The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, her
crew and all things Trek.
PG-13 |
![]() From: T. Paris Subject: Command Location: Mess hall Time: 07:30 Don't you think there's a
difference in the Command Team this morning? Doesn't the captain seem to
have a glow about her that wasn't there yesterday? Isn't the commander
being a bit more possessive than usual?
Hey, Buster, you're sitting
closer to the Command Team. Do you notice anything different about her
this morning? Isn't she eating more than usual? And what about him? Doesn't
he look like a cat that got the cream?
The captain and commander
seem much their usual selves today. Why do you ask?
You can ignore Tom's questions.
He's just being his normal delusional self this morning. I don't suppose
you could make banana pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, could you?
What does the name "Nosy
Parker" mean? Is "Nosy" a nickname for Eugene? I'd be happy to make you
banana pancakes tomorrow.
It's too early for this stuff.
Why can't you just leave me and them alone? I'm trying to enjoy my breakfast
and get Jennifer to come with me on shore leave tomorrow. And before you
bother me again – they look just like they always do. Now go away and leave
us all eat in peace. And my name is not Buster!
No, "Nosy" is not a nickname for Eugene. It's my keeper's way…47e*(2 5&#^*( 4&j Never mind him. It means he sticks his nose into everyone's business but his own. Sorry he bothered you. Nosy's Keeper
![]() ![]() From: Your Best Bud Subject: Take another look Time: 07:48 Come on, Harry. Your table
is almost on top of theirs. Take a closer look and then tell me you don't
notice something different.
You didn't have to throw
your padd at me. Even the doc doesn't believe I walked into a bulkhead
hard enough to get this knot on my forehead and he thinks I'm a complete
idiot. Try it again and I'll write you up for insubordination and assaulting
a superior officer. You're lucky the Command Team didn't see you.
Do you notice anything unusual
about Tom's behavior today? He got Harry pretty upset in the mess hall.
Go ahead, write me up. I'll
file my own report. Threaten me again and I'll tell them anyway. I'm on
the bridge and you're late. And it wasn't luck!
Unusual for Tom? No, he strikes
me as being his usual scheming self today.
Aw, come on. You know I wouldn't
write you up. What are they whispering about? Come on, you can see the
Big Guy's screen. She touching him instead of the screen again? I need
details here.
I told you to leave me alone.
I just adjusted the artificial gravity under your station so every time
you turn around you'll just float away. Just to make it more fun for me,
I'm going to tell you she put her hand in some interesting places a few
minutes ago. Maybe next time you'll listen.
Sweetheart, could you check
out the artificial gravity under my station – and not mention the problem
to the captain or Chakotay? Thanks. Love you.
I didn’t want to mention
this where someone might overhear, but do you want me to find out why Harry
threw that padd at Tom and take appropriate disciplinary action? Any idea
what Tom did that got Harry so upset with him?
Sorry, Charlie. Harry copied
me on that last message. You're stuck – or rather, you're not stuck – to
your chair. He'll restore the AG as soon as you start minding your own
business. And if you bother me again, I'll fix the AG under your chair
to about 6x Earth normal. Do I make myself clear, Pancake?
Of course not. I'm sure Tom
was trying to drag Harry into some scheme again. I have no doubt Tom was
behind it and letting Harry get away with it in our presence is punishment
enough. Unless of course you want to let Harry know we know without letting
him know we know. You know? Oh, and have him correct that 'malfunction'
in the AG at the helm. I'm tired of watching Tom trying not to move.
Run a diagnostic on the AG
and make sure it's properly functioning in ALL areas of the ship. You might
also get someone to check out the mess hall for stray objects or faulty
overhead hatches and doors. It seems Mr. Paris hit his head in there this
morning and I'd hate to see anyone else get hurt.
You're lucky you fixed the
AG before the captain walked over to my station on her way to her ready
room. I wonder why they're so late to this meeting. Look, you watch him
and I'll keep an eye on the captain. I know something is up today.
Yea, sure. Something was
up all right. A nice long report from Tuvok and more security drills. Even
B'Elanna is tuning him out.
She was startled when he
touched her. She almost jumped out of her chair. When was the last time
that happened? Come on. Admit it. Something is different about them today.
Even he was surprised she was surprised.
She didn't almost jump out
of her chair. She barely moved. Now stop bothering me or I'll be bothering
you later in a way you most definitely will NOT enjoy.
Even B'Elanna noticed her
jump just now. Now I KNOW something is up.
Don't you think the crew
is acting a bit peculiar today? Even B'Elanna isn't paying attention to
Was that before or after
Tuvok glared at her because of you? And before you ask, no, I'm not giving
you copies of my notes from the meeting. Next time you can pay more attention
and take your own notes. Just hope you caught the change in your assignment
for the drills.
Come on, buddy. B'Elanna
didn't make any notes other than how engineering was affected. You wouldn't
want to see me get in trouble with Tuvok, would you?
You're the one who was as
skittish as a hyperactive jumping bean. Perhaps there's something you want
to share with the Senior Staff?
For that last remark, you
can write the summary of this afternoon's meeting. I hope you took better
notes than Tom.
Talk about stupid. You were
so busy watching the captain, you didn't even hear the commander talking
to you. Now you're stuck running diagnostics the rest of the day. Take
my advice, butt out of their business before you get busted down to expendable
cargo. As for Tuvok, I'd love to see you squirm when he asks you what part
of his report you didn't understand, preferably with the Command Team looking
We're having dinner and then
we're going to your place to talk. You've been on edge all day and we're
going to get this worked out.
That's "Captain Janeway"
to you, mister. I have work to do so I'll eat later. We can talk tomorrow.
I have a few questions about
your report and the planned security drills. Would it be possible for you
to send me your outline and schedule again? I don't want to cause you any
extra work.
Don't make me smile at you
in front of Tom. After last night, I know exactly how that affects you
and somehow I don't think you want him to know just yet. Dinner after the
shift changes and then talk. As for work, you can decide about that after
we talk.
Dinner but I really do have
more work to do. We can talk tomorrow.
I doubt that reading what
you have already heard will serve little purpose. I propose that we meet
and you can explain your understanding of my report and security drill
procedures. I will endeavor to clarify any points you may have misunderstood
or overlooked. Fortunately, I have the entire evening free. I will meet
you in the briefing room at 16:05. I will make arrangements for Mr. Neelix
to supply our dinner so we can work without interruption.
Dinner then we talk. You're
the one who wants to keep a low profile and if you keep acting like you
have something to hide, Tom won't be the only one thinking something happened
last night. Or do you want to pretend to me that nothing happened, too?
I'm going to be working late
with Tuvok tonight. He needs my help with a few details about the changes
in the security drills. Don't wait up. Love you.
All right. You win.
This isn't a battle. You're
obviously not comfortable with what happened. If last night bothers you
that much, we need to talk – not exchange messages.
I'm free for dinner. Care
to join me in the messhall and then check out Sandrine's? It should be
a peaceful evening. Tom is going to be with Tuvok all evening discussing
the changes in security drill procedures. I'd love to be a fly on the wall
when he finds out that there aren't any changes. Wonder how he got that
idea? Mmmmmmmm?
I hate it when you're right. You know that? I guess it's one of the reasons I love you. Return
to Voyager Index
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