth, then reconsidered. She and Joe had been on the same ships for several years. She could tell him the truth and let him decide what to tell the others. While still in the turbolift, she removed the fourth pip and put it in her pocket. Someday she would wear it again. Once in engineering Kathryn quickly located Joe and went to his office. There she told him what she had suggested and the counter-offer from Chakotay. At first Joe was angry that she hadn't discussed the counter-offer with him, but after yelling for five minutes, he calmed down enough to realize that she had had no choice. "So what do you want me to tell the rest of our people?" "As much of the truth, or as little, as necessary to make them accept this. Tell them only about his counter-offer and make it sound like we discussed it and decided it was in everyone's best interests." "You going to be his woman, too?" The derision in his voice would have earned anyone else a reprimand. "He hasn't suggested it and I'm not interested. When I leave here, I'm going to move my things to my own quarters." "Don't bother." Chakotay's voice made both Kathryn and Joe jump. "What?" Kathryn was afraid she understood all too well what he meant. "I said 'don't bother'. Your status as the captain's woman hasn't changed. I came down here to let you both know that I've appointed a new chief engineer for the ship. Her name is B'Elanna Torres and she's a bit temperamental, but she's the best engineer I've ever seen. Joe, she bites and has a mean left hook, so I'd recommend that you not make her angry. She's meeting with Tuvok now to set up her access to the ship's systems and is coming to meet with you, Joe, when she's finished." Chakotay turned to Kathryn before he continued. "Kathryn, why don't you show me to our quarters?" He turned toward the door and waited for her to lead the way. He watched her as she glanced at the two Maquis who followed them through the corridors. "Don't worry. Ayala will protect you from any of Kim's cronies. Bendera will watch my back. They'll be relieved by Doyle and Jackson in about an hour." Kathryn understood the warning he had buried in words phrased to reassure her. Kathryn woke early the following morning in a familiar room with a not yet familiar man. At least this man treated her better than Cavitt had when they were alone. Cavitt had usually pushed her aside before he slept but Chakotay had kept a possessive arm over her through the night. Cautiously she pushed one hand under her pillow ensuring that her knife was still there. Reassured by the knife's presence, Kathryn shifted slightly and settled against her new captain, content to bide her time before she reclaimed that fourth pip. Chakotay smiled as she sighed and drifted back to sleep. He had known the knife was there but wanted to find out whether she would try to use it. He was going to enjoy the battle to claim her personal loyalty and support as well as the struggle to make her acknowledge that she was a willing occupant of his bed. Yes, he was definitely going to enjoy commanding Voyager. Three years later, Chakotay laughed as Kathryn screamed at him in sick bay. "I should have stuck that knife into you that first night when I had the chance, you son of a bitch!" On the surface nothing had changed since that night, but he wasn't worried. He knew she would change her mind as soon as she held his daughter. After all, she had said the same thing on two other occasions when their sons were born. Return to my Home Page Words of Encouragement are Welcome |
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