The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() by Dakota Kathryn and Chakotay were enjoying their last cup of coffee before heading to the bridge for their shifts. They had been chatting about the upcoming talent show in which they had promised Neelix they would do something together. Neelix had been elated since it was the first time they had both been involved in the same show. So elated that he had been thanking them every time he saw them. Chakotay saw the expression on Kathryn's face change in the middle of a sentence and knew that Neelix was on his way over for the first thank you of the day. "Captain, Commander, how are you this fine morning?" "Good morning, Neelix." Chakotay nodded and decided that today Kathryn could talk to him. He had fielded the Talaxian's enthusiasm for the last two days so she could handle at least one conversation with him. "I have the final plans for the Talent Show all worked out. Mr. Paris was kind enough to help me with a few details that I know will make it much more fun for everyone. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to whatever it is you two have planned for us. It's going to be the most anticipated act of the evening." As he spoke, Neelix held out a pad to Kathryn but she signaled for Chakotay to take it. Chakotay did not even have time to scan the first sentence before Neelix noticed that some latecomers needed his assistance in the serving line. "Oops, I see that I'm needed elsewhere at the moment. If you'll excuse me." Neelix was gone before Kathryn could reply so she merely shook her head and finished her coffee. "I think we're needed elsewhere at the moment, too. Shall we?" "By all means, Captain." Chakotay stood and dealt with their cups before following the captain out of the mess hall to the bridge. The day was uneventful but both Kathryn and Chakotay were kept busy most of the morning dealing with minor issues that had been neglected long enough. It was nearly noon before Kathryn headed for her ready room and Chakotay had time to read more thoroughly what Neelix had given them at breakfast. As he finished, he knew the captain would not be amused. He checked the chronometer – just enough time to let her read what Neelix had planned, think about it for fifteen minutes and then calm her down a bit before their lunch break. Chakotay stood and headed for the ready room. A slightly distracted Kathryn admitted him immediately. "What's so urgent it couldn't wait until lunch?" "I think you should read about the few details Tom added to Neelix's plans." Chakotay passed the padd to Kathryn and moved to the replicator to get her fresh coffee and himself some tea before sitting down across from her desk. He watched as various emotions stole across her face – irritation and anger were first and completely expected, but then a smile slowly spread across her face – a very thoughtful, very determined, sly smile appeared. "Kathryn?" Thirty minutes later, Kathryn and Chakotay crossed the bridge on their way to lunch. The captain sounded determined and more than a little irritated while the commander seemed to be trying to placate her. "You tell Neelix that I am not going to participate in some trick or treat routine AND that if he and Tom want to make this talent night into something so elaborately creative, they can create to their hearts' content in the main cargo bay instead of the holodeck." "Please, Captain, reconsider…" The turbolift doors closed on the discussion and more than one pair of eyes exchanged glances as the 'discussion' moved out of earshot. Tuvok restored order with a simple cough and mentally started going through the list of his favorite poets for a likely poem to fill in the spot that apparently would be available in the show. The captain remained adamant about using the cargo bay according to Chakotay but no one else dared mention the talent show in her presence. Tuvok approached Neelix about filling in the spot, but Neelix assured him that Chakotay would be doing something on his own, thank you very much. As the night of the talent show approached, the crew forgot about the problems and began getting interested in the various acts. Chakotay remained completely silent about his plans and speculation was running wild about what he would be doing. Most of the female members of the crew were hoping he would sing but B'Elanna kept saying he would most likely just tell them a legend from his large collection. The last few days before the big event saw Neelix and Tom spending every available moment moving things around in the cargo bay and decorating it as planned. When they suggested not being as elaborate as originally planned, Chakotay reminded them that their plans had been approved 'as submitted' and no change was allowed without permission. One look at Chakotay told them that neither he nor the captain would be approving any changes this time. As they turned, Tom was grumbling about how much it was costing him in replicator rations to do this without a holodeck which prompted a carefully concealed chuckle from Chakotay. The cargo bay was ready for the captain's inspection a few hours before the talent show began. She and Chakotay toured the cargo bay for over an hour checking out the setting. Tom and Neelix were waiting anxiously outside when they finished. "Nice job, gentlemen. Now, remove the chairs. They weren't in your request. You can add some rocks or the people can sit on the floor." Kathryn didn't wait for a response before she turned to leave. Tom opened his mouth but closed it immediately. Neelix found his voice and turned to Chakotay. "Commander, I don't…" "You heard her, gentlemen, get rid of the chairs. Anything else?" "No, sir." "Aye, sir." Chakotay caught up with Kathryn in her ready room. She was already at her desk with a cup of coffee in her hands and tea for Chakotay. "Aren't you being a little hard of them, Kathryn?" "They're the ones who wanted to make changes in the talent night plans." "I know, but still, the people need someplace to sit." "Don't you agree that this will be more authentic?" "Of course." "And it won't hurt your contribution either, will it?" "You know it won't." "Then what's the problem? I'm just helping them set the mood." Chakotay just shook his head before changing the subject. "You want to eat dinner in the mess hall or my quarters?" "You don't trust my cooking?" "Not when you're in this mood, no." "Your quarters then. I'm sure Tom will be complaining about having to move all those chairs and replace them with rocks and logs at the last minute. This way he'll have to keep an eye on the door all evening wondering when I might show up." "You're really being hard on him." "He messed up my plans." Chakotay stood and walked around the desk where he pulled Kathryn to her feet and into his arms. "Our plans. But we don't need the talent show to carry them out. All you have to do is hold my hand in the corridors. This crew will catch on quickly." "I want to tell them about us, not just drop hints and let them figure it out for themselves." "I rather think the crew would have more fun with the hints." "You do? Really?" "I really do." Chakotay allowed Kathryn a few moments to consider the idea. "So, can I start dropping hints?" "Not until after the talent show tonight. Now, what are you going to fix me for dinner?" Tom and Neelix received many compliments on the talent show decorations and setting. With the lights turned nearly off, the cargo bay had been converted into old graveyard with tottering tombstones surrounded by a metal fence. Trees, bared of their leaves for the winter, reached ghostly fingers to the sky where a moon peeked through dark clouds. A slight wind rustled through the branches, making them sway, and stirred the leaves underfoot. Leaves crackled and twigs snapped as people made their way to the clearing left for the audience. The audience spoke in hushed whispers as they awaited the first act. Ninety minutes later, Neelix announced the final act of the evening – Commander Chakotay. While Neelix did the introduction, Tom carried a large carved pumpkin out and put it on the ground next to the log where Chakotay would sit. Only when the audience had settled down did Chakotay walk out from the trees and sit down. "I'm going to tell you a story. It's an ancient legend among our people. It's the story of the Galloping Hessian of the Hollow, a spirit who couldn't find peace, and one man's encounter with him." Chakotay's voice was calm but deliberate as he set the scene in upstate New York about young Ichabod Crane, newly arrived from Connecticut to teach the children of the county. Young Crane was an expert on Cotton Mather's History of New England and loved to sing and tell ghost stories to his students. "His fascination with ghosts and legends made Ichabod very aware of the noises of the night as he traveled home from school. He would hear a trig snap and walk faster along the road. A shadow would move and he would glance over his shoulder nervously to see nothing." Slowly Chakotay built the tension and just as slowly, the audience became aware of the sounds and shadows in the cargo bay. After ten minutes, everyone had noted that Tom and Neelix were seated off to the side listening with the rest of them. "Ichabod was attracted to Katrina, the daughter of a local landowner named van Tassel. But he was not alone in his attraction. Brom Von Brunt, known as Brom Bones to his friends, also admired the young lass. They were unlikely rivals: Crane, tall and gangling and interested in ghosts and history, and Brunt, muscled and athletic and interested in enjoying life with his friends." As the mood lightened slightly, the audience grew restless but not from boredom. Here a person would swat an imaginary fly; there a person would flinch as a puff of air moved their hair. A gasp made several jump and a soft voice complained. "Something touched my neck." Chakotay's voice never faltered. He continued his story as if nothing were happening. Couples slid closer together and those on their own glanced around nervously. "Van Tassel decided to throw a magnificent holiday party and invited all the most important people in the county. Of course, this included the schoolteacher and Ichabod eagerly anticipated the chance to visit Katrina and advance his cause as a potential suitor. Wanting to present an elegant picture when he arrived, he made arrangements to borrow a horse and set off in the early evening along the road that led to the van Tassel homestead. He had to pass through a deserted area along a stream called Sleepy Hollow where there had been frequent reports of a headless horseman. "Crane urged the old horse forward to a faster gait as he approached the center of the hollow, all the while nervously glancing over his shoulder as memories of stories raced through his brain. Only when he was well out of the hollow did he breathe a sigh of relief and allow the horse to slow to its plodding walk." As Chakotay spoke the words, most of the audience sighed in relief with Ichabod. Everyone knew that the others were nervous – and not just because of the story. As Chakotay paused before continuing, everyone heard Tom's exasperated whisper. "I'm telling you, Neelix, I didn't do anything like that." Chakotay didn't even glance at Tom before he continued. "Crane arrived at the van Tassel estate and joined the festivities only to find that Brom Bones had also arrived and was keeping company with Katrina and her friends. Crane joined the festivities and was soon telling his tales to any who would listen. "It was never very clear exactly what happened, but well into the evening Crane left the party, a miserable ghost of a man. The story passed among those in attendance is that Katrina had chosen Brom over Crane and had finally told him. Crane mounted his horse and headed off into the dark night for the long journey home. "As he rode, Crane's thoughts turned back to the events of the evening and the stories he had told the others. This was probably not wise for it brought to mind all the stories he had heard about the Galloping Hessian who had been seen late at night by solitary travelers journeying through the hollow." Chakotay's audience had relaxed somewhat as he recounted the events of the party but as Crane journeyed into the night they became restless again. A ghostly touch on an arm, another on a face, the sound of a step where no person moved all made the audience as nervous as the man in the tale. "The night was dark and the moon was hidden behind black clouds. The trees had shed their leaves for the winter and stretched dark fingers into the midnight sky. The wind was blowing leaves across the road and no animals could be seen. As Crane approached the church at the turn off that would take him through Sleepy Hollow, he tensed and urged his horse on faster. He continued on his intended path but was alert to every whisper of the wind in the trees and every movement of a leaf along the road. "Then he heard it – not really a sound, but a presence. He turned and looked behind him. A man on a horse was approaching. Crane urged his horse on faster but the other man soon caught up and rode next to Crane. Nervously Crane glanced over and saw the large form of a man – carrying his head in his arm. Crane kicked his old horse to its fastest pace as he headed down into the hollow with the Headless Horseman in pursuit. Crane's horse recognized the terror felt by his rider and moved even faster completely out of control. As they exited the hollow and began to ascent to the main road, Crane began to hope he would be able to escape the Horseman but his hopes were not to be realized. The horseman slowed as he approached the end of the hollow but when he did, he threw his head at Crane. As it flew through the air, it turned into a flaming pumpkin. The Hessian's aim was true for he struck Carne full force and knocked him from his horse. The next morning the horse was found wandering along the road and his saddle was found near the exit from the hollow near the shattered remains of a pumpkin." As Chakotay described the flaming pumpkin, a flame suddenly appeared in the one near him. More than one muffled scream echoed in the cargo bay for he had not stirred from his seat. Chakotay calmly stood and walked back into the shadows after he finished. Never once did he give any indication that anything unusual had been happening in the cargo bay. Neelix stood and addressed the audience. "That completes our talent night. Let's give the judges a few minutes to decide tonight's winner." Everyone started talking quietly to their neighbors while they waited. Tom and Neelix could both hear bits and pieces of conversation and knew that they all thought the cargo deck had been rigged. Tom considered trying to convince the others that he and Neelix had nothing to do with whatever had been happening but knew they would never believe him. The judges took only a few minutes to agree on the results. They handed Neelix the results and rejoined the rest of the audience. "Well, ladies and gentlemen. It seems that the judges have selected the best performance. I'm sure it will come as no surprise to any of you to learn that our own Commander Chakotay is tonight's winner." Neelix turned toward Chakotay and motioned him forward. "Commander." The audience clapped and whistled as Chakotay stepped forward to thank them. "Come on, Commander. Tell us how you lit that pumpkin." The question came from several people at the same time. "I didn't light it." "You don't really expect us to believe you, do you?" B'Elanna asked what no one else present dared. "Believe what you want, B'Elanna, but I did not light the candle in the pumpkin." "Then who did?" Chakotay paused as if listening to something then held up the edge of the cape with his left arm for a few seconds before dropping it dramatically. Standing next to him in black slacks and shirt was Kathryn. She moved slightly forward and much closer to Chakotay before wrapping her arm around his waist. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, a bit surprised at her decision but happy she had made it. "I lit the candle." Her voice wasn't loud but it carried through the stunned silence. "How?" Tom spoke up. "That would be telling, now, wouldn't it? Let's just say that Chakotay and I have added a new dimension to our command relationship which will require us to work even more closely together and this was the first example we've shared with you." "Just how closely will you be working, Captain?" Tom's curiosity overwhelmed his instinct for self-preservation. "Very closely, Lieutenant." Chakotay paused significantly before continuing. "If I'm not mistaken, you have to be on duty in the morning." "Aye, sir." Tom yielded as much to the authority as to the look he received and ordered the lights up to 50% so the audience could safely move to the exit." Kathryn and Chakotay waited until the others had left before heading for their quarters. When they reached the turbolift, Kathryn requested Deck 5. Chakotay looked puzzled. "Did you forget already?
I have to return this to the doctor tonight." Grinning she held up the
portable emitter.
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