The Kings of the Hill own Voyager, the characters and all things Trek.

by Dakota

Kathryn sat in her ready room trying to think of a solution to the problem confronting her. They had left the Caretaker's array about four weeks earlier and had been dodging various sects of the Kazon ever since. Nearly a third of her crew had been fugitives and should have been confined to the brig instead of manning various posts on Voyager. Giving them all field commissions in Starfleet had not been easily accepted by any of her 'fleet crew and the adjustment to 'fleet procedures had been difficult for all except the Maquis captain, but he had been in Starfleet for nearly twenty years before resigning his commission and joining the Maquis, so the ship's routine was familiar to him.

Kathryn had thought that as the days and weeks passed, things would become easier and the crews would slowly accept each other. It wasn't happening and from what she could tell, tension was slowly increasing between the two groups.  She was trying to think of possible explanations. The constant engagements with the Kazon and frequent alerts to deal with their attacks had worn everyone's nerves thin, including her own. She tried to think of anything that could explain the increasing tension.

Chakotay had committed to do all he could to smooth the mingling of the two groups. From what Kathryn could tell, he had kept his word. So far, when he disagreed with her, he expressed his arguments and opinions in the ready room, followed her orders when she continued to disagree and thanked her for accepting his suggestions on the rare occasions she had. She had even overheard him reprimand one of his former crew for questioning her decisions.

No, as far as she could tell, Chakotay was not the reason for the increase in tension -- at least not the tension among the crew. She was becoming more and more aware of him. She could practically hear sparks crackling between them when he entered the ready room and the hairs stood up on the back of her neck when he sat down next to her for meetings with the senior staff. She had been trying to keep their private conversations to a minimum. As much as she was reluctant to ask for his help, Kathryn knew she was going to need it sooner or later. If the situation continued to deteriorate, it could cause irreparable damage to crew relations. She was satisfied that he was not part of the problem; therefore, he was the best person to help find a solution.

"Commander, would you please join me in the ready room."

"Aye, Captain."

Kathryn waited knowing it would take Chakotay less than a minute to hand over the bridge and reach the door. Sure enough, the chime sounded promptly and Kathryn called for him to be admitted. She looked up and motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her own. He looked slightly confused as he took his seat.

"You wanted to speak to me, Captain?"

"Yes. Tell me, how would you describe the morale of the crew."

"I'd say crew morale was pretty good right now, all things considered." Chakotay paused then continued. "But I don't think morale is quite what you meant, is it?"

"No. What word would you use?"

"I'm not sure, but if you want to know if I think there is rising tension among the crew, you're right. I've noticed it."

"Any ideas about the cause?"

"I have one or two but I've been reluctant to pursue them so far. I was hoping they would peak and decline."

"So was I, but I don't see any sign of it even leveling off. I want to stop it before it gets any worse. Do you think you can confirm or disprove those one or two ideas in the next day or two?"

"I can try. The one I'm pretty sure I can confirm by tomorrow. The other might take me a bit longer."

"Does either of these ideas have to do with a possible mutiny in the works?"

"No, at least not that I've heard. If anyone is even considering that, they've kept it from me and the few people I trust to tell me if they heard something like that. One idea does involve keeping my former crew aware that they aren't really part of Starfleet. When I confirm it, I'll take steps to stop it. With your permission, of course."

"Just so you don't put any of our senior officers in the brig without telling me first."

"I promise to consult you before I arrest Tuvok for spying."

Kathryn smiled at his joke. "Thank you. Update me tomorrow afternoon."

"Aye, Captain." Chakotay stood and was headed for the door when Kathryn cleared her throat. He stopped and turned. "Permission to return to the bridge?"

"Granted, Commander. Thank you."

"Mind if I join you, Ensign?"

The voice startled Sam back to the mess hall. She looked up to see a slight smile on Joe Carey's face. "No, please sit down, Lieutenant. I'm finished anyway so I guess I should leave. It's a bit crowded."

"Please, I don't want to drive you away." Joe blushed slightly. "I'd rather you stayed and kept me company. And it's Joe to my friends."

It was Sam's turn to blush. "All right. I'm Samantha but Sam to my friends."

They were silent for a few minutes while Joe started eating and Sam nervously pushed what was left of her lunch around on the plate.

"How are you doing?" Joe's voice broke the silence.

"Fine." Sam kept her answer brief until she realized what Joe meant. "Oh, you mean the baby?"

"Yes. But if you don't want to answer, it's ok. I know it's not really any of my business."

"No, it's ok. I'm still fine." Sam glanced at Joe and saw a gentle smile and real concern. "I'll manage."

"I know the feeling – but in reverse."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have two boys back home. I always miss them but I usually know about how long I'll be gone. That was true when I last saw them but now, I don't know. You'll at least have your child here with you."

"I hadn't thought about it like that. There are probably a lot more people on board with children than I thought. I know quite a few left husbands and wives behind. Is it harder knowing how long it will be before you see your boys again?"

"It feels harder but that could just be me. Before the Caretaker, I thought about them everyday – about what they were doing, whether they missed me, but now I just wonder whether I'll ever see them again and if they'll actually remember me when I do. Nothing has really changed but the distance. There was always the possibility that I'd never see them again."

"I know what you mean. I knew when my husband and I started trying to have children that I'd probably find out while on a mission like this and not be able to share the news with him right away, but I feel so alone." Sam smiled. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not alone."

"Don't be sorry. I know what you mean. All of us have family and friends back in the Alpha Quadrant. We're used to being able to talk to them or exchange letters easily. Now we can't. We're all cut off from them. None of us are used to relying on the others along on an assignment for that personal support. I feel alone, too. I guess that's why I came over. You looked a bit alone and I thought maybe we could be friends?"

"I'd like that." Sam smiled at Joe then glanced at the chronometer. "I'd better get going. I have to be back on duty in a few minutes."

"So do I. I'll walk you to the lab."

"Are you sure you have time? I wouldn't want you to get another broken nose for being late."

Joe laughed and nodded across the room. "I'll be fine. Lieutenant Torres started her break about fifteen minutes ago so I'm safe for the moment."

Joe took both trays and put them in the recycle area before escorting Sam out of the mess hall. Across the room, B'Elanna Torres sat with a group of her friend's from the Maquis talking.

"Look, Seska. I think you're imagining things." The discussion turned heated and soon attracted the attention of two of the bridge officers.

"Why do you keep looking at her, Harry?"

"She's beautiful." Harry glanced at Tom. "It suits me just fine that you disagree. You can date both Delaney sisters for all I care."

"They don't do three on a date. You have to come with us. Jenny specifically asked if you were the friend who was coming along."

"She did?" Harry was distracted momentarily before his attention was drawn back to the fiery woman across the room. "Don't you think she's beautiful?"

"They look alike – they're both gorgeous."

"Not the Delaney's, Lieutenant Torres."

"Huh? Oh, yea, I guess she's kind of pretty." Tom finally took a long look at B'Elanna Torres. She was in the middle of a heated discussion with some of the others at her table and was talking animatedly. He thought about what Harry had said and decided that she was beautiful. He was thoughtful for a moment before he concluded that she might be worth getting to know if Harry's reluctance messed things up with the Delaney twins.

As he watched, Chakotay entered the room and approached B'Elanna. They exchanged a few words then he moved to get his lunch while she moved to a smaller table away from the crowd. Tom was trying to figure out what was going on between them when Harry punched his arm.

"Hey, I said we have to get back to the bridge. If we're late, the captain will have our heads."

"Huh? Oh, ok."

Chakotay had spent part of the previous evening and most of the morning talking to his former crew. He had waited until last to speak to B'Elanna, knowing that she might not like what he had to say.

"Ok, Chakotay, what's so important that I have to talk to you during my lunch break."

"Sorry, B'Elanna. Have you heard any mention of a mutiny in the works?"

"No. A lot of people are not exactly pleased with some of the stuff going on, but I haven't heard anyone suggest a mutiny." B'Elanna paused to consider what she knew. "I've heard a few people say they wished they were back on our old ship but the rest is just rumbling, certainly nothing more than I ever heard in the Maquis when things weren't going too well."

"Do you get the feeling that someone is stirring up trouble?"

"You mean intentionally trying to get people upset?"

"That or maybe just always being rude to 'fleet people, pointing out every little benefit that seems to be only for the original crew? Things like that."

"Just Seska and her usual complaining. She's always pointing out who has better quarters or gets the best duty shifts." B'Elanna hesitated knowing that once Chakotay had been close with Seska. "She's even taken to criticizing you, saying you've sold us all out."

"Do you think I've sold you all out?"

"No. At least no more than I or anyone else has. Look, I don't like what we've all had to do, but I know you had no real choice. The Federation was never our enemy – they just weren't our friends. They need us as much as we need them."

B'Elanna seemed to have left something unsaid and Chakotay knew it. He gave her a few minutes to think and eat before he pushed her for the rest.

"Keep going, B'Elanna. There's something you haven't told me. What else have you heard?"

"One of Seska's favorite comments is that you've turned into the captain's personal toy." B'Elanna rushed to continue when she saw Chakotay's face. "I know it's not true and so do the rest of us, but it sometimes seems as if you might be giving in too much too her, that you're turning into a 'yes' man."

"Why are you so sure what Seska says isn't true?"

"I know you, Chakotay. You would never be her boy toy and you don't have the look of a man with a woman warming his bed at night." She paused before continuing. "There's something more that the crew might be picking up on. The captain seems to avoid you. She's uncomfortable when you're around. I think most of the people think it's because she doesn't trust you or the rest of the Maquis."

"What do you think?"

"I don't think it's distrust that bothers her. I think it's you."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dense with me, Chakotay. I know you. Remember? When you two are in a room, I can practically see the sparks. Why don't you make her your toy? That might calm both groups down a bit."

"I don't need your advice on how to treat the captain." Chakotay's voice was angry.

"Hey! You're the one who asked what I thought. I was just giving you my opinion." B'Elanna gave as good as she got, even to a superior officer.

"You're right, B. I appreciate your input. Oh, let's keep this discussion between us for the time being, ok?" Chakotay stood to leave.

"Whatever you say, Chakotay. Just do something about those sparks before they set off a real explosion."

Later that afternoon, Chakotay sent the captain a message that he had the report ready that she had requested but wanted to discuss it with her in his office. Kathryn was puzzled by his request but decided to go along with it. About 15:30 hours she sounded the chime to his door. Chakotay was already on his feet and at the replicator as the door slid open. He brought her coffee and sat back down in his chair.

"Why did you want to meet with me down here, Commander?"

"Well, some of what I'm going to tell you might spark a bit of a debate. We're just a little farther from the bridge here so it's less likely we'll be overheard."

"You mean I'm not going to like what you have to tell me?"

"Actually I think you might have a problem with the solution I'm going to suggest. But let's get past the other points before we get to that discussion.

"First of all, I found out one of the main problems. It seems that Seska has been stirring up trouble with the Maquis component of the crew and generally being rude to the 'fleet component. As far as I could learn, it's all talk and there is nothing more to it.

"I've restricted her to quarters when she's not on duty and told her she won't see another person until I am convinced she's going to behave herself. She resisted my orders so I relieved her for the rest of the day and had her escorted to her quarters. I left one guard on duty. I'd like to keep a guard on her for the next day or two but didn't want to go that far without your permission."

"If you think it's necessary, of course, post a guard."

"Yes, ma'am. Now, the second part of the problem is a bit more subtle and is definitely unintentional on the part of the person who is the source."

"How can you be so certain it's unintentional?"

"Because you are that person, Captain."

"What?" Kathryn's voice rose as she stood up. "How can you accuse me of causing unrest on my own ship?"

Chakotay stood. "It not an accusation, Captain. It's a simple statement. I told you it was unintentional. Please, sit down."

Kathryn glared at Chakotay for a minute before taking her seat again.

"Thank you. This isn't going to be easy for me to explain or for you to hear, so please bear with me. The crew thinks you don't trust me."

Kathryn started to speak but remembered in time to listen until he had finished. Time enough then to explain to him all the reasons why he was wrong.

"I know that's not the problem or at least it's not the reason the crew thinks you don't trust me. Apparently, they have picked up on the tension you feel when I'm around you and have decided that it's because you don't trust me. I get the impression that a few even believe you think I might try to hurt you or take over the ship. That's made the 'fleet crew nervous and the Maquis crew resentful.

"This entire misinterpretation makes everything Seska has said seem more plausible. Restricting her access to the others is a short-term solution and only addresses part of the problem. If we can eliminate the other part of the problem, Seska's influence will fade to nothing in a few weeks. I've only been able to come up with one way to deal with the crew's interpretation for the tension – give them a better, more believable explanation, the real explanation."

"And what exactly is the 'real' explanation."

"Sexual tension."

"What?!!!"  Kathryn was on her feet again and this time she started pacing the room. Chakotay stood and walked around his desk.

"Captain. Kathryn. Admit it. Admit that you feel the sparks between us when we're anywhere near each other. It's why you've practically banned me from your ready room. It's why you're seldom on the bridge when I am."

"What you're saying is… is.."

"Ridiculous? No, it's not. Unprofessional, maybe."

"We're the ranking officers on this ship. We can't …" Kathryn couldn't think of the words to express what they couldn't.

"We're a man and woman and we can."  Kathryn's mouth opened as she struggled to find words. "I don't mean here and now but we have to start being seen together and you have to be comfortable with me."

Kathryn calmed down somewhat and considered what he had been saying. She knew she had been uneasy in his presence but she had thought she had kept her reaction to herself. "How am I supposed to become more comfortable around you?"

"Most of the problem is because you don't know what to expect or how you will react to it." Chakotay walked over to where Kathryn stood and stopped when he was nearly touching her. "Kiss me."


"I said kiss me. That's what you don't know – how you'll react if you kiss me. So kiss me and find out exactly how you'll react."

Kathryn could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing. "You're wrong. I do know how I'll react."

"Then kiss me and prove to yourself that you can control your reaction and I can control mine."

Kathryn inched closer to Chakotay and turned her head up. She eyed his lips knowing she would do as he told her. Slowly she raised her eyes to his then raised her hand to touch his tattoo. Her eyes followed her hand as it traced the dark lines. Chakotay smiled when Kathryn lifted her fingers to look for signs that the tattoo had rubbed off. His dimples drew Kathryn's eyes back to his mouth. Ever so slowly, she raised her lips to his.

Chakotay didn't move. Kathryn drew back and met his eyes again before kissing him again. This time her right hand moved around to the back of his head as her left snaked around his neck. As she pressed against his body, she felt his arms wrap around her and pull her closer as he started responding to her kiss. The kiss ended and she leaned the side of her face against his chest but neither moved to break apart. She felt his breath on her hair as he spoke.

"Now you know, Kathryn."

"I know I'm going to want more and it breaks all the rules I was raised and trained to follow."

"Nothing and no one ever anticipated you being stranded 75,000 light years from Federation space."

"Are you suggesting it's ok to break the rules if you have a reason?"

"You've already done that when you didn't toss me in the brig. This is no different."

"Chakotay, don't take this the wrong way, but I have to ask. Are you feeling coerced in any way? Are you doing this because I'm your superior officer?"

"No, I'm not doing anything I don't want to do. I promise to tell you if I ever feel that you are pushing me into a relationship I don't want." His hands moved lower on her back and pulled her closer. "Now, would you like to check your self-control again?"

"You're being a bad influence on me, Maquis."

"I'm just trying to be a good first officer by keeping the crew and captain happy."

"It's going to take more than one kiss in your office to keep me happy, Commander."

"Care to elaborate on that statement?"

"Not just yet but I might after dinner tonight – if you're half as good a cook as you are at testing my self-control."

"Does that mean I'm having company for dinner tonight?"


"And we're going to practice our self-control afterwards?"

"Not quite. I thought maybe we could find out how we react when we exceed the limits of our control -- just so we know." Kathryn lifted her head and looked Chakotay in the eye. "For the good of the crew. You understand?"

"I understand perfectly, Captain. For the good of the crew." His words were muffled as his lips met hers once again.

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