The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 ![]() Kathryn was waiting when Chakotay arrived to pick her up for Tom's most recent great idea. They were in orbit around an uninhabited M-class planet where they had been mining and restocking basics, like fresh water and plants for airponics. Tom had come up with the idea of having a cookout for the senior staff and department heads and their dates. He had come up with all sorts of reasons why the rest of the crew should have their own cookout the following night. Kathryn suspected it was so Tom could attend two gatherings but had eventually yielded, mainly because she preferred to avoid attending such a large gathering. Chakotay stepped through the door dressed for a cool evening and carrying their contribution for the cookout. Tom had insisted everyone bring something. Kathryn handed him her things and eyed the container. "What are we taking?" "I found an old recipe for banana boats that sounded good." "Banana boats?" Chakotay explained as they walked to the turbolift. "You peel one strip off a banana, slit it and add chocolate and peanut butter, then put back the peel. Then you wrap it in aluminum foil and put in the coals to get hot. It's ready when the chocolate is melted. We can make them up while we wait for the others to get there." "How did we get roped into fire starting duty anyway?" "Tom actually had planned to do it, but when he asked to be relieved from his shift early, I told him I'd start the fire. It's a lot easier than juggling an already juggled duty roster just to get him off an hour or so early. Besides, I thought you might enjoy a little fresh air and sunlight. By the time this cookout gets going, it will be dark." They entered the transporter room and checked that Tom had provided the coordinates for the cookout to the crewman on duty. "Enjoy the cookout, Captain, Commander." The beam down coordinates were about twenty meters from a pile of wood. Another significantly larger pile was in the opposite direction about thirty meters away. Chakotay and Kathryn headed for the smaller pile. It definitely was the better site for a campfire. There were rocks near the pile of wood so Chakotay quickly spread a blanket on the ground and across a low rock, then tossed all but the food items behind the rock. Kathryn stood watching as Chakotay lighted the fire, her hands unconsciously wrapped around her ponytail. Chakotay stood as the fire slowly started growing and glanced at her smiling. "Don't worry, Kathryn, your hair is safe tonight. I brought plenty of matches and I can always use my phaser if they don't work." Kathryn jerked her hand down and laughed. "I didn't even realize what I was doing. Come on, you can show me how to make these banana boats." Laughing, they started peeling bananas and putting peanut butter and chocolate in them. Kathryn soon declared she was an expert at wrapping the finished product in foil. Chakotay eyed her with amusement. "Good, then when it's time to eat them, you can do the honors and take credit for making them. We'll see what Tom has to say about that expertise then." Kathryn's glare turned to amusement as she contemplated Tom's reaction and soon both were laughing and talking again. They put the banana boats off to the side until it was time to cook them. Chakotay checked the fire to make sure it was burning properly then turned to Kathryn. "Want to talk a short walk? We have time and the fire will be ok for a little while." Kathryn took his outstretched hand and together they headed into the woods. When they returned twenty minutes later, Harry and Tuvok had arrived with their contributions along with half a dozen other people. Kathryn was immediately checking out what they were contributing to the cookout. Harry didn't answer, but opened a channel to the ship and asked for his 'package' to be beamed to his location. A few seconds later, a large metal crock appeared next to him. Carefully Harry lifted the crock and placed it as close to the fire as he could. Kathryn's patience at learning its contents was wearing thin. "What is it?" "Something called 'baked beans.' Tom found the recipe and told me I had to bring it. I tasted it and it tastes better than it looks." Kathryn seemed satisfied with his answer. "What did you bring, Tuvok?" "I brought corn on the cob." He opened the bag he was carrying to reveal about four dozen ears of fresh corn. "According to my research, we place the corn on the coals for about twenty minutes, then remove the leaves and eat the corn. According to the illustrations in my research, you peel back the leaves and hold them while eating. I also have butter and salt for those who wish to apply it to the corn." Neelix arrived a few minutes later pulling a large chest on wheels. Kathryn was immediately at his side, or rather at the chest's side, lifting the lid to see what was in it. "Ice?" "Yes, Captain. But not just ice. Mr. Paris said the ice would soon melt and make it easier to get out the cans." "Cans?" "Yes. There are cans of a variety of beverages in the ice getting cold." "Beverages? What kind of beverages?" "Something Mr. Paris called 'pop' but there are about a dozen different kinds of 'pop'. There is beer and water, too." "No hot beverages, Neelix? You didn't bring any hot beverages?" Neelix's spots faded to orange as he realized what the captain meant. "I'm sorry, Captain, Mr. Paris assured me that cold beverages were all that were required. I'll go back to the ship right now and get a large thermos of coffee." Chakotay stepped forward. "Wait, Neelix. Kathryn, don't you think you can get through the evening without coffee?" Kathryn met his eyes and studied them thoughtfully. "All right, Commander. Neelix, thanks for your offer but I'll give some of the 'pop' a try." "Well, if you change your mind, Captain, I'll be happy to get your coffee later." Neelix moved on with his chest and dragged it away from the fire but near the rocks where people were sitting. Harry and Chakotay both opened the chest and sorted through the selection before making their choices followed by several of the others. Chakotay returned to their blanket with two cans and sat down. Kathryn joined him a few minutes later and accepted the can he held out to her. She eyed it suspiciously. "Read the ingredients, Kathryn. It has caffeine." Smiling like a cat with cream, she sat down next to him and fumbled to open the top. She had just figured out how to pop the top when Tom and B'Elanna arrived in a flurry of disorganization. An hour later, they were all sitting around the fire chatting. Tom had come with hamburgers and hot dogs and all the fixings for them. He had insisted that Harry try cooking a hamburger. It landed in the fire. Tom tried, and his landed in the fire. Tom tried again, and again and again. Finally, B'Elanna just took the hot dogs and sticks and passed them around to those interested. Even Tom had to admit that campfires and hamburgers didn't go together very well but he cheered up when the hot dogs were well received by Neelix and Harry. Tuvok and Chakotay eyed them suspiciously and decided to stick with the corn and baked beans. Kathryn tried one and proclaimed it 'adequate'. They had all agreed to wait a little while before having dessert. The group laughed and talked and teased Tom unmercifully about the hamburgers cooking in the fire instead of over the fire. Finally, in self defense, Tom started telling ghost stories. While he set the scene for the first one, Chakotay got up and put the banana boats in the coals to cook. When Chakotay sat back down, Kathryn shivered a bit in the cooling night air and slid closer to him. Both were soon engrossed in the story. Tom's second ghost story was set in the middle of a blizzard and Kathryn shivered again then rubbed her arms to generate some warmth. Chakotay reached behind their rock and pulled out the second blanket and put it around his shoulders. Kathryn looked at him and he held out his arm asking if she wanted to share. She quickly slid a fraction closer and he wrapped them both snugly in the blanket. Neelix was eager to contribute stories and started with a Talaxian counterpart of a fairy tale. Harry was soon chuckling. Even Tuvok seemed intrigued by the things that were considered suitable for children on Talaxia. Tom was listening but was also busy people watching, or rather command team watching. "Look at them, B'Elanna." "Shhhhh. She's cold and he brought the blanket." "They have two blankets; he could use one and she could use the other." "Shhhh!" As Neelix finished, Chakotay moved out from the blanket and started pushing the banana boats out of the fire with a stick. He then passed them around to everyone. Tom eyed the foil wrapped offering warily. "Just eat it, Paris. This cookout was your idea, so ENJOY!" "Who made these anyway?" "I did." Tom's fork stopped halfway to his mouth at Kathryn's words. He looked towards Chakotay, then Kathryn. Tuvok broke the silence. "I believe you have two choices, Mr. Paris. You can either insert that bite of the banana boat into your mouth, or you can insert your foot in its place." Tom chose the banana boat. When he finally swallowed, he actually looked surprised. "Hey, that's pretty good!" "Don't sound so surprised." Kathryn's smile belied the stern tone she used. "Now, Neelix, do you have any more stories for us?" Neelix started talking excitedly, eager to share with the others. Chakotay rejoined Kathryn on the blanket carrying their banana boats. She held the blanket open as he sat down then watched him while he opened one, then passed it to her before opening his own. Tom watched them as they ate in companionable silence as Neelix spun a tale of mystery and deceit among siblings. Harry got up and quietly collected all the banana peels and foil and put them in the container Tom had brought for trash. Neelix never missed a word. The stories continued for about half an hour before Tom lost interest and returned to his favorite pastime. He noticed that Kathryn and Chakotay were quietly exchanging remarks, or at least that's what he thought they were doing. Their heads were together and once in a while one of them would smile. "B'Elanna, look at them now. They're over there whispering like a couple of kids and I don’t think the captain is all that cold." B'Elanna turned to look just as Kathryn shivered again and pulled the blanket closer as she huddled next to Chakotay. Tom followed B'Elanna's look then heard her sigh in exasperation before turning her attention back to the stories. When Tom looked back, Kathryn was staring at him as if she could read his mind. Then she turned her head and whispered something in Chakotay's ear. He nodded and together they stood. "We're going back to the ship. The captain has been deprived of her coffee long enough." Chakotay and Kathryn gathered
their supplies. Chakotay reached down and picked up Kathryn's coat and
helped her put it on, then picked up the blankets and they walked silently
towards the beam down point arm in arm with Kathryn leaning her head on
his shoulder.