The Japanese art of formal flower arrangement with special regard shown to balance, harmony, and form. Haiku Japanese verse form, notable for its compression and suggestiveness. It consists of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Traditionally and ideally, a haiku presents a pair of contrasting images, one suggestive of time and place, the other a vivid but fleeting observation. Working together, they evoke mood and emotion. |
by Dakota
December 2000 Which way should she go?
December 2000 Yesterday she smiled.
December 2000 They awake as one.
December 2000 She looks around her.
December 2000 Cheers, fireworks, good food.
December 2000 Hands move, feet shuffle.
December 2000 They plot in the halls.
December 2000 She watches him write.
December 2000 She cries out his name.
October 2001 His breath brushes her neck:
October 2001 She shares with herself
October 2001 She curses his name.
October 2001 Strapless and backless
November 2001 She asks; he answers.
November 2001 Fond memories shared:
November 2001 Information to
November 2001 I watch them talking.
November 2001 Tears shine brightly as
November 2001 He stands on the bridge,
December 2001 Wheedle, wheedle, wheed
The Ikebana with my haiku are from a wonderful web site by NihonKoryu,
a school where students study Ikebana. The site is well worth the
visit. If you get a message that you can't read the Japanese text
on the site, don't worry, there is an English version. Their url
is: http://www.nihonkoryu.org/nihonkoryu/contents-e.html
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